icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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Hypothesis Variables<br />

Endogenous Exogenous<br />

H3 Social Development Sustainable<br />

Economic Development<br />

Environmental<br />

Sustainability<br />

Development<br />

(MDG_Ready)<br />

The model considered H3 as an important contributor to assess<br />

successful E-Governance services adoption for achieving MDGs.<br />

Figure 5. The Observed Model (Path Diagram using LISREL 8.8)<br />

It is posited that sustainable development needs to be pursued<br />

notwithstanding the adoption of MDGs listed in national agenda.<br />

Sustainable development is argued to have three major<br />

dimensions and rural India needs careful interventions to achieve<br />

them. In this research work, hypothesis H3 therefore, considers it<br />

important to include empowerment of citizens through economic,<br />

social and environmental dimensions.<br />

Table 9: Testing of Hypotheses proposed through the Model<br />

Hypothesis Path<br />

Coefficient<br />

T-<br />

Statistics*<br />

Remarks<br />

H21 0.35 16.27 Path coefficient is positive<br />

and t-statistics is<br />

0.35 16.37<br />

significant, Hypothesis<br />

H21 is validated<br />

H22 0.22 9.02 Path coefficient is positive<br />

and t-statistics is<br />

0.24 10.34 significant, Hypothesis<br />

H22 is validated<br />

0.31 11.94<br />

0.25 10.25<br />

H23 0.13 2.62 Path coefficient is positive<br />

and t-statistics is<br />

0.19 2.83 significant, Hypothesis<br />

H23 is validated<br />

H3 0.92 0.38 Path coefficient is positive<br />

-0.25 0.22<br />

except in the case of<br />

Environment where the<br />

0.36 1.61<br />

coefficient is negative and<br />

t-statistics is significant,<br />

0.48 13.91 Hypothesis H3 is not<br />

validated<br />

0.46 19.06<br />

361<br />

Hypothesis Path<br />

* p < 0.05<br />

Coefficient<br />

T-<br />

Statistics*<br />

0.48 20.82<br />

Remarks<br />

It may be noted here that H3 has been negatively influenced by<br />

the environmental factors. It means that e-readiness is not<br />

encouraging in the areas of environmental empowerment in the<br />

levels of households, communities and government agencies.<br />

Other hypotheses in Tier-II have shown positive contributors for<br />

attaining overall sustainable development. The overall model<br />

fitness exercise has generated following structural equation:<br />

MDG_Ready = 0.36*ErSoc -0.25*ErEnv+0.92*ErEco,<br />

Errorvariance = 0.033, R² = 0.97 ----------------------------(1)<br />

This equation (1) explains the relationship between Dependent<br />

Exogenous Variable “MDG_Ready” (Overall e-Readiness of<br />

MDG) and the Endogenous Variables “ErSoc”(contributions of<br />

e-Readiness to Social empowerment), “ErEco”(contributions of<br />

e-Readiness to Economic empowerment) and<br />

“ErEnv”(contributions of e-Readiness to support Environmental<br />

empowerment). This structural equation with R 2 of 0.97 has<br />

indicated a “good fit” [16],[34] and with less error variance of<br />

0.033. It implies that MDG readiness with E-Governance as a<br />

component is influenced by the E-Governance services aimed at<br />

social, economic and environmental issues. It is important to note<br />

that the structural equation showed a negative contributions of E-<br />

Governance services for ensuring environmental sustainability.<br />

This denotes that there is enough scope for policy makers to<br />

prioritize E-Governance efforts in this direction. As regards<br />

contributions of E-Governance services in other two dimensions<br />

of sustainable development, most of the contributions are towards<br />

economic empowerment (0.92) followed by social empowerment<br />

(0.36).<br />

Further analysis on overall readiness of MDG driven sustainable<br />

development “MDG_Ready” indicates that respondents have<br />

indicated almost equal concerns for e-Readiness across all the<br />

three sustainable development dimensions (Economic 0.48, Social<br />

0.46 and environmnet0.48). This implies there is scope for<br />

establishing ever increasing role of E-Governance services in<br />

attaining MDGs for sustainable development.<br />



MDGs are expected to achieve its targets with active<br />

collaborations of the citizens, government agencies and other<br />

stakeholders. E-Governance services are aimed at providing the<br />

basis of networking among stakeholders, and providing desired<br />

information and services to the citizens. This scenario, particularly<br />

in the rural environment and in developing countries, is a<br />

necessity in which E-Governance services are made available with<br />

optimized cost, time, and latency. In this research, it is posited and<br />

proved that collaborative efforts are possible through ICT enabled<br />

E-Governance services. It is also shown that E-Readiness needs to<br />

be assessed at the local level to achieve MDGs in a nation like<br />

India. Besides, MDGs need to extend its purviews to support<br />

sustainable development and thus overall effort is to be made to<br />

empower local level entities including citizens to contribute to this<br />


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