icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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Technologies, Tools and Web 2.0 in Support of Public<br />

Administration Workplace Communications<br />


The aim of this paper is to investigate which are the technologies,<br />

tools and web 2.0 applications that support public administration<br />

workplace communications. The paper begins with e-<br />

Administration and web 2.0 uses in the context of public<br />

administration 2.0. Then the attention is focused on workplace<br />

communications review and technologies, and tools, which<br />

influence their efficiency and effectiveness. For the purpose of<br />

detailing the used public administration technologies and tools,<br />

O*NET database is investigated in terms of the governance and<br />

public management and administration occupations. In order to<br />

determine, to what extent the identified technologies, tools and<br />

web 2.0 applications are used in practice, an empirical survey is<br />

developed and carried out in “Information services and<br />

technologies” Directorate at Sofia Municipality. The paper<br />

concludes with a proposed PA 2.0 workplace communications<br />

model.<br />

Categories and Subject Descriptors<br />

H.3.5 [Online Information Services]: Data Sharing, Web-Based<br />

Services; H.4.1 [Office Automation]: Groupware, Spreadsheets,<br />

Time Management, Workflow Management; K.4.3<br />

[Organizational Impacts Automation]: Computer-Supported<br />

Collaborative Work<br />

General Terms<br />

Management, Performance, Economics, Human Factors<br />

Keywords<br />

ICT, Web 2.0, Public Administration, Communications<br />


“E-Government” refers to the use by government agencies of<br />

information technologies that have the ability to transform<br />

relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.<br />

These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better<br />

delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions<br />

with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access<br />

to information, or more efficient government management,<br />

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for<br />

personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are<br />

not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies<br />

bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for<br />

components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.<br />

Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to<br />

post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission<br />

and/or a fee.<br />

ICEGOV '12, October 22 - 25 2012, Albany, NY, United States, NY, USA<br />

Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1200-4/12/10…$15.00.<br />

Milena Krumova<br />

Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

Sofia 1000, bul. Kl. Ohridski 8<br />

+359 899 283987<br />

mkrumova@tu-sofia.bg<br />

301<br />

increasing revenue or re-structuring of administrative processes.<br />

[27]. The use of ICTs reflects on: (1) simplify and improve the<br />

internal administrative operations of government and their<br />

relations with other bodies involved in public management and<br />

service delivery; (2) facilitate public service interaction between<br />

government, citizens and other stakeholders, thus enabling better<br />

citizen participation and overall monitoring and evaluation of<br />

decision-making processes and their implementation; and (3)<br />

ensure inclusiveness and equal opportunity for all [14].<br />

According to M.Batorski and D.Hadden, e-Government did not<br />

achieve expected results because enabling technology was Web<br />

1.0 oriented. Social networking provides governments with a new<br />

paradigm: knowledge release rather than knowledge control.<br />

Government software technology can be categorized with the<br />

following framework [1]:<br />

o Internal: internal by governments<br />

o External: external to government with government<br />

involvement<br />

o Structural: follow government structure and mandate<br />

o Social: enable collaboration.<br />

eGovernment, both in practice and in concept, has been one of the<br />

important developments in public administration. The dynamic<br />

changes within the e-government reflect on the public<br />

administration internal and external communications and the<br />

services. The changes are strongly related to the people - public<br />

administrators and working requirements to them. Are they<br />

prepared to use technologies, tools and web 2.0 at their daily<br />

activities and communications?<br />

1.1 Research Objectives<br />

Fundamental and vital to public administration (PA) workplace<br />

communications is the information transmitting and making<br />

oneself understood by another or others. Communications are one<br />

of major challenges because they are a key for providing<br />

information, which results in efficient and effective performance<br />

in PA. The main goal of this study is to examine what are the<br />

main technologies, tools, in particular web 2.0 applications that<br />

support PA workplace communication? It seeks to increase the<br />

understanding that the effective use of technologies, tools and web<br />

2.0 (TTW2.0) possesses potential for communications<br />

improvement.<br />

1.2 Research Questions<br />

What are the major characteristics of e-Administration and PA 2.0<br />

in the context of TTW2.0?; How can PA workplace<br />

communications be improved by TTW2.0?; What are TTW 2.0

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