icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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[20] Ferrer, F. & Santos, P. (Orgs.). E-government: electronic<br />

government in Brazil. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2004.<br />

[21] Reinhard, N. & Dias, I. Categorization of E-Gov Initiatives:<br />

a comparison of three perspectives. In: X International<br />

Congress of CLAD on State Reform and Public<br />

Administration, Santiago, Chile, 18 to 21 October 2005.<br />

[22] Fugini, M.G., Maggiolini, P., Pagamaci, B. Why is it<br />

difficult to make a true "electronic government". Production<br />

Journal, v. 15, nº 3, p. 303-309, Sept./Dec. 2005.<br />

[23] SILVA, S. P. da.. Levels of democratic participation in the<br />

use of Internet by governments. Public Opinion [online].<br />

2005, vol.11, n.2, pp. 450-468. ISSN 0104-6276.<br />

[24] Rothberg, Danilo. For a research agenda on electronic<br />

democracy. Public Opinion [online]., v. 14, n. 1, pp. 149-<br />

172. ISSN 0104-6276. 2008.<br />

[25] Matheus, R. ; Ribeiro, M. M. . Models for Citizen<br />

engagement in Latin American Case studies of Public Digital<br />

Budgeting. In: III International Conference on Electronic<br />

Governance, 2009.<br />

[26] Frey, Klaus. Electronic Governance: Experiences of<br />

European cities and some lessons for developing countries. I<br />

Electronic Conference of the Virtual Centre for Policy<br />

Studies (CEVEP). 2000.<br />

[27] Frick, María M.. Electronic Participation Towards Open<br />

Government in Latin America. E-democracy Centre --<br />

Université de Genève -- Faculte de Droit, 40, bd Du Pont-<br />

D'Arve CH-1211 Genève 4 -- Switzerland. 2005.<br />

[28] WELP, Y.. (2010). ICT’s for Democracy in Latin America?.<br />


(ORGs): ePart 2010, LNCS 6229, pp. 42-53, 2010.<br />

[29] PEEL, D.. Using digital technologies to broaden public<br />

participation in planning. In: Cunha, M. A.; FREY,<br />

K. & DUARTE, F.. (Ed.). Local governance and information<br />

technology and communication. Champagnat, 2009.<br />

[30] Teixeira, A. Internet transparency in municipal governance:<br />

the experience of the state of Ceara. Fortaleza: Konrad<br />

Adenauer Foundation, 2004.<br />

[31] Teixeira, A. Guide to the transparency of citizenship: to<br />

prevent corruption. Ceará: Konrad Adenauer Foundation,<br />

2006.<br />

[32] Junior, Hélio Santiago Ramos & Rover, Aires José.<br />

Electronic Democracy in the Information Society. 2007.<br />

[33] Nunes, Edson. The political grammar of Brazil: patronage<br />

and bureaucratic insulation. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2003.<br />

[34] Miguel, L. F.. Acountability impasses: dilemmas and<br />

alternatives of political representation. Sociology and Politics<br />

Journal, v. 25, p. 25-38, 2005.<br />

425<br />

[35] Camerer, M.. Measuring Public Integrity. Journal of<br />

Democracy (Volume 17, Number 1, January 2006, pp. 152-<br />

165). 2006.<br />

[36] Kaufmann, D.. Transparency, Incentives and Prevention<br />

(TIP) for Corruption Control and Good Governance.<br />

Conference on Economic Reform and Good Governance:<br />

Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Beijing, April<br />

11-12th, 2002.<br />

[37] Peixoto, T.. e-Participatory Budgeting: e-Democracy from<br />

theory to success?. E-democracy Center - e-Working Papers<br />

2008.<br />

[38] Peixoto, T.. Beyond Theory: e-Participatory Budgeting and<br />

its Promises for eParticipation. European Journal of<br />

ePractice - www.epracticejournal.eu 1 Nº 7 - March 2009 -<br />

ISSN: 1988-625X.<br />

[39] Campos, Anna Maria. Accountability: When can we translate<br />

it to Portuguese. Revista de Administração Pública, Rio de<br />

Janeiro, v. 24, n. 2, p. 30-50, fev./abr. 1990.<br />

[40] Akutsu, L.. Government Portals in Brazil: accountability and<br />

delegative democracy. In: X International Congress of<br />

CLAD on State Reform and Public Administration, Santiago,<br />

Chile, 18 to 21 October 2005.<br />

[41] Speck, B. W.. Paths of Transparency. University of<br />

Campinas Press. 2004.<br />

[42] Pinho, José antonio Gomes de. Investigating e-government<br />

portals of states in Brazil: a lot of technology, poor<br />

democracy. Public Administration Journal – Rio de Janeiro<br />

42(3):471-93, May/June. 2008.<br />

[43] Vale, Paulo H. M. Electronic government in the dimensions<br />

and capacity-management, e-participation and etransparent:<br />

identifying aspects of electronic governance in<br />

64 municipalities in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte.<br />

PhD Thesis. Belo Horizonte: Fundação João Pinheiro. 2006.<br />

[44] MATHEUS, R. ; RIBEIRO, M. M.. Anti-corruption online<br />

tools in Latin America. In: III International Conference on<br />

Electronic Governance, 2009.<br />

[45] MATO GROSSO, State Court of Accounts Portals of<br />

Transparency: http://geoobras.tce.mt.gov.br/cidadao/.<br />

Accessed at: 12 May, 2011.<br />

[46] PARAIBA, State Court of Accounts Portals of Transparency:<br />

http://sagres.tce.pb.gov.br/estado_empenhos01.php.<br />

Accessed at: 18 May, 2011.<br />

[47] PARANA, State Court of Accounts Portals of Transparency:<br />

www.controlesocial.pr.gov.br/ObrasPublicasConsultar.asp.<br />

Acessed at: 24 May, 2011.<br />

[48] PIAUÍ, State Court of Accounts Portals of Transparency:<br />

srvapp.tce.pi.gov.br/obrasweb/. Accessed at: 08 June, 2011.

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