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icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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Anti-Corruption Online Monitoring Systems in Brazil<br />

Ricardo Matheus<br />

University of São Paulo<br />

Araújo street, 124. São<br />

Paulo – SP – Brazil<br />

+55(11) 7227-7521<br />

ricardomatheus<br />

@gmail.com<br />

Manuella M Ribeiro<br />

Fundação Getúlio Vargas<br />

Araújo street, 124. São<br />

Paulo – SP – Brazil<br />

+55(11) 7633-1678<br />

maiamanuella<br />

@gmail.com<br />


Since the development of electronic government, the main area<br />

using information and communication technologies in<br />

governments were financial control and tax payment. However,<br />

recently, this scenario has been changing and new forms of ICT<br />

have been used. One of this new form is the anti-corruption online<br />

monitoring systems. It is a new channel where all of information<br />

about governments is published on transparency portals and there<br />

is a complex system to receive inquires and charges, kind of<br />

ombudsman through the Internet. It was conducted an exploratory<br />

study of sub-national initiatives from Court of Accounts to find<br />

initiatives and a structured review of websites. The States Courts<br />

of Accounts are the entity responsible to control State<br />

Governments in Brazil. The final considerations reveals what are<br />

the limits and challenges of anti-corruption online monitoring<br />

systems have in terms of technological use, as web 2.0, social<br />

networks and others innovations perceived on the international<br />

literature review.<br />

Categories and Subject Descriptors<br />

J.1 [Computer Applications]: Administrative Data Processing –<br />

government<br />

General Terms<br />

Management, Theory.<br />

Keywords<br />

Anti-Corruption, Electronic Government, Electronic Governance,<br />

Latin America, Brazil.<br />



The Federative Republic of Brazil is the biggest country in South<br />

America, with around 190 million of habitants spread in<br />

8.514.876 km2 [1]. Brazil is also the first economy of South<br />

America and the 7th of the world [2]. The capital is Brasilia,<br />

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Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to<br />

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ICEGOV '12, October 22 - 25 2012, Albany, NY, USA<br />

Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1200-4/12/10...$15.00<br />

419<br />

José Carlos Vaz<br />

University of São Paulo<br />

Araújo street, 124. São<br />

Paulo – SP – Brazil<br />

+55(11) 2174-6800<br />

vaz<br />

@usp.br<br />

Cesar A de Souza<br />

University of São Paulo<br />

Araújo street, 124. São<br />

Paulo – SP – Brazil<br />

+55 (11) 3091-5892<br />

calesou<br />

@usp.br<br />

situated at the very center of the country, but the biggest and most<br />

economically dynamic city is São Paulo, at the Southeast. The<br />

country is divided in 26 States and 5.565 cities [1], which are<br />

federative units – which mean they are autonomous and have their<br />

own Legislative and Executive powers. The cities became<br />

autonomous after the Constitution of 1988, which marked the end<br />

of military dictatorship in the country, after 21 years. It is<br />

interesting to notice that, during the design of the same<br />

Constitution, it was tried to establish a parliamentary system, but<br />

the population, through a plebiscite held in 1993, chose the<br />

Presidential system of government.<br />

Recently, the Association of Brazilian Magistrates, pointed out at<br />

"Confidence Barometer in the Brazilian Institutions", that two of<br />

the three institutions with the worst ratings are linked to the<br />

Legislature [3]. This fact shows how necessary is to open<br />

Legislative Power and produce better governance of this actions<br />

and, recently, several public policies towards the idea of social<br />

control are reconfiguring relationships between state, society and<br />

market [4, 5]. The State is not seen anymore in Brazil as a<br />

promoter of policies top-down approach, but a mediator of social<br />

relations, with policies built collectively [5]. The society is called<br />

to be responsible also for the policies pursued by the government,<br />

and this space is that the concept of governance is gaining<br />

strength, the possibility of connectivity and transparency in<br />

government.<br />

Some of these innovations are from the use o ICTs in public<br />

administration, the e-government, and close impact of the<br />

government bureaucracy re-engineered during the State Reform in<br />

the 80’s and 90’s. On the Legislative Power, the wave of<br />

modernization came through the 'Interlegis Program' [6] focused<br />

on modernization and integration of Legislature at federal, state<br />

and municipal levels. Its modernization improved public policies<br />

to promote more transparency and interaction of that Power with<br />

society. With the ICTs on the legislative power, the scenario<br />

changed some States Courts of Accounts (SCAs), where computer<br />

applications and software were created and offered to citizens the<br />

possibility of social control improvements of government actions,<br />

increasing chances of corruption combating. Our goal in this<br />

article is to find the limits and challenges of anti-corruption online<br />

monitoring systems have in terms of technological use, as web<br />

2.0, social networks and others innovations perceived on the<br />

international literature review.

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