icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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According to ORDIT analysis with five and three indicators and<br />

sal5 & sal3 as indicators, the most severe districts of infant health<br />

are districts 90 and 87. The least severe districts are district 73,<br />

31, and 35 (all are cities). The most severe districts are in West<br />

Java. The two least severe districts are cities in Central Java and<br />

one least severe (best) district is a city in East Java. The least<br />

severe areas are city type districts. The most severe districts (90<br />

and 87) are also confirmed by the ULS method as the worst<br />

districts for infant health. These districts are in the hotspots area<br />

of three indicators. To improve infant health in Java, the<br />

government, especially the Health Department should give more<br />

attention to districts 90 (Indramayu) and 87 (Cirebon) which are<br />

the worst districts for infant health. Hopefully through this study,<br />

ORDIT ranking and ULS hotspot detection methods will be<br />

recognized to be useful micro tools to support decision makers in<br />

the e-governance.<br />


I would like to acknowledge the valuable guidance of Prof. G.P.<br />

Patil, Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics,<br />

Department of Statistics, the Pennsylvania State University. Many<br />

thanks to the Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia<br />

for financial support through the Doctoral Sandwich Program that<br />

I received.<br />


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