icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings

icegov2012 proceedings


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Conference on eGovernment (pp. 90-98). Limerick, Ireland:<br />

Academic Publishing.<br />

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[46] Grimsley, M., Meehan, A., Tan, A.,<br />

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[47] Bovaird, T., (2007), “Beyond Engagement<br />

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[48] Hochgerner, J., (2011). The Analysis of<br />

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[49] European Commission, (2010).<br />

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[50] Cursey, D., Norris, D., F., (2008). “Models of<br />

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[51] Esteves, J., Rhoda, C. J., (2008). ”A<br />

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[52] Kunstelj, M., Vintar, M., (2009). Evaluating<br />

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[53] Sarantis, D., Charabilidis, Y., Askounis, D.,<br />

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[54] Sarantis, D., Smithson, S., Charabilidis, Y.,<br />

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[55] Misuraca, G., Ferro, E. Caroleo, B (2010)<br />

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<strong>proceedings</strong> of the IFIP 8.5 eGOV2010 Conference,<br />

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[56] Grimsley, M., Meehan, A. Tan, A., (2004).<br />

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[57] Misuraca, G., Broster, D. and Centeno, C.,<br />

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