Schaff - History of the Christian Church Vol. 8 - Media Sabda Org

Schaff - History of the Christian Church Vol. 8 - Media Sabda Org

Schaff - History of the Christian Church Vol. 8 - Media Sabda Org


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462<br />

“Tametsi in Christo eligimur, ordine tamen illud prius est ut nos<br />

Dominus in suis censeat, quam ut faciat Christi membra.<br />

“Tametsi Dei voluntas summa et prima est rerum omnium causa, et<br />

Deus diabolum et impios omnes suo arbitrio subiectos habet, Deus<br />

tamen neque peccati causa vocari potest, neque mali autor, neque ulli<br />

culpae obnoxius est.<br />

“Tametsi Deus peccato vere infensus est et damnat quidquid est<br />

iniustitiae in hominibus, quia illi displicet, non tamen nuda eius<br />

permissione tantum, sed nutu quoque et arcano decreto gubernantur<br />

omnia hominum facta.<br />

“Tametsi diabolus et reprobi Dei ministri sunt et organa, et arcana<br />

eius judicia exsequuntur, Deus tamen incomprehensibili modo sic in<br />

illis et per illos operatur ut nihil ex eorum vitio labis contrahat, quia<br />

illorum malitia iuste recteque utitur in bonum finem, licet modus<br />

saepe nobis sit absconditus.<br />

“Inscite vel calumniose faciunt qui Deum fieri dicunt autorem peccati,<br />

si omnia eo volente et ordinante fiant: quia inter manifestam hominum<br />

pravitatem et arcana Dei iudicia non distinguunt.”<br />

II. The Lambeth Articles.<br />

In full agreement with Calvin are <strong>the</strong> LAMBETH ARTICLES, 1595. They<br />

were intended to be an obligatory appendix to <strong>the</strong> Thirty-nine Articles<br />

which, in Art. XVII., present only <strong>the</strong> positive side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> doctrine <strong>of</strong><br />

predestination, and ignore reprobation. They were prepared by Dr.<br />

Whitaker, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Divinity in Cambridge, and approved by, Dr.<br />

Whitgift, Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Canterbury, Dr. Hutton, Archbishop <strong>of</strong> York, and<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> prelates convened at Lambeth Palace, London; also by Hooker<br />

(with a slight modification; see Hooker’s Works, ed. by Keble, II. 752 sq.).<br />

But <strong>the</strong>y were not sanctioned by Queen Elizabeth, who was displeased that<br />

a Lambeth Synod was called without her authority, nor by James I., and<br />

gradually lost <strong>the</strong>ir power during <strong>the</strong> Arminian reaction under <strong>the</strong> Stuarts.<br />

They are as follows: —<br />

“1. God from eternity hath predestinated certain men unto life; certain<br />

men he hath reprobated.

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