Sak 03807 O Vedlegg Fagleg Rapportering 2006 - Helse Vest

Sak 03807 O Vedlegg Fagleg Rapportering 2006 - Helse Vest

Sak 03807 O Vedlegg Fagleg Rapportering 2006 - Helse Vest


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310Gold, C., Lygren, M., Karterud, I. M., & Petersen, I."Music therapy for psychotic patients: research and clinical perspectives."Paper presented at the 15th ISPS International Congress for the Psychotherapy of the Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses,Madrid, Spain.Gold, C."Music therapy for people with psychotic disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials."Paper presented at the Unifob helse seminar, Marsteinen, Norway.Gold, C."Musikkterapi for mennesker med schizofreni."Paper presented at the Kulturuken på Bjørgvin DPS, Tertnes, Norway.Klinisk forskning - Psychiatry & Clinical Psychology

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