Hrvatski filmski savez

Hrvatski filmski savez

Hrvatski filmski savez


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»metodolo{kim teorijama« postavlja pitanje izbora odre|ene perspektive<br />

koja potom sna`no utje~e na odre|ivanje podataka i na zaklju~ke. Tre}u<br />

skupinu teorija odre|uje istra`ivanje specifi~nih istra`iva~kih polja. Casetti,<br />

me|utim, isti~e va`nost u`itka u istra`ivanju, kvalitete postavljenih pitanje<br />

i gusto}e dobivenih odgovora.<br />

Mirko Petri}<br />

I semiotika i kognitivizam?<br />

UDK: 791.32(049.3)<br />

Povezivanje semiotike i filma u naslovu knjige Warrena Bucklanda mo`e<br />

zazvu~ati kao oksimoron, ne odve} uvjerljiv u kontekstu stru~ne rasprave.<br />

Buckland je svjestan toga problema i obja{njava sukob izme|u kognitivnih<br />

teoreti~ara filma i onih teoreti~ara ~ija se filmska teorija temelji na lingvistici<br />

i semiotici. Kognitivna teorija filma (Bordwell, Carroll...) akademski<br />

legitimitet djelomice temelji upravo na odbacivanju postavki filmske semiotike.<br />

Buckland me|utim ukazuje na skupinu europskih znanstvenika koji<br />

su razvili premise za program koji se mo`e nazvati »kognitivnom semiotikom<br />

filma«. Buckland `eli zajednici engleskog govornog podru~ja predstaviti<br />

rad Francesca Casettija i kasnoga Metza, potom rad Rogera Odina, Michela<br />

Colina i Dominiquea Chateaua, s zaklju~kom utemeljenim na Odinovoj<br />

razradi lingvisti~kih postavki Noama Chomskog (transformacijska generativna<br />

gramatika). Premda koncepcija kognitivne semiotike filma nije<br />

sasvim uvjerljiva, Bucklandova je analiza va`nih teorijskih problema svejedno<br />

zanimljivija od mnogih glasovitih novijih teorijskih studija.<br />

Tomislav Brlek<br />

Privid zablude<br />

UDK: 791.633-051Téchiné, A.<br />

791.221/.228(44)<br />

Sedam godina nakon filma Les voleurs (Lopovi), novi film Andréa Téchinéa<br />

u potpunosti je ispunio opravdano velika o~ekivanja potencirana dugim<br />

~ekanjem. Film u prvi plan isti~e upravo raznovrsne oblike dinamike<br />

odnosa, kako u prostoru, tako i me|u likovima, razvijaju}i omiljenu Téchinéovu<br />

problematiku oblika i me|uodnosa dru{tvene i psiholo{ke inicijacije.<br />

Kao i uvijek u Techinéovim filmovima, gluma~ke su izedbe besprijekorne,<br />

a osobito se isti~e maestralna Emmanuelle Béart. Iznimno slo`ena dinamika<br />

odnosa me|u likovima, oblikovana bri`ljivim nijansiranjem arhetipske<br />

strukture, ostvaruje se prvenstveno kroz neizre~eno i nazna~eno. Téchiné<br />

op}enito sustavno izbjegava »velike« prizore, a uglavnom ne koristi ni orijentacijske<br />

kadrove, pru`aju}i tako glumcima priliku da likove razvijaju u<br />

vremenu, kroz sekvence, a gledateljima da, tako|er postupno, sami rekonstruiraju<br />

prostorne odnose.<br />

Dejan D. Markovi}<br />

Ameri~ki (anti)ratni film: sanitizovani<br />

pogled na stvarnost<br />

UDK: 791.222(73)(091)<br />

Tekst pru`a sa`et kriti~ki pregled povijesti holivudskog ratnog i antiratnog<br />

filma, s posebnim osvrtom na filmove oVijetnamskom ratu. Glavna je teza<br />

pritom da ameri~ki (anti)ratni filmovi daju sanitizirani pogled na rat. Klasi~ni<br />

holivudski ratni film — onaj o Drugom svjetskom ratu posebno — prikazivao<br />

je rat kao popri{te herojstva i poligon patriotizma. Rat je u svojoj<br />

(krvavoj) autenti~nosti prikazan tek u filmovima onih redatelja koji su rat<br />

(Drugi svjetski, Vijetnamski) do`ivjeli iz prve ruke, odnosno pro`ivjeli kao<br />

vojnici — u radovima Samuela Fullera (The Big Red One) ili Olivera Stonea<br />

(Platoon). Poraz klasi~ne, nacionalisti~ke matrice `anra (inkarnirane u<br />

liku Johna Waynea) pogotovo su uzrokovali »vijetnamski« filmovi poput<br />

Apokalipse sada i Lovca na jelene, budu}i da se s tim ratom izgubila jednostavna<br />

podjela na pozitivce i negativce i promijenio pogled same ameri~ke<br />

publike na ameri~ku vanjsku politiku. S tim filmovima prestaje i izravan<br />

utjecaj dr`avne politike na propagandne kvalitete holivudskih filmova. No,<br />

i »vijetnamski« filmovi prikazuju »svoj« rat autenti~no podvrgavaju}i povijest<br />

radu holivudskih narativnih konvencija. Kako u slu~aju ovog rata nije<br />

bilo »jednostavne«, za ameri~ku stranu pozitivne povijesti, rat je prikazan<br />

206<br />

Hrvat. film. ljeto, Zagreb / god 11 (2005), br. 42, str. 203 do 211 Sa`eci / Summaries<br />

Second group of film theories that Casetti had entitled »methodological<br />

theories«, introduced the question of the choice of a particular perspective<br />

that subsequently strongly influences identification of data and the conclusions.<br />

The third group of theories determined the research of specific fields<br />

of research. However, Casetti stresses the importance of enjoyment in the<br />

research, the quality of questions asked and the consistency of answers.<br />

Mirko Petri}<br />

Both semiotics and cognitivism?<br />

UDK: 791.32(049.3)<br />

Connecting semiotics and film in the title of Warren Buckland’s book may<br />

sound as an oxymoron, not very persuasive in the context of expert discussion.<br />

Buckland is aware of this problem and explains the conflict<br />

between cognitive theoreticians of film and the authors who base their film<br />

theory on linguistics and semiotics. Cognitive theory of film (Bordwell,<br />

Carroll...) draws its academic legitimacy precisely on the rejection of precepts<br />

of film semiotics. Buckland, however, identifies a group of European<br />

scientists who developed tenants for the program that could be called<br />

»Cognitive Semiotics of Film«. Buckland wants to present to English speaking<br />

countries the work of Francesco Casetti and late Metz, as well as the<br />

work of Roger Odin, Michel Colin and Dominique Chateau, with the conclusion<br />

based on Odin’s elaboration of Noam Chomsky’s linguistic precepts<br />

(transformational generative grammar). Although the concept of cognitive<br />

semiotics of film is not too credible, Buckland’s analysis of important<br />

theoretical problems remains more interesting than many famous recent,<br />

theoretical studies.<br />

Tomislav Brlek<br />

Strayed illusions<br />

UDK: 791.633-051Téchiné, A.<br />

791.221/.228(44)<br />

Seven years after the film Thieves (Les voleurs), new film by André Téchiné<br />

completely fulfilled great expectations incited by the long wait. The film<br />

puts in the foreground various forms of relationship dynamics, both in<br />

space and between the characters, developing Téchiné’s favourite problematics<br />

of forms and interrelations of social and psychological initiation.<br />

As always in Téchiné’s films, acting is flawless, but masterly Emmanuelle<br />

Béart still stands out. Extremely complex character dynamics, shaped by<br />

careful nuancing of the archetypal structure, establishes itself primarily<br />

through the unsaid and outlined. Téchiné generally and systematically<br />

avoids »great« scenes, and rarely uses master shots, offering actors the<br />

opportunity to develop characters in time, through sequences, and the<br />

viewers to gradually reconstruct spatial relations.<br />

Dejan D. Markovi}<br />

American (anti)war film — Sanitized<br />

view of reality<br />

UDK: 791.222(73)(091)<br />

This text offers a concise critical overview of the history of Hollywood war<br />

and antiwar film, with an emphasis on films about the Vietnam war. The<br />

main theses of the text are that American (anti)war films offer a sanitized<br />

view of war. Classical Hollywood war film — especially those about World<br />

War II — described war as a stage for heroism and proving ground for<br />

patriotism. War is represented in its (bloody) authenticity only in films by<br />

those directors who witnessed the war (World War II, Vietnam) first hand,<br />

that is to say, as soldiers — in the works by Samuel Fuller (The Big Red One)<br />

or Oliver Stone (Platoon). »Vietnam« films like Apocalypse Now and The<br />

Deer Hunter caused the fall of the classical, nationalist matrix (incarnated<br />

in the person of John Wayne), because Vietnam war erased the simplistic<br />

division on villains and heroes, and changed the way American public<br />

viewed American foreign policy. These films also terminated influence of<br />

the state policy on the indoctrinating quality of Hollywood films.<br />

However, even in »Vietnam« films »their« war was presented authentically<br />

by submitting history to Hollywood narrative conventions. Since in the<br />

case of this war there was no »simple«, for the American side positive his-<br />

H R V A T S K I F I L M S K I L J E T O P I S 42/2005.

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