28.12.2013 Aufrufe

Die ältere Genesis. [The text of the Junius Manuscript of Caedmon's ...

Die ältere Genesis. [The text of the Junius Manuscript of Caedmon's ...

Die ältere Genesis. [The text of the Junius Manuscript of Caedmon's ...


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:<br />

V. 1770—1794. Isaaks Verheißung. Aufbruch der Engel. 67<br />

1770 l)xt |)eere sprsece sped folgode.<br />

(2385) l^ä ^%t gehyrde he<strong>of</strong>ona waldend,<br />

|)«^ on büre ähöf bryd Abrahames<br />

hihtleasne hleahtor, loa cwsed hälig god:<br />

'Ne wile Sarräi söd gelyfan<br />

1775 'wordum minum: sceal seo wyrd swä J)eah<br />

(2390) 'ford steallian, swä ic |)e set frymde gehet.<br />

'Söd ic |)e secge, on J)äs sylfan tid<br />

'<strong>of</strong> idese bid eafora waecned:<br />

'|)onne ic |)äs ilcan ödre side<br />

1780 'wie gesece, J>e beod wortZgehät<br />

(2395) 'min geläested: J)ü on magan wlltest,<br />

'|)in ägen bearn, Abraham le<strong>of</strong>a!' XXXIIII.<br />

Gswiton him |)ä gedre ellorfüse<br />

aefter |)£ere spräce spedum feran;<br />

1785 <strong>of</strong> |)äm hleodorstede hälige gästas<br />

(2400) lästas legdon (him w£es L<strong>of</strong>Jies ra£eg<br />

sylfa on gesidde), od l)£et hie on Södoman,<br />

weallsteape bürg wlitan meahton:<br />

gesäwon <strong>of</strong>er since salo hlifian,<br />

1790 reced <strong>of</strong>er readnm golde. Ongan pa rodera<br />

waldend,<br />

(2405) ärfiest wid Abraham sprecan, scegde him unlytel<br />

'Ic on byrig |)isse bearhtm gehyre,<br />

'synnigra cyrm swide hlüdne,<br />

'ealogälra gylp, yfele spr^ce<br />

spell<br />

13. (1773) Dixit autem dominus ad Abr. : 'Quare risit Sara<br />

dicens: «Num vere paritura sum anus?» 14 Juxta condictum<br />

revertar ad te hoc eodem tempore, vita comite, et habebit Sara<br />

filium.' 16. (1783) Cum ergo surrexissent inde viri, direxerunt<br />

oculos contra Sodomam: et Abr. simul gradiebatur deducens eos<br />

17. (1790) Dixitque itaque dominus: 'Clamor Sodomorum et Gomorrhae<br />

multiplicatus est, et peccatum eorum aggravatum est nimis.<br />

1774 Sarrai Ri. ] Sarran. 1780 word Bou. ] worn. 1786 Lo<strong>the</strong>s<br />

Gn.] leohtes. 1792 |)isse byrig. 1793 synnigra] g korrig.<br />


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