19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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266<br />

(Rich Miller, Asjylyn Loder and Jim Polson <strong>2012</strong>: p. 1) The breakthrough was made<br />

possible by acombination of two new technologies: horizontal drilling and hydraulic<br />

fracturing.<br />

Horizontal drilling<br />

Horizontal drilling involves creating awellbore that runs roughly parallel tothe surface<br />

after reaching adesired vertical depth. This increases the subsurface space that is accessible<br />

via one well, leading toareduction ofwells needed. Horizontal drilling was especially<br />

advantageous for shale gas extraction due to two conditions often found in shales:<br />

“(1) the presence of hydrocarbons in disjointed pockets rather than asacontinuous reservoir,<br />

and (2) ahydrocarbon-bearing formation that isextensive but thin.” (Mauter,<br />

Meagan S., Vanessa R. Palmer, Yiqiao Tang, and R. Patrick Behrer 20<strong>13</strong>: p. 8) With<br />

this technology it’s possible to drill wells over 10kmaway from the surface location,<br />

making drilling more profitable asthe amount of gas that can be drilled through one<br />

wellhead increases sharply.<br />

Hydraulic fracturing<br />

The second technology essential for the extraction for shale gas was hydraulic fracturing,<br />

or ‘fracking’. “Large volumes of fluid are pumped down the wellbore athigh pressures<br />

to create anetwork of cracks inthe source rock, which are held open byaproppant<br />

– typically sand – carried byadditional injected fluid.” (Mauter, Meagan S.,<br />

Vanessa R.Palmer, Yiqiao Tang, and R. Patrick Behrer 20<strong>13</strong>: p. 8) The fluids most<br />

commonly used for this process are water-based fracturing fluids mixed with frictionreducingadditives,<br />

biocides, oxygen scavengers and acid. (ALL 2009: p.61)<br />

It should be noted, however, that there are multiple concerns about the environmental<br />

impact of hydraulic fracturing. One topic ofconcern is air pollution, caused bymethane<br />

leaks originating from wells or by emissions from the diesel or natural gas powered<br />

equipment such ascompressors, drilling rigs and pumps. (ALL 2009: p.56-66) The<br />

second big topic ofconcern is water. Besides massive water consumption, the main<br />

focus ofthe criticism lies onthe injected fluid and the flowback. (Anthony Andrews et<br />

al. 2009: p. 7, 23) Furthermore, the danger that ground water may be contaminated by<br />

methane isfeared as well as this would have anegative effect on water quality and in<br />

extreme cases could lead to explosions. (Osborn, Stephen G.; Vengosh, Avner; Warner,<br />

Nathaniel R.; Jackson, Robert B. 2011: p. 8172-8176)

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