19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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297<br />

If the Ombudsman considers acomplaint to be substantiated, the problem may get rectified,<br />

oranOmbudsman report ispublished making recommendations for remedy. Further<br />

claims depend on the relative domestic law, but this typically includes financial<br />

compensation. Currently, Ombudsmen in most countries do not have the power to initiatecourt<br />

proceedings or prosecution onthe basis ofthe complaint.<br />

The major benefit ofanOmbudsman is that he or she investigates complaints from outside<br />

the infringing state institution, thus avoiding the conflicts of interest inherent in<br />

self-policing.<br />

Ombudsman services in selected countries<br />

The following three examples ofnational bodies shall demonstrate inhow far it is possibletorepresent<br />

and defend thevoices of thefuture generations.<br />

Israel<br />

In 2001, the Israeli parliament formed aCommission for Future Generations which<br />

operated with afive-year mandate as aunit ofthe Knesset that sought todefend the<br />

needs and rights of future generations with specific focus on the creation of“adimension<br />

of the future that would be included inthe primary and secondary legislation ofthe<br />

State ofIsrael” (Knesset 20<strong>13</strong>). The Commission’s field ofactivity included natural<br />

resources, education, health, technology, law, development, demography and any other<br />

matter ofspecial interest to future generations as defined byIsraeli constitution, law and<br />

justicecommittee. The Commission’s majorauthorities include (Knesset 20<strong>13</strong>):<br />

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theprovision of opinions on bills, secondary legislation and regulations of interest<br />

tofuture generations;<br />

the provision of the Knesset with recommendations on any issue the Commissioner<br />

considered relevant tothe rights of future generations;<br />

the demand for any information from institutions under inspection bythe state<br />

auditor;<br />

the request from aparliamentary committee “reasonable time” toaccumulate<br />

data and prepare evaluation regarding certain bills or secondary legislation with<br />

particular relevancefor future generations.

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