19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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37<br />

Thus, energy security, the impact of energy use on the environment and fuel prices are<br />

important issues atthe forefront of thepolitical agenda.<br />

Policies for designing asustainable energy system forfuturegenerations<br />

The design of asustainable energysystem iscrucial for the future of our economy, society<br />

and the environment -the three pillars of sustainability (Moldan etal. <strong>2012</strong>: 4). In<br />

1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable<br />

development asfollows: “Sustainable development isdevelopment that meets the needs<br />

of the present without compromising the ability offuture generations to meet their own<br />

needs.” (United Nations 1987: 41) Accordingly, industrialized countries and the UN<br />

have been examining new policies and technology issues tomake their energy future<br />

‘sustainable’ forfuture generations.<br />

Recognizing the importance ofenergy for sustainable development, the United Nations<br />

General Assembly has designated the year <strong>2012</strong> as the ‘International Year ofSustainable<br />

Energy for All’ (United Nations 20<strong>13</strong>). The purpose of this initiative istoraise<br />

awareness about the importance ofincreasing sustainable access toenergy, energy efficiency,<br />

and renewable energy at the local, national, regional and international levels.<br />

Today, 1.4 billion people still do not have access toelectricity, while 3billion rely on<br />

traditional biomass and coal astheir main fuel sources. The Secretary-General has set<br />

three ambitious objectives for the initiative, all tobeachieved by2030: (1) toensure<br />

universal access to modern energy services; (2) to double the global rate ofimprovement<br />

in energy efficiency; and (3) todouble the share of renewable energy inthe global<br />

energy mix.(United Nations 20<strong>13</strong>)<br />

At the European level, the European Council has stated its commitment to limit global<br />

warming toless than 2°C above pre-industrial levels by reducing 80-95% of greenhouse<br />

gas concentration inthe atmosphere by 2050 compared to 1990. Taking necessary<br />

efforts from developing countries into account, this would allow atotal global reduction<br />

of 50% in emissions by2050. (European Commission 2011b: 3) As an intermediate<br />

goal, the EU has set legally binding targets until 2020 to combat climate change. These<br />

targets which are known asthe ’20-20-20’ targets –set three key objectives for 2020:<br />

(European Council 2009, pp. 1)<br />

– A20% reduction inEUgreenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels;<br />

– Raising the share of EU energy consumption produced from renewable resources<br />


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