19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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274<br />

Forum <strong>2012</strong>: 374). Today, IT is also more and more seen as ameans toimprove environmental<br />

sustainability. Hence, it therefore isand will be of increased importance, particularly<br />

for airlines. Hequan (2008) stressed the influence IThas on economic growth<br />

as well as on the environment. This isalso why institutions such asthe European Union<br />

support research onenvironmental performance through ITstrongly (see e.g. European<br />

Commission 20<strong>13</strong>a).<br />

Consequently, this paper will focus onthe intersection of“generation-sensitive” and<br />

environmentally sustainable air transport through ITand will analyze how IT can be<br />

critical in the context. The first section will give abrief review ofexisting relevant ideas<br />

and background. The following sections will present the method of analysis, followed<br />

by adiscussion of IT for environmentally sustainable air transport. This leads to ashort<br />

discussion of“generation-sensitive” environmental sustainability inair transport. The<br />

last section ofthis paper will summarize theresults and present some conclusions.<br />

Background and related work<br />

Sustainability of IT vs. sustainability through IT<br />

Before discussing the impact of IT on environmental sustainability, an important differentiation<br />

isnecessary. Sustainability and IT are linked intwo different ways: ITcan<br />

improve its own sustainability footprint and IT can enable efficiency gains invarious<br />

other parts ofthe economy that improve sustainability (The Climate Group 2008: pp.<br />

29). The effect of leveraging information (and communication) technology is believed<br />

to be significantly higher than the reduction potential ofemissions within the ITdomain<br />

itself. The Smart 2020 report estimated that the multiplier ofinformation and communication<br />

technology’s indirect effects compared to the direct effects amounts toaround 5<br />

(The Climate Group 2008: 15). Hence, especially this enabling effect of IT is relevant<br />

when talking about the potential ITcan have on environmental sustainability. It also<br />

needs tobeconsidered in theair trafficsector.<br />

ImportanceofITfor air transport environmental sustainability<br />

The topic ofsustainability in air transport was strongly pushed byregulatory initiatives<br />

introducing carbon emission trading schemes in different parts of the world (see e.g.<br />

European Commission 20<strong>13</strong>b). This had major effects on airlines. Generally, CIOs of<br />

transportation companies did not include “environmental impact” ontheir top agenda in<br />

2010, but ranked itnumber 5in 20<strong>13</strong> (Cato 2011: pp. 8). Research has touched envi-

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