19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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48<br />

Within the EU-12, particularly the first generation wind energy markets (i.e. Bulgaria,<br />

Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania) are supposed toaccount for about 85%<br />

(<strong>13</strong>.4 GW) ofthe capacity additions estimate. The forecast for the remaining seven<br />

countries shows acombined cumulative wind capacity of 2.4 GW by 2020. Comparing<br />

the NREAPs growth projections for installed wind energy capacity and the actual<br />

growth in installations in the emerging European markets, the newer Member States are<br />

currently off target with 4,197 MW of installed capacity compared to the targeted 4392<br />

MW (-4.4%). Amongst the newer Member States the five major markets are slightly<br />

less offtarget (-4.3%)than the seven other EU-12 countries. (EWEA 20<strong>13</strong>: 15-16)<br />

Wind Energy inEmerging Europebeyond the Borders of theEU<br />

Wind energy markets have also seen apositive development inEmerging European<br />

countries beyond the borders of the EU. While Croatia (installed capacity of <strong>13</strong>1 MW at<br />

the end of 2011) and Ukraine (151 MW) began developing wind power in the mid-<br />

2000s, Russia, acountry with ahuge wind power potential, had only15MWinstalled at<br />

the end of 2011 with no growth reported for adecade. Turkey, with acompound annual<br />

growth rate (CAGR) of72% since 2006, had almost 1,800 MWofinstalled wind power<br />

capacity atthe end of2011 (+9,000% since 2005). Turkey isthe biggest wind power<br />

market in Central and Eastern Europe with amarket share in the region of86% in 2011.<br />

Serbia might become the next big wind power market in the Balkan region, even though<br />

no wind power installations were in place atthe end of2011. However, wind farms<br />

totaling 150 MW have already been permitted and some others are about tostart the<br />

permitting process. In general, there is alarge potential for wind energy across the<br />

European continent. However, stable policies and sound support mechanisms are<br />

needed to ensure steadygrowth. (EWEA20<strong>13</strong>: 17-18)<br />

In the following, anoverview ofthe wind power situation inthe Central and Eastern<br />

European EU-12 countries is provided. Reference is also made to the situation inTurkey<br />

due to its role as leading emerging European wind power market. The countries<br />

illustrated are split into first generation and potential wind power markets, depending on<br />

various aspects (e.g. political impetus, support mechanisms, orregulatoryframework).

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