19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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76<br />

Asurvey among several (large) Austrian concerns showed acertain trend towards these<br />

assumptions, though the sample could befurther enlarged. The results reveal complex<br />

factors like dynamics and interdependency ashaving very strong effects onthe innovation<br />

system.<br />

Gamification –anew approach toemployeemotivation and learning<br />

The following example ofcomplex system implementation leads usinto the field of<br />

education. Recent studies have been capable toshow that the extensive playing of video<br />

and computer games has not harmed the current generation toachieve an even better<br />

education than the one before. In fact, frequent players sometimes seemed tohave<br />

learned very useful skills and showed highest attention during playing. Education researchers<br />

have called this phenomenon Gamification, and they reach out to use Gamification<br />

strategies toimprove the way we learn, ortoget us doing things we would not be<br />

interested todootherwise.<br />

Asuccessful implementation ofthe Gamification approach gets theuserto<br />

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Seek novelty –all humans have afundamental and archaic curiosity, that provides<br />

them with satisfaction inexploring newthings;<br />

Challenge themselves –instead of doing routine work, challenges can contributetospecial<br />

excitement;<br />

Think creatively –if there isplace and endorsement for creativity, the learning<br />

process will be significantlyaccelerated;<br />

Do things the hard way –changing from their personal comfort zone to their<br />

stretch zone will give them the necessary attention tolearn new behaviour<br />

faster;<br />

Interact in anetwork –Learning processes knowingly improve, when asocial<br />

component is offered. This can include doing things together, offering ahigh<br />

scoreorcommunication channels between different players, etc.<br />

In essence, Gamification tries to keep the fun level high and often involves multi player<br />

settings. Gabe Zichermann even speaks about Generation G,anew generation whose<br />

learning isbased on the broad implementation ofgamification principles and methods<br />

(Zichermann 2010).

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