19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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42<br />

20% increase in energy efficiency<br />

Improvements in energy efficiency are seen as akey mechanism for reducing energy<br />

dependence and meeting sustainability and security of supply (Evans and Hunt 2011:<br />

144).<br />

The 2020 target of saving 20% ofthe EUʼs primary energy consumption (compared to<br />

projections made in 2007) was not legally binding for Member States. After years of<br />

growth, primary energy consumption peaked at 1.825 million tonnes ofoil equivalent<br />

(Mtoe) in 2005/2006 and has been slightly decreasingsince 2007 to reach 1.730 Mtoe in<br />

2011. This trend istraced back to the economic crisis and to the effectiveness ofexistingpolicies.<br />

(European Commission 20<strong>13</strong>b: 5)<br />

With the adoption ofthe Energy Efficiency Directive in<strong>2012</strong>, there is now acomprehensive<br />

legislative framework at EU level which needs tobefully implemented by<br />

Member States. The Directive will help to drive progress inthis area and forces Member<br />

States’ efforts to use energy more efficiently atall stages of the energy chain –from<br />

the transformation ofenergy and its distribution toits final consumption. EU countries<br />

will have to transpose the rules into national law within one year. The progress made in<br />

achieving EUʼs 20% energy saving target in 2020 will be reviewed in2014 by the<br />

Commission. Ifthe Member State’s policies are insufficient, mandatory national energy<br />

efficiencytargets will be proposed. (European Commission 20<strong>13</strong>b: 5)<br />

The central challenge isthe lack of appropriate tools for monitoring progress and measuring<br />

impacts onthe Member State level. Afurther major challenge isthe lack of funds<br />

required to ensure continued progress. (Fischer and Geden 20<strong>13</strong>: 7)<br />

Discussion and conclusion<br />

In the light of the growing world population, climate change and limited resources,<br />

meeting the world’s growing demand for energy isone of the biggest challenges weare<br />

facing today. Accordingly, new policies and technology issues were examined to make<br />

energy systems moresustainable forfuture generations.<br />

European Member States have committed themselves toreducing greenhouse gas emissions<br />

by20%, increasing the share of renewable energy inthe EUʼs energy mix to<br />

20%,and achieving the 20% energyefficiency target by 2020. The analyses have shown<br />

that the EUiscurrently on track to meet the GHG emissions and renewable energy

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