19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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280<br />

As the above analysis shows, IT can influence air traffic operation and by it, its environmental<br />

impacts strongly. Hence, by fostering environmental sustainability inair<br />

transport through IT, the current generation can reduce its environmental impact. Onthe<br />

one hand this can enhance the overall environmental sustainability globally and onthe<br />

other hand this can allow future generations to use air transportation the same way as<br />

this generation did and does.<br />

Summary and conclusions<br />

All inall, multiple possibilities exist how IT can and could beutilized to support environmentallysustainableair<br />

transportation. Figure 2presents an overview.<br />

Figure 2:<br />

IT-enabled initiatives forenvironmentally sustainable airtransport<br />

Source: Author’s compilation based on analysis and sources above.<br />

The analysis underlines that IT enablement allows improving environmental sustainability<br />

inall phases before, during and after the actual flight. Implemented fully, integrating<br />

environmental factors into long-term network planning, execution systems that<br />

improve on-ground taxiing and that environmentally enhance ATC routings appear to<br />

have astrong impact on sustainability. Options in mid- and short-term systems could be<br />

of smaller impact except for improved route planning systems augmenting newest prediction<br />

technologies oraircraft selection.<br />

If environmental sustainabilityisthe primary and onlyaim of optimization, asignificant<br />

potential seems tobepossible. However, two important limitations remain: First, air<br />

transport companies need totake economic performance concerns into consideration. In<br />

2010 airline industry margins amounted to only 1.3% of revenues (IATA <strong>2012</strong>: 11).<br />

Therefore, cost efficiency is an important factor toensure economic sustainability. Secondly,<br />

safety isamajor concern in aviation. If the proposed ITmeasures touch safety<br />

related topics significantly, environmental thinking will usually bebeat by safety fears.

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