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299<br />

Hungary<br />

In 2008, in Hungary adifferent Ombudsperson from commissioners who report toenvironment<br />

ministers or auditor generals was created to actively defend the rights of future<br />

generations. The Hungarian Parliamentary Commission for the Environment’s task was<br />

to monitorthe enforcement ofthe interests of future generations.<br />

Potential candidates had to fulfill specific requirements that they be lawyers, have extensive<br />

experience with environmental law and meet astrict set of personal characteristics<br />

toensure that there are no conflicts of interest. The parliamentary Commissioner’s<br />

majorauthorities included (ParliamentaryCommissioner for FutureGenerations 2011):<br />

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monitoring of legislative developments and proposals at the state level inorder<br />

to ensure that they will not pose athreat to the environment and future generations;<br />

providing opinions to members of parliament as well as other entities that seek<br />

to take actions affectingthe environment and future generations;<br />

conducting investigations into potential oralleged violations or threats to the<br />

environment and future generations;<br />

reviewing the actions of and assist municipal and other local governments as<br />

well;<br />

ordering that an action bestopped ormodified or bring acase tocourt if<br />

deemed necessary as sanctions after an investigation.<br />

The Commissioner occupied aunique place compared to the Ombudsman institutions<br />

mentioned above. Even though his mandate included environmental concerns, they were<br />

expressed interms ofprotecting future generations connecting the position directly to<br />

future generations rather than the secondary or deductive links found in other positions<br />

and their mandates. The Hungarian Ombudsman was given broad jurisdiction, subject to<br />

aset of guidelines for investigations and had the ability toinvestigate and sanction public<br />

institutions, which gave the position asense of independence. The office term was<br />

regulated inthe statute insuch away that the removal ofthe Ombudsman is difficult<br />

without cause (World Future Council 2010, Göpel 2011).<br />

As of January 1, <strong>2012</strong>, the four Ombudsmen (Commissioner for Civil Rights, Privacy<br />

Commissioner, Commissioner for MinorityRights and the Ombudsman for Future Gen-

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