19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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77<br />

The interesting thing is that the theory ofGamification has in essence already been<br />

understood decades ago. But still, Gamification has not yet arrived in all parts ofeveryday<br />

life –especially not in business applications and processes. These areas seem to be<br />

too sensible to implement simple systems that measure and reward success or creativity,<br />

generatehigh scores, orconnect participants virtually.<br />

Typical examples ofGamification implementations are computer or video games. Especially<br />

the massively multiplayer online role-game “World of Warcraft” that has been<br />

extensively played by millions of users is an often-cited example. The author has asked<br />

several current and past players about the chances of implementing features that proved<br />

to be successful in “World of Warcraft” into business applications and processes. The<br />

answers proved tobequite similar: it is difficult to generate fair and transparent figures<br />

that measure success in the “game”. Data that is currently available incorporations<br />

would betoo superficial and could not cover e.g. long-term goals orthe potential of<br />

creativity. The players would never accept an easy solution, and thus Gamification<br />

would not work out.<br />

Only recently, software developers started towork onon-demand services and applications<br />

that offer the implementation ofGamification into already existing business solutions.<br />

The bases oftheir products are complex algorithms and systems that measure<br />

users commitment, accomplishments and growth, generate high scores, or deliver<br />

achievements inanew and comprehensive way. Such complex systems will allow the<br />

Gamification approach tothrive our businesses. Wesee again that the purposeful implementation<br />

ofcomplexityhelps to reach totally newhorizons.<br />

Further cases<br />

Another interesting implementation ofcomplex systems isWolfram Research’s online<br />

computational knowledge engine Wolfram|Alpha 3 ,anextensive online resource of scientific<br />

data and explanations, capable of computations of various kinds –reaching from<br />

mathematics, demography, and politics toeconomics, business analysis, and history.<br />

Another company with special focus oncomplex systems isIBM: Their supercomputer<br />

Watson is capable of answering questions posed innatural language that can originate<br />

from generally any kind of topic ordiscipline. Multiple layers of Watson’s code include<br />

3 See: http://www.wolframalpha.com/.

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