19.11.2014 Aufrufe





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276<br />

Figure 1:<br />

IT system type groups with respect to thetiming ofaflight<br />

Source: Author’s compilation partly based onSterzenbach andConrady(2003: 272)<br />

Execution systems cover all systems that are necessary for the actual flight –inthe aircraft<br />

and on ground. For simplification this includes all non-planning activity shortly<br />

before and after aflight together with the pilot’s preoperational activity –aircraft, crew<br />

and payload are usually already set in this phase. Reporting systems help in the postflight<br />

phase when the actual production process has been carried out.<br />

Summing up, this paper captures the four defined system groups to analyze the impact<br />

IT can have onair transport environmental sustainability based on significant elements<br />

per group. It focuses onall aircraft related activities.<br />

Analysis<br />

Long-term planning and support systems<br />

In the long-term, everything inabusiness can bechanged. Inthe special case of an airline,<br />

the core ofits production system isits network. Today, the network is optimized<br />

using mathematical models for optimal profit (see e.g. Hekmatfar and Pishvaee 2009).<br />

Sophisticated IT implementations allow including amultitude of factors. The underlying<br />

computational tools are usually in aconflict between covering reality and computational<br />

solvability(Goetschalckx and Fleischmann 2005: pp. 126).<br />

Two options can be underlined to improve sustainability inastrategic model ofanair<br />

network. One option istoinclude emission values into the depending function minimized<br />

1 .Hence, the model can be solved either minimizing carbon effects oroptimizing<br />

1 Emission factorsallowfor aconversionofother typesofemissions(e.g. SOx) toCO2 equivalents.

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