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54<br />

term wind potential ofaround 600 MW (six times greater than foreseen inthe country’s<br />

NREAP) the country’s high population density, small size, and extensive coverage of<br />

nature protection areas limit the number ofsuitable wind farm locations. (EWEA 20<strong>13</strong>:<br />

106-110)<br />

Concluding Remarks<br />

Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe has become Europe’s new wind energy<br />

frontier. Further substantial growth can be expected in the region inthe upcoming years.<br />

Significant growth inwind energy generation capacity can not only beexpected from<br />

the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries already inthe EU, but also<br />

from those that are about to join or could potentially join the EU in the future. The<br />

financial crisis in2008 and the sovereign debt crisis that followed caused anumber of<br />

new challenges for the wind energy sector in the former most important European wind<br />

energy markets. However, also some of the leading wind energy markets inCentral,<br />

Eastern and South-Eastern Europe have been changing legislation tothe detriment of<br />

wind energy deployment, putting their NREAP targets at risk. For the European wind<br />

energy sector it becomes increasingly important though that newly emerged and<br />

emerging Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European wind markets are able to<br />

achieve their full potential, especially taking into consideration declines in the near<br />

future in some of themorematureSouthern European markets. (EWEA20<strong>13</strong>: 5-9)<br />

References<br />

Dodge,Darrell (2006): Illustrated HistoryofWind Power Deployment, in:<br />

http://www.telosnet.com/wind/index.html#The Case forWind Power (accessed 31<br />

March,20<strong>13</strong>)<br />

EWEA (European Wind EnergyAssociation) (20<strong>13</strong>): Eastern Winds. Emerging<br />

European Wind Power Markets, in:<br />

http://www.ewea.org/fileadmin/files/library/publications/reports/Eastern_Winds_emergi<br />

ng_markets.pdf (accessed 31March, 20<strong>13</strong>)<br />

GWEC (Global Wind EnergyCouncil)/Greenpeace(<strong>2012</strong>): Global Wind Energy<br />

Outlook <strong>2012</strong>, in: http://www.gwec.net/wpcontent/uploads/<strong>2012</strong>/11/GWEO_<strong>2012</strong>_lowRes.pdf<br />

(accessed 31March, 20<strong>13</strong>)<br />

Michalak,Piotr and Jacek Zimny(2011): “Wind EnergyDevelopment inthe World,<br />

Europe and Poland from 1995 to 2009. Current Status and Future Perspectives”, in:<br />

Renewable and SustainableEnergyReviews, Vol. 15, Issue5,pp. 2330–2341.<br />

Musgrove, Peter(2010): Wind Power, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversityPress.

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