Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore

Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore

Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore


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PATHOLOGICA 2007;99:174-181<br />

Acne inversa associated with diffuse<br />

malignant peritoneal mesothelioma arisen in<br />

the absence of predisposing factors: report<br />

of a case<br />

V. Barresi, E. Vitarelli, G. Barresi<br />

Dipartimento di Patologia Umana, Università di Messina<br />

Introduction. Diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma<br />

(DMPM) is a relatively rare neoplasm. Risk factors associated<br />

with its development include asbestos exposure, chronic<br />

irritation or inflammation of the peritoneum, abdominal radiotherapy,<br />

familial Mediterranean fever, and simian virus<br />

40. A familial segregation of this neoplasia has been reported<br />

in small villages of the Cappadocian region of Turkey, and it<br />

has been postulated that hereditary factors may predispose to<br />

mesothelioma, even with exposure to small amounts of asbestos.<br />

We report a case of DMPM which apparently occurred<br />

in the absence of predisposing factors.<br />

Methods. A 47 year-old physician was admitted to our hospital<br />

with ascites and abdominal pain. Neither exposure to<br />

asbestos nor chronic irritation or irradiation of the peritoneum<br />

was reported. The past clinical history was significant<br />

for 25-years-duration acne inversa complicated by a squamous<br />

cell carcinoma. Considering the family history, none of<br />

his family members had been exposed to asbestos, but the 20year<br />

old son of the patient’s sister was also affected by acne<br />

inversa. Cytologic examination of the ascitic fluid and histological<br />

evaluation of a peritoneal biopsy were performed. Peritoneal<br />

fragments obtained at biopsy were formalin-fixed<br />

and paraffin-embedded and sections were stained with H&E<br />

for histologic diagnosis. An ascitic fluid cytologic smear was<br />

stained with Papanicolau stain, and the sediment was stained<br />

with H&E. Immunohistochemistry against calretinin, CEA,<br />

EMA and CK 5/6 was carried out on the cytologic sediment<br />

as well as on the peritoneal biopsy fragments.<br />

Results. Cytology of the ascitic fluid and microscopic evaluation<br />

of the peritoneal biopsy samples revealed the presence<br />

of a neoplastic process. Considering the immunohistochemical<br />

findings (calretinin+, EMA+, cytokeratins 5/6+, CEA)<br />

the neoplasm was classified as a tubulo-papillary DMPM.<br />

Conclusions. The association of acne inversa with non-melanoma<br />

skin cancer and tumours other than those involving<br />

skin has been highlighted. Nevertheless the association with<br />

Dermopatologia<br />

DMPM had never been reported before. The genetic locus for<br />

acne inversa has recently been identified within the 1p21.1-<br />

1q25.3 chromosomal region. Interestingly, frequent losses in<br />

chromosomal region 1p.21-22 have been found in mesothelioma<br />

as well. It is thus tempting to speculate that genetic<br />

mutations involving chromosome 1p.21-22 may account for<br />

the development of both diseases.<br />

Carcinoma a cellule di Merkel: profilo<br />

immunoistochimico, su 10 casi, dei recettori 2<br />

e 5 della somatostatina<br />

E. Venturino, C. Ciocca, S. Ardoino, L. Caliendo, A. Dellachà,<br />

C. Marino, A. Pastorino<br />

Ospedale “S. Paolo”, ASL 2 Savonese<br />

Introduzione. Il carcinoma di Merkel (CM) è un tumore<br />

neuroendocrino cutaneo di rara incidenza, caratterizzato da<br />

alta aggressività, descritto per la prima volta nel 1972 da<br />

Toker. Istogeneticamente è considerato derivare dalla cellula<br />

di Merkel che risiede fisiologicamente alla base dell’epidermide.<br />

Gli Autori si propongono di studiare l’espressione immunoistochimica<br />

dei Recettori della Somatostatina 2 (SSTR-<br />

2) e 5 (SSTR-5) su 10 casi di carcinoma di Merkel d’archivio.<br />

Metodi. I 10 casi istologici estratti dai nostri archivi con diagnosi<br />

di CM sono stati rivalutati da un unico patologo per dati<br />

clinici, aspetti istopatologici e immunoistochimici (CK20,<br />

CD117, CD99, Cromogranina A (CR-A), SStr-2, SSTR-5 e<br />

Ki67).<br />

Risultati. Il 70% della casistica presa in esame interessava<br />

individui di sesso femminile; il 50% aveva come sede la cute<br />

del volto. La CK20 era reattiva nel 90% dei casi;In nessun<br />

caso (0%) abbiamo dimostrato positività per CD99; il CD117<br />

era positivo nel 70% dei casi con una caratteristica espressione<br />

granulare citoplasmatica spesso con rinforzo di membrana.<br />

Un solo tumore (10%) è risultato reattivo per SSTR-5<br />

con caratteristica positività dot-like paranucleare; Significativa<br />

la reattività a SSTR-2 nel 40% dei tumori. In tabella sono<br />

riassunti i risultati complessivi.<br />

Sesso Età Sede Dim. cm Ck20 CD99 CR-A SSTR2 SSTR5 CD117 Ki67<br />

F 44 Gluteo 4 x 2,8 + - + + - - 90%<br />

F 76 Gamba 3,5 + - + - - + 60%<br />

M 68 Fronte 0,8 - - + - - + 70%<br />

M 43 Dito mano 1,2 + - + + - + 75%<br />

F 67 Coscia 1 x 0,7 + - + + - + 80%<br />

F 90 Naso 0,4 + - + - + - 60%<br />

F 77 Fronte 1,1 + - + - - - 90%<br />

F 80 Avambraccio 1,5 x 2 + - + + - + 90%<br />

M 84 Volto 1,6 x 1 + - + - - + 80%<br />

F 87 Palpebra 1,3 + - + - - + 90%

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