Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore

Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore

Pathologica 4-07.pdf - Pacini Editore


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140<br />

Methods. We retrieved 259 consecutive cases (from February<br />

1994 to March 2007) of spinal lesions from the files of<br />

the Department of Pathology at the University of Bari. There<br />

were 143 men (mean age 55.6) and 126 women (mean age<br />

54.2). All patients underwent MRI of the spine and subsequent<br />

biopsy of the lesion; tissue samples were formalinfixed<br />

and routinely processed in order to obtain hematoxylineosin<br />

slides, which were observed at light microscopy by a<br />

dedicated pathologist. In 23 cases a frozen section examination<br />

was performed; in 167 cases further immunohistochemical<br />

investigations were performed.<br />

Results. All cases in which a diagnosis was made by the<br />

pathologist were subsequently reviewed and divided into 3<br />

groups:<br />

1. no MRI diagnosis was obtained (27 cases, 10.4%), most of<br />

them (22,2%) being either a non-Hodgkin lymphoma or a<br />

metastasis;<br />

2. MRI and histological diagnosis did not match (47 cases,<br />

18.1%), most of them (17%) being a mieloma;<br />

3. MRI diagnosis (in many cases strongly supported by a proper<br />

anamnesis) was confirmed by histopathology (158 cases,<br />

61%), most of them (25.9%) being metastases.<br />

Conclusions. We present a large series of 259 spinal lesions<br />

and compare preoperative MRI with surgical pathology results;<br />

since signs and symptoms are not specific to a single<br />

neoplastic or non-neoplastic entity, diagnostic assessment is<br />

largely based upon imaging and pathology.<br />

Our results show that MRI displays great diagnostic accuracy<br />

for metastatic lesions and neurinomas, while other neoplastic<br />

lesions such as non-Hodgkin lymphomas are less likely<br />

to be preoperatively identified by such technique. We believe<br />

that the pathologist should be aware of this, especially<br />

when evaluating such lesions on frozen sections.<br />

Ruolo della biopsia muscolare nella<br />

diagnostica delle miopatie da farmaci:<br />

correlazioni clinico-patologiche<br />

L. Maiarù, V. Tarantino, L. Badiali De Giorgi, M. Zavatta<br />

* , R. D’Alessandro ** , R. Rinaldi *** , V. Carelli ** , G.N.<br />

Martinelli, G. Cenacchi<br />

Dipartimento Clinico Scienze Radiologiche e Istocitopatologiche,<br />

e ** Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università<br />

di Bologna; * U.O. Ortopedia e *** U.O. Neurologia, Azienda<br />

Ospedaliera-Universitaria Policlinico “S. Orsola-Malpighi”<br />

Introduzione. Numerosi farmaci, tra cui statine, acido valproico,<br />

propofol, zidovudina, clorochina e steroidi possono<br />

provocare miopatia sia direttamente che con meccanismi<br />

patogenetici indiretti. Scopo del nostro studio è stato quello<br />

di verificare la possibilità di definire un quadro clinico-patologico<br />

patognomonico delle miopatie iatrogene da farmaci,<br />

ad oggi non riportato in letteratura.<br />

Materiali e metodi. Abbiamo valutato casi di miopatia giunti<br />

alla nostra osservazione nel periodo 01-05/04-07 (152<br />

casi). I parametri clinico-laboratoristici considerati sono<br />

stati: sintomatologia, esame obiettivo, terapia farmacologica<br />

(correlazione temporale tra somministrazione dei farmaci e<br />

insorgenza dei sintomi), CPKemia, EMG; sono stati quindi<br />

valutati la biopsia muscolare e l’analisi molecolare del DNA<br />

mitocondriale (1 caso) mediante long-PCR e sequenziamento<br />

genico. La biopsia muscolare è stata studiata dopo congelamento<br />

in N2 liquido. Le sezioni criostatate sono state trat-<br />

tate di routine con colorazioni istologiche ed istochimiche<br />

quali E-Eo, tricromica di Gomori, PAS, fosfatasi acida, fosfatasi<br />

alcalina e istoenzimatiche per l’evidenziazione dell’attività<br />

di NADH, Cox/SDH, ATPasi (4,35; 10,4). È stata infine<br />

effettuata valutazione morfometrica per definire coefficiente<br />

di variabilità diametrica e indici di atrofia e ipertrofia.<br />

Risultati. Delle 152 biopsie studiate, 9 (circa il 5,9%) presentavano<br />

alterazioni soprattutto a livello mitocondriale. Erano<br />

spesso presenti oltre a fibre tipo ragged red, anche fibre<br />

Cox-negative e alterazioni ultrastrutturali, quali iperplasia,<br />

degenerazione, polimorfismo e rari megamitocondri. In un<br />

caso la genetica molecolare ha evidenziato delezioni multiple<br />

a carico del DNA mitocondriale.<br />

Conclusioni. Dai risultati emerge che i parametri clinico-laboratoristici<br />

rivelano un quadro miopatico aspecifico, quindi<br />

la biopsia muscolare risulta fondamentale per la diagnosi. I<br />

nostri dati mostrano alterazioni preferenzialmente a carico<br />

dei mitocondri che escludendo una possibile causa di primitività<br />

mitocondriale, identificano questi organuli quali target<br />

principale coinvolto nel meccanismo etiopatogenetico della<br />

miopatia da farmaci. In un caso l’azione del farmaco si è<br />

sovrapposta ad una preesistente mutazione del DNA mitocondriale<br />

(miopatia da propofol), slatentizzando il quadro<br />

clinico.<br />

Bibliografia<br />

1 Guis S. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2003;17:877-908.<br />

2 Sieb JP. Muscle Nerve 2002;27:142-56.<br />


Oxidative stress in livertransplantation: the<br />

pathologist’s search for predictive tools<br />

C. Avellini, G. Trevisan, G. Tell, U. Baccarani, C. Vascotto,<br />

G.L. Adani, L. Cesaratto, C.A. Beltrami<br />

Department of Medical and Morphological Sciences, Dept.<br />

Surgery and Transplation, Department of Biomedical Sciences<br />

and Technologies, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Udine<br />

Introduction. Oxidative stress is a major pathogenetic event<br />

occurring in several liver disorders and is a major cause of<br />

liver damage due to ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) during liver<br />

transplantation. In order to identify early protein targets of<br />

oxidative injury, we used a multiple approach, by morphological,<br />

immunohistochemical and proteomic methods.<br />

Methods. HepG2 human liver cells were treated for 10 minutes<br />

with 500 mM H2O2 and studied by differential proteomic<br />

analysis (two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and<br />

MALDI TOF mass spectrometry). The same methods have<br />

been applied on liver needle biopsy before vascular ligation<br />

(T0), after cold (T1) and after warm (T2) ischaemia: these<br />

specimen underwent to histological analysis (Suzuki score)<br />

and immunohistochemical evaluation of APE1/Ref1 expression,<br />

also on frozen sections.<br />

Results. Post-translational changes of native polypeptides<br />

are associated with H2O2 treatment sensitivity of 3 members<br />

of Peroxiredoxin family of hydroperoxide scavengers (Prx I,<br />

II, VI), that showed changes in their pI as result of overoxidation,<br />

by modification of active site thiol into sulphinic<br />

and/or sulphonic acid. The oxidation kinetic of all peroxiredoxin<br />

was extremely rapid and sensitive, occurring at H2O2<br />

doses unable to affect the common markers of cellular oxidative<br />

stress. Similar results have been obtained on liver<br />

biopsy specimen: significant higher value of Suzuki score

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