JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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economic history<br />

6 C.E. when Judea was incorporated into the Roman Empire<br />

as a mere subdivision of the Syrian province. Thenceforth the<br />

center of gravity of the whole people shifted more and more<br />

to the Diaspora lands.<br />

Talmudic Era<br />

Before the fall of Jerusalem the majority of the Jewish people<br />

had long lived outside Palestine. Yet the course of Jewish<br />

history was largely determined by the Palestinian leadership<br />

and society. Only Egypt acted in a more independent way and<br />

Alexandria, its great emporium of trade and culture, served<br />

as Jerusalem’s counterpart, as it was designated by the Palestinian<br />

leaders in their letter to Judah b. Tabbai (TJ, Ḥag. 2:2).<br />

Even Babylonia, upon which soon descended the mantle of<br />

leadership of the whole people, was rather inarticulate about<br />

its Jewish life until the third century C.E., when it came under<br />

the neo-Persian domination. Outside these two centers there<br />

is some information about the Jews of *Rome, owing to the<br />

preservation of numerous catacomb inscriptions, as well as<br />

occasional references, mostly in an anti-Jewish vein, in contemporary<br />

Latin letters. As to the multitude of Jews inhabiting<br />

Syria, Asia Minor, the Balkans, and North Africa west of<br />

Egypt, we are limited to stray flashes of light thrown by a few<br />

surviving inscriptions, the Pauline Epistles, and other sporadic<br />

sources. Before long, the distinction between Palestine Jewry<br />

and those of other countries became increasingly blurred as<br />

the former gradually lost their position as a majority of the<br />

Palestinian population.<br />

Minority status understandably affected also the Jewish<br />

economic structure. Many Mediterranean communities may<br />

have owed their origin to Jewish prisoners of war taken by the<br />

Romans and sold into slavery. This was particularly true of the<br />

capital itself. To be sure, the Jews did not long remain in bondage.<br />

Because many Jewish slaves insisted upon observing the<br />

Sabbath rest commandment and abstained from consuming<br />

ritually forbidden food, they must have been uncomfortable<br />

workers and domestic servants. On the other hand, Jewish<br />

families and communities bent every effort to redeem captives,<br />

a commandment placed high in the hierarchy of values<br />

by the ancient rabbis. Roman law facilitated manumission inasmuch<br />

as freedmen retained certain connections with their<br />

patrons – whose family names they usually assumed – and<br />

performed important economic services for them. According<br />

to law, moreover, freedmen enjoyed a limited Roman citizenship,<br />

while their descendants were treated as full-fledged citizens<br />

with rights far superior to those of other citizens in the<br />

complex political structure of the empire before 312 C.E. Economically,<br />

however, such privileged citizens at first joined only<br />

the vast group of landless proletarians. Especially in Rome<br />

many of them joined the estimated 200,000 welfare clients<br />

(about a fourth of the population). <strong>In</strong> fact, Augustus singled<br />

out the Jewish welfare recipients for special favors. Taking into<br />

account their religious scruples, he allowed them to demand<br />

a double portion of the grain due them on Friday so that they<br />

would not have to violate the Sabbath. He also gave them the<br />

option of refusing oil, the other major article of consumption<br />

given away free, and to ask for money instead. <strong>In</strong> this way the<br />

Roman emperor decided a question still controversial among<br />

Palestinian rabbis as to whether “the oil of gentiles” was prohibited<br />

for Jewish consumption.<br />

Nevertheless some former slaves and many free immigrants<br />

found ultimate employment in agriculture. Most of<br />

them had been engaged in farming at home and, wherever<br />

given the opportunity, they tilled the soil either as small farmers<br />

or as hired hands. <strong>In</strong> the major countries of their settlement,<br />

particularly Egypt and Babylonia, many of them cultivated<br />

vineyards, which they and the Greeks seem to have<br />

introduced into Egypt, and olive groves, in the planting of<br />

which their ancestors appear to have pioneered in Babylonia.<br />

They also helped produce dates and other fruits, as well as<br />

grain. Dates were particularly plentiful and inexpensive. The<br />

Palestinian rabbi Ulla upon arriving in Babylonia exclaimed:<br />

“A whole basket of dates for a zuz [28 cents] and yet the Babylonians<br />

do not study the <strong>Torah</strong>!” But after overindulging in<br />

dates, which caused him a stomach upset, he varied his epigram<br />

by saying: “A whole basket of poison for a zuz, and yet<br />

the Babylonians study the <strong>Torah</strong>!” (Pes. 88a). To facilitate their<br />

coreligionists’ agricultural pursuits in competition with non-<br />

Jewish farmers, the Babylonian sages quite early suspended the<br />

obligation of Diaspora Jews to observe the years of fallowness<br />

and even the payment of levitical tithes. They included these<br />

requirements among “commandments dependent on the land”<br />

of Israel, that is, as being binding only for Palestine. Later on,<br />

under the pressure of Roman taxation and particularly after<br />

the reform of Diocletian (who instituted the collection in kind<br />

of the land tax from territorial groups (so-called iugera) regardless<br />

of the ethnic or religious differences among the owners<br />

of particular parcels of land) R. Yannai ordered even the<br />

Palestinian farmers to “go out and sow during the Sabbatical<br />

Year because of the tax” (Sanh. 26a).<br />

Certain industrial activities, such as the brewing of beer,<br />

were also connected with *agriculture. Unlike Palestine, whose<br />

population preferred table wines, Babylonia had from ancient<br />

times consumed much beer, one variety being brewed from a<br />

mixture of barley and dates. No less than three distinguished<br />

Babylonian rabbis, *Huna, *Ḥisda, and *Papa, are recorded<br />

as having amassed considerable wealth from brewing. Jews<br />

were also active in many other crafts, and at times organized<br />

specific Jewish guilds. The crafts of tanners (see *Leather), collectors<br />

of dog dung, and copper miners were, however, considered<br />

so malodorous that the law permitted wives to sue for<br />

divorce on this ground. Nevertheless everybody knew that<br />

they were socially necessary and all that Judah ha-Nasi could<br />

say was that “the world cannot get along without either a perfumer<br />

or a tanner. Happy is he whose occupation is perfuming.<br />

Woe unto him who must earn a living as a tanner” (Kid.<br />

4:14; 82a-b). Complaints of unethical practices by craftsmen<br />

were also heard; an example of such prejudices was the popular<br />

adage that “the best of surgeons belongs to Hell, and the<br />

most conscientious of butchers is a partner of Amalek.” Judah<br />

102 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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