JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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emden<br />

it is valid, because a person is favorably disposed toward his<br />

own child and wholeheartedly wishes to transfer ownership<br />

to him (Sh. Ar., ḥM 253:26–27). Some are of the opinion that<br />

this law applies only to a will made by a person on his deathbed<br />

and not to one made by a healthy person (Beit Yosef to<br />

Tur, ḥM 210:3; Sh. Ar., ḥM 210:1).<br />

Contractual Obligations to an Embryo<br />

According to some authorities although transfer of rights<br />

cannot be made to an embryo, a contractual obligation can<br />

be undertaken in his favor (see *Contract). A guardian can<br />

be appointed to protect the rights of an embryo (Sh. Ar., ḥm<br />

290:1).<br />

The State of Israel<br />

<strong>In</strong> general, Jewish law is followed. With regard to succession,<br />

however, section 3 of the law of succession (1965) provides that<br />

a person born within 300 days after the death of the deceased is<br />

deemed to have been living when the deceased died, unless it is<br />

proved that he was conceived thereafter. <strong>In</strong> terms of section 33<br />

(b) of the Capacity and Guardianship Law, 5722–1962, the court<br />

may appoint a guardian for a child en ventre de sa mére.<br />

Bibliography: Gulak, Yesodei, 1 (1922), 33; 3 (1922), 82, 116,<br />

147; ET, 7 (1956), 50–53; 8 (1957), 102–20; 11 (1965), 255f.; Miklishanski,<br />

in: Sefer ha-Yovel… Federbush (1960), 251–60; G. Ellinson, in: Sinai,<br />

66 (1969/70), 20–49; Elon, Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri (1988), I, 496; idem.<br />

Jewish Law (1994), II, 604.<br />

[Ben-Zion (Benno) Schereschewsky]<br />

EMDEN, city in Germany. The first authentic reference to<br />

Jews in Emden dates from the first half of the 16th century.<br />

David *Gans mentions Jews of Emden in his Ẓemaḥ David.<br />

A Jewish cemetery is mentioned in 1586. <strong>In</strong> 1590 the citizens<br />

of Emden complained to the representative of the emperor<br />

that the Jews were permitted to follow their religious precepts<br />

openly and were exempted from wearing the Jewish *badge.<br />

Marranos from Portugal passed through Emden on their<br />

way to Amsterdam, and a few settled in Emden and returned<br />

to Judaism. Moses Uri ha-Levy (1594–1620), a former rabbi<br />

of Emden who settled in Amsterdam, officiated there as the<br />

first ḥakham of the Portuguese community. The city council<br />

of Emden discriminated between the local Jews and the Portuguese,<br />

encouraging the latter to settle in the city, while attempting<br />

to expel the former. Their attempts, however, were<br />

unsuccessful, since the duke intervened in their favor. The<br />

judicial rights of the Portuguese Jews were defined in a grant<br />

of privilege issued by the city council in 1649, and renewed<br />

in 1703. <strong>In</strong> 1744, when Emden was annexed to *Prussia, the<br />

Jews there came under Prussian law. <strong>In</strong> 1762 there was an outbreak<br />

of anti-Jewish riots in Emden. <strong>In</strong> 1808, during the rule of<br />

Louis Bonaparte, the Jews in Emden were granted equal civic<br />

rights. There were then 500 Jews living in Emden. The rights<br />

of the Emden Jews were abolished under Hanoverian rule in<br />

1815, and they did not obtain emancipation until 1842. Noted<br />

rabbis of Emden were Jacob *Emden (1728–33), and Samson<br />

Raphael *Hirsch (1841–47).<br />

The community numbered 900 in 1905, and 1,000 in<br />

1930. Nearly half left with the advent of Nazi rule and another<br />

quarter through 1938. The synagogue was burned down on<br />

Kristallnacht and most of those remaining were later deported<br />

and perished, including at least 150 on October 23, 1941. Community<br />

life was not resumed after the Holocaust.<br />

Bibliography: Lewin, in: MGWJ, 2 (1890), 27–32; H. Kellenbenz,<br />

Sephardim an der unteren Elbe (1958), index; M. Markreich, in:<br />

Jahrbuch der juedischen Gemeinden Schleswig-Holsteins, 5 (1933/34),<br />

24–36; PK Germanyah; Germ Jud, 2 (1968), 208–9; A. Cassuto, in:<br />

Juedische Familien-Forschung, 2 (1926), 289. Add. Bibliography:<br />

J. Lokers, Die Juden in Emden 1530–1906 (1990); M. Claudi, Die wir<br />

verloren haben. Lebensgeschichten Emder Juden (1991); M. Studemund-Halévy,<br />

in: Aschkenas, 7 (1997), 389–439.<br />

[Zvi Avneri]<br />

EMDEN, JACOB (pen name Yaveẓ; derived from Ya’akov<br />

Ben Ẓevi; 1697–1776), rabbi, halakhic authority, kabbalist,<br />

and anti-Shabbatean polemicist. Emden was regarded as one<br />

of the outstanding scholars of his generation. Emden’s teacher<br />

was his father Ẓevi Hirsch *Ashkenazi (Ḥakham Ẓevi). He inherited<br />

his father’s interest in secular studies, his dissociation<br />

from the Ashkenazi method of study (pilpul) and customs, his<br />

stormy, independent, and uncompromising character, and his<br />

devotion to the campaign against the Shabbateans and their<br />

sympathizers. <strong>In</strong> addition, he possessed a fine literary talent,<br />

a critical tendency, and a knowledge unusual for his age of<br />

general non-halakhic Jewish literature. He was also familiar<br />

with sciences and languages (German, Dutch, Latin). Despite<br />

his distinguished descent and his remarkable talmudic attainments,<br />

Emden occupied no official position, with the exception<br />

of a few years as rabbi of Emden (1728–33). This made it<br />

possible for him to be exceptionally critical toward the society<br />

and the tradition of his time. He was more on guard about<br />

anything that he considered ḥillul ha-Shem (bringing the name<br />

of the Jew into disrepute) than for the good name of the rabbinate<br />

and of the community. He made extensive use of the<br />

private printing press he founded in *Altona to disseminate<br />

his views. As a result, because of his views on a number of issues,<br />

both personal and communal, he became a figure of contention.<br />

His important halakhic works are Leḥem Shamayim,<br />

on the Mishnah (pt. 1, 1728; pt. 2, 1768); a letter of criticism<br />

against R. Ezekiel Katzenellenbogen, rabbi of Altona (1736);<br />

responsa, She’elat Yaveẓ (2 pts., 1738–59); Mor u-Keẓi’ah, on the<br />

Shulḥan Arukh, OḤ (2 pts., 1761–68). <strong>In</strong> addition, he published<br />

an important edition of the prayer book (whose parts had different<br />

names) with a valuable commentary (1745–48). This<br />

prayer book was reprinted several times. His main historical<br />

importance lies in his campaigns against the Shabbateans<br />

to which he dedicated many years. He relentlessly examined<br />

and investigated every suspicious phenomenon pertaining<br />

to the sect. He called upon the contemporary rabbis to publish<br />

excommunications and mercilessly attacked anyone suspected<br />

of supporting or showing sympathy to the Shabbateans.<br />

The Shabbateans were accustomed to introduce hints of<br />

their secret doctrine into their literary works, particularly in<br />

392 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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