JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ezekiel<br />

<strong>In</strong> the same year Jeremiah had his altercation with Hananiah<br />

ben Azzur, who prophesied the imminent fall of Babylon<br />

and the return, within two years, of King Jehoiachin and<br />

his exiles (Jer. 28).<br />

The situation of the exiles can be gathered from Jeremiah’s<br />

letter to them, which was sent about this time (Jer. 29).<br />

There, too, prophets (whom Jeremiah brands as false) encouraged<br />

in the people expectations of a speedy end to their<br />

exile – which Jeremiah was at pains to quash. He not only<br />

exhorts them to be reconciled to their captivity, he communicates<br />

to them an oracle (ch. 24) unconditionally condemning<br />

Jerusalem to a horrible end. Hope in the future of Jerusalem is<br />

futile and wrong; the future belongs to the exiles from whom<br />

the nation will be regenerated (so 24:6f.).<br />

<strong>In</strong> 591 Psammetichus made a state visit to some shrines<br />

on the Syrian coast, probably not without political overtones.<br />

About two years later, evidently in collaboration with Egypt<br />

and its Palestinian allies, Judah revolted. Nebuchadnezzar<br />

called out a powerful army which laid siege to Jerusalem in<br />

January 588. Shortly afterward, Psammetichus died, but his<br />

successor, Apries, maintained his policy. An Egyptian force<br />

marched into Palestine, giving Jerusalem temporary relief<br />

(Jer. 37:5; 34:21). But it was soon beaten back, and the siege<br />

resumed until famine brought Jerusalem to its knees in the<br />

summer of 586.<br />

None of the neighbors of Judah was destroyed in the revolt;<br />

Tyre and Egypt are known to have preserved their independence.<br />

During or directly after Jerusalem’s ordeal, Tyre<br />

was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar for 13 years (Jos., Apion,<br />

1.21), the end being reckoned between 575–72. The city came<br />

under Babylonian control, but was not sacked. Only in 568/7<br />

did Nebuchadnezzar finally move against Egypt (Pritchard,<br />

Texts, 308d); the outcome of that campaign is unknown, but<br />

Egypt remained independent until its conquest by Cambyses<br />

of Persia in 525.<br />

The whole span of Ezekiel’s dates falls within the reign of<br />

Nebuchadnezzar (605/4–562). He and he alone appears in the<br />

book as the conqueror of Judah and the appointed scourge of<br />

God for the nations. Every clear historical allusion in the book<br />

is to this, or some preceding, period. Especially significant is<br />

the book’s ignorance of events later than its last date. Its author<br />

lived to see the failure of his Tyre prophecy, and emended it<br />

in 571. However he did not know that not Nebuchadnezzar,<br />

but Cambyses, would conquer Egypt (525) – which would not<br />

then go into a 40-year exile; and that Babylon’s end would<br />

not be sanguinary and fiery (21:36ff.) but virtually bloodless<br />

(539). Persia is mentioned only as an exotic adjunct to<br />

the forces of Tyre and Gog – indicating that the author was<br />

ignorant of what happened from 550 on, when Cyrus united<br />

Media and Persia into the nucleus of the Persian Empire. If<br />

the author(s?) of 34–48 lived later than 538, they would have<br />

seen the confuting of all their restoration prophecies and programs<br />

by events. <strong>In</strong> sum: no post-571 anachronism has left its<br />

mark in the book to necessitate the assumption of another<br />

hand than Ezekiel’s.<br />

That the locale of the prophecy is Babylonia is said several<br />

times (1:1; 3:11; 15; 11:24) and implied by the era of “our<br />

exile” (33:21; 40:1). Several prophecies have an explicitly exilic<br />

standpoint or audience (11:15ff.; 12:11ff.; 13:9; 14:22; 20:34ff.;<br />

24:21b; note also the peculiarly Ezekelian usage of “on the soil<br />

of Israel,” unnatural for someone living in the land of Israel,<br />

12:22; 18:2; 21:7; 33:24).<br />

At the same time, the almost exclusive focus on Jerusalem<br />

in the doom prophecies and the passionate addresses to<br />

her have given rise to the view that at least part of the prophecy<br />

originated in Jerusalem – the present exilic cast of the<br />

whole being editorial (so Rashi at 1:3, combining statements<br />

in the Mekhilta to Ex. 12:1 and 15:9). However, the lack of a<br />

convincing explanation for such an alleged editorial transfer<br />

of originally Jerusalem prophecies to Babylonia leads one to<br />

ask whether the anomaly of Ezekiel’s prophecy, given its Babylonian<br />

setting, is really so implausible.<br />

Ezekiel fails to discriminate between exiles and homelanders<br />

in his diatribes; his audience is an undifferentiated<br />

“rebellious house,” i.e., they are unconscious of any deep-dyed<br />

guilt and expect shortly a turn for the better in their fortunes;<br />

and they are encouraged in this by their prophets (ch. 13).<br />

The situation corresponds to what is known from Jeremiah<br />

to have obtained in Jerusalem the year prior to Ezekiel’s call<br />

(see above). However, Jeremiah’s letter reveals that precisely<br />

the same situation obtained among the Babylonian exiles. So<br />

much so that Jeremiah’s major concern is to create a cleavage<br />

between the exiles and the Jerusalemites with regard to<br />

their hopes for the immediate future. Both his exhortation to<br />

become reconciled to a long captivity and his prediction of<br />

an inexorable and total doom for Jerusalem are intended to<br />

make the exiles despair of Jerusalem’s survival, to tear them<br />

from the hopes they attached to the city. Only so could they<br />

be brought to repentance and the realization of their destiny<br />

as the “good figs” (Jer. 24:7).<br />

The implications of Jerusalem’s fate were thus hardly less<br />

profound for the exiles than for the Jerusalemites themselves<br />

(indeed most of the exiles were from Jerusalem, II Kings<br />

24:14ff.). Had Jeremiah been in Tel Abib he would have found<br />

no topic of more absorbing concern to his audience than the<br />

future of the city; and his letter shows what the tenor of his<br />

message to them would have been: “laments, and moaning,<br />

and woe.”<br />

An exiled Ezekiel’s preoccupation with Jerusalem (not<br />

quite exclusive; his calls to repentance are directed at the exiles,<br />

cf. Jer. 24:7, end) is unexceptionable. Anomalous among<br />

prophets is his continuously addressing an audience that is apparently<br />

hundreds of miles away. But the appearance is misleading.<br />

Prophecies against foreign nations, an established<br />

genre, always involve an incongruity between the ostensible<br />

audience (the foreign nations) and the real one – the Israelites<br />

for whose ears the prophecies are really meant and for<br />

whom they bear a vital message. Similarly an exiled prophet’s<br />

address to Jerusalem would have been meant for the ears of<br />

his immediate environment. Since in fact and spirit that en-<br />

642 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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