JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Epstein, Harry H.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1965 Epstein joined the *Rabbinical Assembly and<br />

headed its Joint Commission on Rabbinic Placement, the very<br />

sensitive job and highly political position of matching rabbis<br />

with congregations, thus enabling young rabbis to advance,<br />

successful rabbis to move to larger and ever larger congregations,<br />

and those whose careers have been difficult to find additional<br />

employment. It was a position that he handled with<br />

grace and tact. His task was to deal with rabbis and congregations<br />

in times of crisis and transition. During the years of<br />

major growth of the Conservative movement, the job was exceedingly<br />

demanding because there were so many positions to<br />

fill. As the rate of expansion declined and the need for rabbis<br />

settled down, his work became difficult in a different sense as<br />

he had to redirect rabbis to positions where they could succeed.<br />

He helped Wolfe *Kelman and represented the Conservative<br />

Rabbinate in many national organizations including the<br />

National Conference of Soviet Jewry, the New York Board of<br />

Rabbis, and the Conference of Presidents of Major American<br />

Jewish Organizations.<br />

[Michael Berenbaum (2nd ed.)]<br />

EPSTEIN, HARRY H. (1903–2003), U.S. rabbi. Epstein was<br />

born in Plunge, Lithuania, and raised in New York and especially<br />

Chicago. He attended the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological<br />

Seminary, where Bernard *Revel became a mentor. Epstein<br />

continued his education at the famed Slobodka Yeshivah and<br />

its branch in Hebron, Palestine, both of which were headed<br />

by his uncle, Moses Mordecai *Epstein. He obtained traditional<br />

semikhah (ordination) from three rabbis, including<br />

Abraham Isaac *Kook, later the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of<br />

Israel. He also obtained B.Ph. and M.A. degrees from Emory<br />

University, a Ph.D. from the School of Law of the University<br />

of Illinois, and a D.D. (honorus causa) from the Jewish Theological<br />

Seminary.<br />

Epstein’s was a surprisingly eclectic education given the<br />

dominant influence of his traditionalist father, Ephraim, an<br />

Orthodox rabbi who helped launch what became Chicago’s<br />

Hebrew Theological College. The Slobodka Yeshivah was<br />

noted for the *Musar approach, which fostered modern Jewish<br />

character through piety and faith alongside talmudic study.<br />

RIETS provided American Orthodox training but the remainder<br />

of his education, including public school in Chicago, was<br />

secular. His background prepared him well for an evolving<br />

East European-American Judaism and rabbinical career.<br />

After a year filling a pulpit at Tulsa’s B’nai Emunah, Revel’s<br />

father-in-law’s congregation, where Epstein advised oilrich<br />

members on philanthropy, in 1928 he became the rabbi<br />

at Ahavath Achim, the more affluent of Atlanta’s four Orthodox<br />

synagogues. Fluent in Yiddish and English, and mixing<br />

learned Talmud classes for the old guard with early Friday<br />

night services for their acculturating children, Epstein offered<br />

a trans-generational, gradual accommodation to middle-class<br />

Jewish life in America by becoming an exemplar of the Modern<br />

Orthodoxy championed by Joseph *Lookstein and Leo<br />

*Jung during the interwar years. Traditional observance was<br />

coupled with modern education in a synagogue-center environment<br />

hosting a variety of activities. Epstein, who lost a<br />

brother in the 1929 Hebron massacre, also led his congregation<br />

as an ardent Zionist. He headed regional Zionist efforts, participated<br />

in national conferences during World War II to aid<br />

European Jewry, co-chaired Atlanta Jewish Federation campaigns<br />

with Reform Rabbi Jacob Rothschild after the war, and<br />

served as a model for modern, traditional rabbis throughout<br />

the South. Following national trends he drew his congregation<br />

into the Conservative fold in 1954, something he later regretted<br />

when his successor, Arnold Goodman, allowed women<br />

to read from the <strong>Torah</strong> and he realized that Orthodoxy could<br />

have survived.<br />

Epstein wrote Judaism and Progress: Sermons and Addresses<br />

(1934).<br />

Bibliography: M.K. Bauman, Harry H. Epstein and the Rabbinate<br />

as Conduit for Change (1994); K.W. Stein, A History of Ahavath<br />

Achim Synagogue, 1887–1987 (1987).<br />

[Mark K. Bauman (2nd ed.)]<br />

EPSTEIN, ISAAC BEN MORDECAI (c. 1780–1857), talmudist<br />

and kabbalist. Epstein, who had already written halakhic<br />

works in his youth, attached himself against the will of<br />

his grandfather to *Chabad Ḥasidism, and thenceforth devoted<br />

himself to the study of Kabbalah and Chabad teaching,<br />

burning his previous halakhic writings. He felt that only *Shneur<br />

Zalman of Lyady, whose favorite pupil he became, was<br />

capable of revealing the innermost secrets of the divine Law.<br />

Epstein served as rabbi of Gomel. <strong>In</strong> his old age he himself<br />

made his debut as a ẓaddik. <strong>In</strong> the handling of halakhic problems<br />

he took pains to write in an unpretentious and clear style.<br />

He left ten studies on Chabad teaching including Ma’amar ha-<br />

Shiflut ve-ha-Simḥah (1864) and Ma’amar Yeẓi’at Miẓrayim<br />

(1877); the others are in manuscript. He also wrote homilies<br />

for the weekly portions of the Law and the festivals, some of<br />

which were published with his Ma’amar Yeẓi’at Miẓrayim.<br />

Bibliography: Bermann, in: Keneset ha-Gedolah, ed. by S.<br />

Suwalski, 1 pt. 3 (1890), 18–22; I. Heilmann, Beit-Rabbi, 1 (1965, photogr.<br />

reprint of 1902), 136, 165–6, 174–5.<br />

[Samuel Abba Horodezky]<br />

EPSTEIN, ISIDORE (1894–1962), English rabbi and scholar.<br />

Epstein was born in Kovno, Lithuania, and immigrated with<br />

his parents first to France and then in 1911 to England. He later<br />

studied in Hungarian yeshivot, particularly at Pressburg, and<br />

at London University until 1926. From 1921 to 1928 he served<br />

as rabbi in Middlesborough. <strong>In</strong> 1928 Epstein began teaching<br />

Semitics at Jews’ College where he was also librarian; in 1945<br />

he became director of studies; and in 1948, principal. Epstein<br />

expanded the activities of Jews’ College by introducing a<br />

ḥazzanut department, a rabbinical diploma class, and an institute<br />

for training teachers.<br />

Epstein’s first publications were in history as reflected in<br />

responsa: Responsa of Rabbi Solomon b. Adreth of Barcelona<br />

(1235–1310) as a Source of the History of Spain (1925) and The<br />

470 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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