JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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The Fast of *Esther (Ta’anit Ester) on the 13th of Adar, the<br />

day before *Purim (Esth. 4:16).<br />

Besides the Day of Atonement, which is a pentateuchal<br />

fast, the other four fast days were also already observed in<br />

the period of the Second Temple. *Zechariah prophesied<br />

that they would be transformed into days of joy and gladness<br />

(Zech. 8:19).<br />

On the Day of Atonement and on the Ninth of Av, fasting<br />

is observed by total abstention from food and drink from<br />

sunset until nightfall of the following day; on the other fast<br />

days, the fast lasts only from before dawn until nightfall of<br />

the same day. All fasts may be broken if danger to health is<br />

involved. Pregnant and nursing women are, under certain<br />

circumstances, exempt from observance (Sh. Ar., OḤ, 50:1<br />

(Isserles) and 554:5).<br />

If one of the above occurs on a Sabbath, the fasting is delayed<br />

until Sunday (Meg. 1:3 and Meg. 5a); only in the case of<br />

the Day of Atonement is the fast observed even on Sabbath.<br />

<strong>In</strong> the case of the Fast of Esther, observance is on the preceding<br />

Thursday (Sh. Ar., OḤ, 686:2).<br />

(2) FASTS DECREED BY THE RABBIS. It has become customary<br />

for the especially pious to fast from morning until evening<br />

on the following days:<br />

During the Ten Days of *Penitence (i.e., between<br />

Rosh Ha-Shanah and the Day of Atonement) and as many<br />

days as possible during the month of Elul (Sh. Ar., OḤ,<br />

581:2).<br />

The first Monday and Thursday, and the following Monday<br />

after *Passover and *Sukkot (Tur and Sh. Ar., OḤ, 492).<br />

This fast was interpreted as an atonement for possible sins<br />

committed while in a state of drunkenness and gluttony during<br />

the holidays (see Tos. to Kid. 81a S.V. Sekava).<br />

*ShOVaVIM TaT (initial letters of eight consecutive<br />

weekly Pentateuch portions starting with Shemot which<br />

are eight Thursdays of the winter months of an intercalated<br />

year).<br />

During the *Three Weeks of Mourning between the 17th<br />

of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av (Tur. and Sh. Ar., OḤ, 551:16).<br />

This fast was motivated by a profound grief for the destruction<br />

of Jerusalem.<br />

The Seventh of *Adar, traditional date of the death of<br />

Moses observed in many communities by the members of the<br />

*ḥevra kaddisha (“burial society”) who fasted prior to their<br />

annual banquet held on the evening of that same day.<br />

Yom Kippur Katan (“Minor Yom Kippur”), the last day<br />

of each month, on which many communities fasted and recited<br />

a special liturgy.<br />

The eve of Passover, firstborn males’ fast. This fast is a<br />

symbol of the sanctification of the Jewish firstborn who were<br />

saved during the tenth plague in Egypt (Ex. 13:1ff.). It is also<br />

kept in order to stimulate the appetite for the *maẓẓah (“unleavened<br />

bread”) at the festive meal (Sof. 21:3).<br />

Days commemorating disastrous events in Jewish history<br />

(full list in Tur and Sh. Ar., OḤ, 580:2).<br />

fatimids<br />

PRIVATE FASTS. <strong>In</strong> addition to the fixed days listed above,<br />

fasts are held on the following private occasions:<br />

The anniversary (*yahrzeit) of a parent’s death or of that<br />

of a teacher (Ned. 12a).<br />

The groom and the bride fast on their wedding day until<br />

the ceremony (Isserles to Sh. Ar., EH, 61:1), unless it is Rosh<br />

Ḥodesh (Isserles to Sh. Ar., OḤ, 573:1).<br />

To avert the evil consequences of nightmares (Ta’anit<br />

Ḥalom). <strong>In</strong> talmudic times, it was believed that bad dreams<br />

could have pernicious effects (Shab. 11a). This fast was regarded<br />

as of such urgency that the rabbis permitted it even<br />

on the Sabbath, but advocated fasting on a weekday as well as<br />

a repentance for having dishonored the Sabbath joy through<br />

fasting (Ta’an. 12b; Ber. 31b). <strong>In</strong> later centuries, however, the<br />

obligatory nature of this fast was mitigated by halakhic authorities<br />

(see Sh. Ar., OḤ, 288, 5).<br />

If a <strong>Torah</strong> scroll is dropped, it is customary for those<br />

present to fast a day.<br />

<strong>In</strong> the mishnaic period, the members of the *Sanhedrin<br />

fasted on the day on which they sentenced a person to death<br />

(Sanh. 63a).<br />

Bibliography: A. Buechler, Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety<br />

(1922), 128–264; idem, Studies in Sin and Atonement (1928), 441–56;<br />

M.S. Freiberger, Das Fasten im alten Israel (1927); G.F. Moore, Judaism<br />

(1927), index; M. Grintz, Sefer Yehudit (1957), index s.v. Ẓom;<br />

Allon, Meḥkarim, 2 (1958), 120–7; E. Samuel, in: Turei Yeshurun, 16<br />

(1970), 17–22. <strong>In</strong> the Bible: W.R. Smith, Lectures on the Religion of<br />

the Semites, ed. by S.A. Cook (19273), 434, 673; J.A. Montgomery, in:<br />

jbl, 51 (1932), 183–213; T.H. Gaster, Festivals of the Jewish Year (1955),<br />

190–211; Kaufmann, Y., Toledot, 4 (1956), 266–8; A. Malamat, in: iej<br />

6 (1956), 251ff.; E.B. Tylor, in: EB, S.V. Fast. Post-biblical Period: Urbach,<br />

in: Sefer Yovel… Y. Baer (1960), 48–68; Lowy, in: jjs, 9 (1958),<br />

19–38; Elbogen, Gottesdienst, index S.V. Fasttage.<br />

FASTLICHT, ADOLFO (1905–1964), Mexican Zionist leader.<br />

Born in Galicia, then part of Austria, he studied in traditional<br />

and public schools there. He was also active in the Zionist<br />

youth organizations. <strong>In</strong> 1925 he emigrated to Mexico, where he<br />

opened a dental workshop together with his brother. He continued<br />

his studies and graduated as a dentist. Fastlicht was involved<br />

in the establishment of the Organización Sionista Unida<br />

“Kadima” (the Zionist Federation) in 1925 and acted as its<br />

vice president in 1929. <strong>In</strong> 1933 he traveled to Ereẓ Israel, where<br />

he stayed a year. After his return he served as president of B’nai<br />

B’rith, Maccabi, the Zionist Federation, the Anti Defamation<br />

League, and the Comité Central – the umbrella organization<br />

of the Jewish community that acted as its political representative.<br />

Fastlicht was the first honorary consul of the State of<br />

Israel in Mexico, promoted the organization of the <strong>In</strong>stituto<br />

de <strong>In</strong>tercambio Cultural México-Israel, and was the honorary<br />

president of the Israeli-Mexican Commerce Chamber.<br />

[Efraim Zadoff (2nd ed.)]<br />

FATIMIDS, Shi’ite Muslim dynasty which ruled in *Egypt<br />

(969–1171), and in other parts of North Africa (*Tunisia, 909–<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6 723

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