JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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of Nations’ <strong>In</strong>ternational Labor Office, and as a consultant for<br />

the Social Security Board. He also taught at Brooklyn College<br />

and New York University. Epstein’s major publications<br />

include The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh (1918), The Problem<br />

of Old Age Pensions in <strong>In</strong>dustry (1926), Facing Old Age (1922),<br />

The Challenge of the Aged (1928), and <strong>In</strong>security, a Challenge<br />

to America (1938).<br />

[Roy Lubove]<br />


called Meir Harif (“sharpwitted”; 1726–1772), talmudist. Epstein<br />

was born in Grodno. He studied under his father, the<br />

kabbalist Aryeh Leib *Epstein, with whom he later also pursued<br />

halakhic studies. The results of their joint work appear in<br />

the talmudic glosses Divrei Ḥiddud. <strong>In</strong> 1750 he was appointed<br />

rabbi of Lyskovo, and in 1752 of Nowy-Mysz. <strong>In</strong> the dispute<br />

between *Eybeschuetz and *Emden on the use of amulets, Epstein,<br />

like his father, supported the former. He leaned toward<br />

*Ḥasidism and received Israel of Plotsk, a pupil of *Dov Baer<br />

of Mezhirech, with great respect. The added name Abraham<br />

was given to him during a serious illness in 1756. He was held<br />

in great esteem by his contemporaries and was frequently<br />

consulted on halakhic problems. He was the author of novellae<br />

to the Talmud and to Maimonides’ Mishneh <strong>Torah</strong> (Shevil<br />

Nahar, Divrei Yedidim, Mahadura Batra); a collection of sermons,<br />

Vikku’aḥ Ger ve-Toshav; an ethical treatise in the form<br />

of a dialogue; responsa; glosses and novellae to the Shulḥan<br />

Arukh, Yoreh De’ah, together with contributions by his father.<br />

Some of his novellae are contained in the works of his contemporaries.<br />

His ethical will was published as an appendix to the<br />

Gevurot ha-Ari of Ephraim Mordecai Epstein (18882).<br />

Bibliography: Ephraim Mordecai Epstein, Gevurot ha-Ari<br />

(18882), 27–29; Yahadut Lita, 3 (1967), 30.<br />

[Samuel Abba Horodezky]<br />

EPSTEIN, ALVIN (1925– ), U.S. actor. Born in the Bronx,<br />

New York, Epstein acted with a U.S. Army company in Europe<br />

after World War II, then joined the French Mime Theater<br />

and toured Europe. He joined the Habimah Theater, Israel, in<br />

1953. He spent three years in Israel – the first one devoted to<br />

learning Hebrew. During the following two years he played 11<br />

roles, gaining invaluable experience working with many welltrained<br />

actors who had come from the Moscow Art Theater<br />

School. He subsequently played in New York and on tour, his<br />

roles including Lucky in Waiting for Godot, Feste in Twelfth<br />

Night, the title role in Pirandello’s Henry IV, Shabelsky in Ivanov,<br />

and Lee Strasberg in Nobody Dies on Friday.<br />

Epstein served as artistic director of the Guthrie Theater<br />

and, for almost 25 years, he was the associate director of<br />

the Yale Repertory Theater. He also taught acting at the ART/<br />

MXAT <strong>In</strong>stitute (<strong>In</strong>stitute for Advanced Theater Training).<br />

Epstein performed throughout the United States, staging<br />

over 20 productions and performing in over 100. His Broadway<br />

and off-Broadway credits include his debut with former fellow<br />

student Marcel *Marceau, as well as roles in Orson Welles’ King<br />

epstein, aryeh leib ben mordecai<br />

Lear, The Threepenny Opera (co-starring with rock star Sting),<br />

the world premiere of When the World Was Green (A Chef’s Fable),<br />

and Tuesdays with Morrie. For 20 years Epstein and Martha<br />

Schlamme performed A Kurt Weill Cabaret on tour in the<br />

U.S. and South America, with a year’s run on Broadway.<br />

Epstein reprised the role of Lucky in the 1961 TV movie<br />

version of Waiting for Godot. He also played in the TV series<br />

The Doctors (1981) and appeared in the TV movie Doing Life<br />

(1986). On the big screen, he had a role in Never Met Picasso<br />

(1996) and Alma Mater (2002). Epstein also lent his voice to<br />

the films Everybody Rides the Carousel (1975) and Beauty and<br />

the Beast (1991).<br />

<strong>In</strong> 2004 he became involved with the Colleagues Theater<br />

Company in New York. Founded in 1996 by Catherine Wolf,<br />

its aim is to “identify and develop performance opportunities<br />

for the mature and seasoned actor and to provide training opportunities<br />

in theatrical craftsmanship for gifted high school<br />

graduates from underserved communities.” Epstein appeared<br />

in the CTC’s productions of The Mad Woman of Chaillot; 24<br />

Evenings of Wit and <strong>Wisdom</strong>; and Tasting Memories.<br />

[Ruth Beloff (2nd ed.)]<br />


rabbi and kabbalist. Epstein was born in Grodno and was a<br />

pupil of Isaac of Grodno, Poland, and Aryeh Leib b. Nathan of<br />

Slutsk. After a brief period as a merchant he took up the position<br />

of preacher in Grodno and in 1741 became rabbi in Berestovitsa<br />

and Golynka. <strong>In</strong> 1745 he went to Koenigsberg, where<br />

he developed an extensive educational system. He sided with<br />

Jonathan *Eybeschuetz in the latter’s dispute with Jacob *Emden,<br />

sharply criticizing the bickering in rabbinical circles. Two<br />

inquiries which he sent to Eybeschuetz in 1758 are extant, the<br />

one dealing with a halakhic matter, the other with the liturgy.<br />

Epstein was responsible for the introduction of a number of<br />

important takkanot in the Koenigsberg community and also<br />

for the establishment of the Great Synagogue there.<br />

His works include Or ha-Shanim, on the 613 commandments<br />

(Frankfurt on the Oder, 1754); Sefer ha-Pardes, consisting<br />

of novellae to tractate Shabbat; sermons; funeral orations;<br />

a treatise on positive and negative commandments called<br />

Yalkut Sakhar va-Onesh, with an appendix entitled Kunteres<br />

ha-Re’ayot on Shulḥan Arukh, Oraḥ Ḥayyim (Koenigsberg,<br />

1764); and Mishnat Gur-Aryeh, a commentary on Isaac *Luria’s<br />

prayer book (published in part only, Koenigsberg, 1765). He<br />

also published his responsa under the title Teshuvot Maharal<br />

(Morenu ha-Rav R. Aryeh Leib; ibid., 1769); wrote glosses to<br />

the Talmud (together with his son Abraham Meir); glosses and<br />

novellae to Shulḥan Arukh, Yoreh De’ah, to which his son also<br />

contributed (Vilna, 1883); and several other works.<br />

Bibliography: J. Emden, Mitpaḥat Sefarim (Lemberg, 1870),<br />

119; D. Kahana, Toledot ha-Shabbeta’im ve-ha-Ḥasidim, 2 (1914), 57;<br />

S.A. Friedenstein, Ir Gibborim (1880), 41, 44ff., 47–50; E.M. Epstein,<br />

Gevurot ha-Ari (18882); H.N. Maggid (Steinschneider), Ir Vilna<br />

(1900), 44; Sefer Yahadut Lita, 3 (1967), 30.<br />

[Samuel Abba Horodezky]<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6 467

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