JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Engel, Eliot L.<br />

(2) Settlement in the Judean Desert on the west bank of<br />

the Dead Sea, founded by Israeli-born youth first as a *Naḥal<br />

military outpost in 1953 and later in 1956 as a civilian kibbutz<br />

affiliated to the Iḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim. Its<br />

primary functions were, initially, those of defense; but it also<br />

successfully developed farming methods adapted to the local<br />

conditions of a hot desert climate and an abundance of fresh<br />

water from the En-Gedi Springs. These are fed by an underground<br />

flow (from the rain-rich intake area on the western<br />

slopes of the Hebron Hills), which emerges on a fault line.<br />

An area surrounding the Springs has been declared a nature<br />

reserve because of the small enclave of Sudano-Deccanian<br />

flora existing there. A field school of the Society for the<br />

Preservation of Nature, a youth hostel (Bet Sara), and a recreation<br />

home are all situated there. Until 1967 the means of<br />

transportation to En-Gedi were by land or sea from Sodom,<br />

on the south side of the Dead Sea. <strong>In</strong> 1962 a narrow asphalt<br />

road was built and it replaced the 50 km. dirt road that was<br />

frequently destroyed by flash floods in the winter months. At<br />

that time there was a motorboat that sailed from Sodom to<br />

En-Gedi, and a medical doctor used to arrive once a week by<br />

light plane (Piper) from Beer Sheva. <strong>In</strong> 1971 an asphalt road<br />

was built northwards and connected En-Gedi to Jerusalem,<br />

shortening the travel time from En-Gedi to Tel Aviv, from 5<br />

to 2 hours. The kibbutz economy was based mainly on tourism,<br />

including a guest house and medicinal waters. Farming<br />

was based on mango plantations, date palms, and herbs. The<br />

kibbutz had a 25-acre botanical garden with 900 plant species<br />

from all over the world. <strong>In</strong> 2002 the population of En-<br />

Gedi was 603.<br />

[Efraim Orni / Shaked Gilboa and Gideon Hadas (2nd ed.)]<br />

Bibliography: B. Mazar et al., En-Gedi, Ḥafirot… (1963);<br />

B. Mazar, in: BIES, 30 (1966), 183ff.; idem, in: Archaeology, 16 (1963),<br />

99ff.; idem, in: Archaeology and Old Testament Study, ed. by D. Winton<br />

Thomas (1967), 223ff.; idem, in: IEJ, 14 (1964), 121–30; 17 (1967),<br />

133–43; Y. Aharoni, in: Atiqot, 5 (1961–62), En-Gedi; ibid., 3 (1961),<br />

148–62; idem, in: IEJ, 12 (1962), 186–99; B. Mazar, S. Lieberman, and<br />

E.E. Urbach, in: Tarbiz, 40 (Oct. 1970), 18–30. Add. Bibliography:<br />

G. Hadas, “Stone Anchors,” in: Atiqot, 21 (1992), 55–57; idem,<br />

“Nine Tombs,” in: Atiqot, 24 (Hebrew; 1994); idem, “Water Mills,” in:<br />

BAIAS, 19–20 (2001–2), 71–93; idem, “Ancient Irrigation Agriculture<br />

in the Oasis of Ein Gedi” (Doctoral Thesis, 2002); idem, “Excavations<br />

by the Synagogue,” in: Atiqot, 49 (in press); G. Hadas et al., “Two Ancient<br />

Wooden Anchors,” in: JNA, 34:2 (2005), 307–15; Y. Hirschfeld,<br />

Excavations (forthcoming).<br />

ENGEL, ELIOT L. (1947– ), U.S. congressman. Engel was<br />

born and raised in New York. His family lived in a third floor<br />

Bronx tenement and around the time of his bar mitzvah<br />

moved to middle-class public housing. During the summers<br />

of his teenage years, he worked as an actor. <strong>In</strong> 1969, he graduated<br />

from Hunter-Lehman College with a B.A. in history<br />

and received a master’s degree in guidance and counseling in<br />

1973 from Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University<br />

of New York. <strong>In</strong> 1987, he received a law degree from New York<br />

Law School. After graduation from college he was a teacher<br />

and guidance counselor in the New York school system before<br />

entering politics.<br />

He began his political career as a member of the New<br />

York Assembly (1977–88) where he chaired the Committee<br />

on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse as well as the Subcommittee<br />

on Mitchell-Lama Housing. After six terms in the Assembly,<br />

he challenged ten-term incumbent Mario Biaggi, who<br />

had been convicted of bribery and extortion. He beat him in<br />

a Democratic primary, which was paramount to election in<br />

the district. He served in Congress from 1989. <strong>In</strong> Congress<br />

he was a member of the Energy Committee and a member of<br />

the <strong>In</strong>ternational Relations Committee. <strong>In</strong> typical New York<br />

fashion he pursued the three I’s strategy: Israel, Ireland, and<br />

Italy. He was outspoken in his defense of Israel, and a prime<br />

mover of the bill to move the American Embassy from Tel<br />

Aviv to Jerusalem. He also pressed the issue of American participation<br />

in Bosnia during the crisis of the mid-1990s. Engel<br />

was a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus,<br />

the Democratic Study Group on Health, and the Long Island<br />

Sound Caucus. He co-chaired the Albanian Issues Caucus and<br />

was an Executive Board Member of the Congressional Ad Hoc<br />

Committee on Irish Affairs.<br />

Bibliography: L.S. Maisel and I. Forman, Jews in American<br />

Politics (2001); K.F. Stone, The Congressional Minyan: The Jews<br />

of Capitol Hill (2002).<br />

[Michael Berenbaum (2nd ed.)]<br />

ENGEL, JOEL (Yuli Dimitriyevich; 1868–1927), composer<br />

and music editor, a pioneer of music in Ereẓ Israel. Born in<br />

Berdyansk, Russia, he studied at Kharkov and the Moscow<br />

Conservatory. He was music critic of the journal Russkiye<br />

Vedomosti for 20 years and in 1911 he published a collection<br />

of criticism, At the Opera. The turning point in Engel’s work<br />

came in 1900, when he began to adapt Jewish folk songs and<br />

to organize concerts for their performance. His activity attracted<br />

young Jewish musicians and the Society for Jewish<br />

Folk Music was founded in 1908. <strong>In</strong> 1912 Engel took part with<br />

S. *An-Ski in an ethnographical expedition to South Russia,<br />

and collected many folk songs among the Jewish population.<br />

Engel found in the Ḥasidic wordless niggunim manifestations<br />

of an original Hebrew melos. He believed that folk songs sung<br />

for years by the Jewish people, even though containing alien<br />

elements, reflected the Jewish spirit. He applied this idea in<br />

his most important composition, the music to An-Ski’s play<br />

The Dybbuk (published as a suite for orchestra, 1926). He also<br />

set Hebrew poems of *Bialik and *Tchernichowsky to music.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1924 he settled in Tel Aviv and devoted himself to the<br />

creation of original Hebrew-Palestinian songs. His music for<br />

Peretz’s works was performed at the Peretz Festival in the<br />

Ohel Theater in 1926. He also wrote children’s songs. <strong>In</strong> 1916<br />

in Moscow he published Fifty Children’s Songs (in Yiddish).<br />

More songs appeared in the booklets Yaldei Sadeh (1923) and<br />

Shirei Yeladim, and in a posthumous collection Be-Keren Za-<br />

408 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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