JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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elijah, cup of<br />

cessive zeal for Me you have brought charges against Israel that<br />

they have forsaken My covenant; therefore you shall have to<br />

be present at every circumcision ceremony” (PdRE 29; Zohar,<br />

Gen. 93a). Since “the messenger [angel] of the Covenant,”<br />

spoken of in Malachi 3:1, was identified with the prophet Elijah,<br />

it was only proper that the Angel of the Covenant should<br />

be present whenever a Jewish child entered the Covenant of<br />

Abraham (i.e., circumcision). Scholars have suggested that the<br />

custom is rooted in the belief in guardian angels for the newborn;<br />

Elijah is identified as the guardian angel of the Jewish<br />

child. Most probably, the biblical story (I Kings 17:17–24) in<br />

which Elijah revived the child of the widow was instrumental<br />

in creating this concept. Elijah is also the child protector in<br />

the inscription on *amulets against *Lilith. These were placed<br />

above the bed of the mother and the newborn child.<br />

Bibliography: H. Schauss, The Lifetime of a Jew (1950),<br />

34–37; Eisenstein, Dinim, 182.<br />

ELIJAH, CUP OF (Heb. ּוהָ ּיִלֵ א לֶׁ ש ֹוס ֹו, ּכ koso shel Eliyyahu),<br />

term designating the cup of wine which is placed on the table<br />

of the *Passover eve ceremonial (seder), but which is not<br />

drunk. There was controversy among the rabbis whether the<br />

seder ritual required four or five cups. Since, according to traditional<br />

belief, all doubtful cases of tradition will be resolved<br />

“when Elijah comes,” custom decreed that the fifth cup should<br />

be filled but not partaken of (cf. Pes. 118a; Maim., Yad, Ḥameẓ<br />

u-Maẓẓah 8:10). Later this custom became associated with the<br />

belief that Elijah had not died but had ascended to heaven in<br />

a fiery chariot (II Kings 2:11), and that he would return as the<br />

forerunner of the Messiah (Mal. 3:23). The festival of redemption<br />

from Egyptian bondage was naturally associated with the<br />

forerunner of the Messiah, who was expected in this “season<br />

of redemption” to herald the coming deliverance (cf. RH 11b).<br />

Hence the popular notion arose that the “cup of Elijah” was<br />

prepared to welcome the prophet who visited every Jewish<br />

home on the Passover night.<br />

Bibliography: H. Schauss, Jewish Festivals (1938), 80–82;<br />

J.L. Avida, Koso shel Eliyahu ha-Navi… (1958); Hoffer, in: HḥY, 11<br />

(1927), 211–3.<br />

ELIJAH BEN AARON BEN MOSES (also referred to as<br />

Ibn-’Abd-al-Wālī or ha-dayyan, “the judge”), Karaite author<br />

in Jerusalem; according to A. *Firkovich, he lived in the 15th<br />

century, and according to P.F. Fraenkel (see bibliography) in<br />

the 16th. He wrote the following works in Arabic: Shurūṭ al-<br />

Dhabaḥāt, on the laws of ritual slaughter; a key (fihrist) to<br />

Judah *Hadassi’s Eshkol ha-Kofer; collectanea (manuscript<br />

in Jewish Theological Seminary, N.Y., presumably the same<br />

as Sefer le-Eliyahu ha-Dayyan, referred to in S. Pinsker, Likkutei<br />

Kadmoniyyot (1860), 192 no. 14); and a commentary on<br />

the weekly portion Ha’azinu. He also composed Shevaḥ fı̄ al-<br />

<strong>Torah</strong>, a prayer on opening the Ark.<br />

Bibliography: Fraenkel, in: MGWJ, 32 (1883), 400–15; Mann,<br />

Texts, index, S.V. Elijah Haddayan.<br />

[Jakob Naphtali Hertz Simchoni]<br />

ELIJAH BEN ABRAHAM (first half of 12th century), Karaite<br />

scholar who may have lived in Ereẓ Israel. He wrote a polemical<br />

tract Ḥilluk ha-Kara’im ve-ha-Rabbanim (“The Controversy<br />

between the Karaites and the Rabbanites”). <strong>In</strong> this<br />

Elijah lists 14 Jewish sects of which there remained in his time<br />

only four: the *Rabbanites, the *Karaites, the Tiflisites, and the<br />

followers of the faith (i.e., sect) of *Meshwi al-Ukbari. Following<br />

*Kirkisānī and other Karaite writers, Elijah considers that<br />

the breach between Karaism and Rabbanite Judaism is traceable<br />

as early as the time of *Jeroboam I. Elijah was the first<br />

Karaite author to relate the questionable Karaite tradition according<br />

to which *Anan b. David and other Karaites were the<br />

first Avelei Zion (“Mourners of Zion”) in Jerusalem. The list<br />

of Karaite sages in Elijah’s work includes authors not known<br />

from other sources and also Rabbanite scholars such as *Judah<br />

b. Eli of Tiberias and Judah ibn Quraysh. The author states in<br />

conclusion that “although the Rabbanim go astray in most of<br />

the mitzvot, they are our brothers and our coreligionists. And<br />

our soul grieves for their errors.”<br />

Bibliography: S. Pinsker, Likkutei Kadmoniyyot (1860), 19,<br />

225 (first pagination); S. Poznański, Karaite Literary Opponents of<br />

Saadiah Gaon (1908), 72–74; Mann, Texts, 2 (1935), index; L. Nemoy,<br />

Karaite Anthology (1952), 4–8; Z. Ankori, Karaites in Byzantium<br />

(1959), index.<br />

[Simha Katz]<br />

ELIJAH BEN BARUCH (ben Solomon ben Abraham) THE<br />

ELDER (d. before 1712), Karaite author. Elijah lived at first in<br />

Constantinople but is included by Simḥah Isaac *Luẓki among<br />

the Karaite writers of the Crimea. Elijah subsequently visited<br />

Ereẓ Israel, and is therefore referred to as “Yerushalmi.” While<br />

in Jerusalem he copied the polemic by Salmon b. Jeroham<br />

against *Saadiah Gaon, as well as the polemical tract of Sahl<br />

b. Maẓliaḥ. Elijah inserted his own comments, strongly critical<br />

of the *Rabbanites in general and Saadiah Gaon in particular.<br />

Elijah’s writings, mainly polemical, include (1) Asarah<br />

Ma’amarot, his major work, on the differences between the<br />

Rabbanites and the Karaites; (2) Iggeret ha-Vikku’aḥ, in four<br />

parts, not extant (mentioned in Luẓki’s Oraḥ Ẓaddikim);<br />

(3) Yalkut, a collection of 61 essays by Karaite and Rabbanite<br />

scholars, with commentary; (4) Sippurei Massa’ot, a description<br />

of his journey from the Crimea to Ereẓ Israel; (5) Ẓeror<br />

ha-Mor, a commentary on Judah Gibbor’s Minḥat Yehudah.<br />

None of his works was published.<br />

Bibliography: A. Geiger, in: Oẓar Neḥmad, 4 (1863), 18;<br />

A.B. Gottlober, Bikkoret le-Toledot ha-Kara’im (1865), 159; S. Pinsker,<br />

in: Likkutei Kadmoniyyot (1860), 25, 27, 43; S. Poznański, Karaite Literary<br />

Opponents of Sa’adiah Gaon (1908), 86, no. 45; Mann, Texts, 2<br />

(1935), 1426–27.<br />

ELIJAH BEN BENJAMIN HA-LEVI (d. after 1540), rabbi<br />

and paytan of Constantinople. He belonged to an indigenous<br />

Turkish Jewish family. He studied under Moses *Capsali, to<br />

whose aid he came in his dispute with Joseph *Colon, and afterward<br />

under Elijah *Mizraḥi, whom he succeeded as chief<br />

rabbi of Constantinople in 1525. Elijah wrote a book of re-<br />

338 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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