JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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PD Piskei Din shel Bet ha-Mishpat ha-Elyon le-<br />

Yisrael (1948ff.)<br />

PDR Piskei Din shel Battei ha-Din ha-<br />

Rabbaniyyim be-Yisrael.<br />

PdRE Pirkei de-R. Eliezer (Eng. tr. 1916. (19652).<br />

PdRK Pesikta de-Rav Kahana.<br />

Pe’ah Pe’ah (talmudic tractate).<br />

Peake, Commentary A.J. Peake (ed.), Commentary on the Bible<br />

(1919; rev. 1962).<br />

Pedersen, Israel J. Pedersen, Israel, Its Life and Culture, 4<br />

vols. in 2 (1926–40).<br />

PEFQS Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly<br />

Statement (1869–1937; since 1938–PEQ).<br />

PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly (until<br />

1937 PEFQS; after 1927 includes<br />

BBSAJ).<br />

Perles, Beitaege J. Perles, Beitraege zur rabbinischen<br />

Sprachund Alterthumskunde (1893).<br />

Pes. Pesaḥim (talmudic tractate).<br />

Pesh. Peshitta (Syriac translation of the Bible).<br />

Pesher Hab. Commentary to Habakkuk from Qumran;<br />

see 1Qp Hab.<br />

I and II Pet. Epistles of Peter (New Testament).<br />

Pfeiffer, <strong>In</strong>trod R.H. Pfeiffer, <strong>In</strong>troduction to the Old<br />

Testament (1948).<br />

PG J.P. Migne (ed.), Patrologia Graeca, 161<br />

vols. (1866–86).<br />

Phil. Epistle to the Philippians (New<br />

Testament).<br />

Philem. Epistle to the Philemon (New Testament).<br />

PIASH Proceedings of the Israel Academy of<br />

Sciences and Humanities (1963/7ff.).<br />

PJB Palaestinajahrbuch des deutschen<br />

evangelischen <strong>In</strong>stitutes fuer<br />

Altertumswissenschaft, Jerusalem (1905–<br />

1933).<br />

PK Pinkas ha-Kehillot, encyclopedia of<br />

Jewish communities, published in over<br />

30 volumes by Yad Vashem from 1970<br />

and arranged by countries, regions and<br />

localities. For 3-vol. English edition see<br />

Spector, Jewish Life.<br />

PL J.P. Migne (ed.), Patrologia Latina 221 vols.<br />

(1844–64).<br />

Plant Philo, De Plantatione.<br />

PO R. Graffin and F. Nau (eds.), Patrologia<br />

Orientalis (1903ff.)<br />

Pool, Prayer D. de Sola Pool, Traditional Prayer Book<br />

for Sabbath and Festivals (1960).<br />

Post Philo, De Posteritate Caini.<br />

PR Pesikta Rabbati.<br />

Praem. Philo, De Praemiis et Poenis.<br />

Prawer, Ẓalbanim J. Prawer, Toledot Mamlekhet ha-Ẓalbanim<br />

be-Ereẓ Yisrael, 2 vols. (1963).<br />

Press, Ereẓ I. Press, Ereẓ-Yisrael, Enẓiklopedyah<br />

Topografit-Historit, 4 vols. (1951–55).<br />

Pritchard, Pictures J.B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near East in<br />

Pictures (1954, 1970).<br />

Pritchard, Texts J.B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near East Texts<br />

... (19703).<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1<br />

abbreviations<br />

Pr. Man. Prayer of Manasses (Apocrypha).<br />

Prob. Philo, Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit.<br />

Prov. Proverbs (Bible).<br />

PS Palestinsky Sbornik (Russ. (1881 1916,<br />

1954ff).<br />

Ps. Psalms (Bible).<br />

PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical<br />

Archaeology (1878–1918).<br />

Ps. of Sol Psalms of Solomon (Pseudepigrapha).<br />

IQ Apoc The Genesis Apocryphon from Qumran,<br />

cave one, ed. by N. Avigad and Y. Yadin<br />

(1956).<br />

6QD Damascus Document or Sefer Berit<br />

Dammesk from Qumran, cave six, ed. by<br />

M. Baillet, in RB, 63 (1956), 513–23 (see<br />

also CD).<br />

QDAP Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities<br />

in Palestine (1932ff.).<br />

4QDeut. 32 Manuscript of Deuteronomy 32 from<br />

Qumran, cave four (ed. by P.W. Skehan, in<br />

BASOR, 136 (1954), 12–15).<br />

4QExa Exodus manuscript in Jewish script from<br />

Qumran, cave four.<br />

4QExα Exodus manuscript in Paleo-Hebrew<br />

script from Qumran, cave four (partially<br />

ed. by P.W. Skehan, in JBL, 74 (1955),<br />

182–7).<br />

4QFlor Florilegium, a miscellany from Qumran,<br />

cave four (ed. by J.M. Allegro, in JBL, 75<br />

(1956), 176–77 and 77 (1958), 350–54).).<br />

QGJD Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in<br />

Deutschland 1888–98).<br />

IQH Thanksgiving Psalms of Hodayot from<br />

Qumran, cave one (ed. by E.L. Sukenik<br />

and N. Avigad, Oẓar ha-Megillot ha-<br />

Genuzot (1954).<br />

IQIsa Scroll of Isaiah from Qumran, cave one<br />

(ed. by N. Burrows et al., Dead Sea<br />

Scrolls ..., 1 (1950).<br />

IQIsb Scroll of Isaiah from Qumran, cave one<br />

(ed. E.L. Sukenik and N. Avigad, Oẓar ha-<br />

Megillot ha-Genuzot (1954).<br />

IQM The War Scroll or Serekh ha-Milḥamah (ed.<br />

by E.L. Sukenik and N. Avigad, Oẓar ha-<br />

Megillot ha-Genuzot (1954).<br />

4QpNah Commentary on Nahum from Qumran,<br />

cave four (partially ed. by J.M. Allegro, in<br />

JBL, 75 (1956), 89–95).<br />

IQphyl Phylacteries (tefillin) from Qumran, cave<br />

one (ed. by Y. Yadin, in Eretz Israel, 9<br />

(1969), 60–85).<br />

4Q Prayer of<br />

Nabonidus<br />

A document from Qumran, cave<br />

four, belonging to a lost Daniel<br />

literature (ed. by J.T. Milik, in RB, 63<br />

(1956), 407–15).<br />

IQS Manual of Discipline or Serekh ha-Yaḥad<br />

from Qumran, cave one (ed. by M.<br />

Burrows et al., Dead Sea Scrolls ..., 2, pt. 2<br />


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