JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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figure far higher. They formed, intellectually as well as politically,<br />

an offshoot of the neighboring Franco-German center,<br />

even speaking French among themselves. Their interests were<br />

accordingly halakhic rather than literary, though no name of<br />

the first importance figures among them. Outstanding scholars<br />

included *Jacob b. Judah of London, author of the ritual<br />

compendium Eẓ Ḥayyim; the grammarian Benjamin of *Cambridge;<br />

Isaac b. Perez of Northampton; *Moses b. Ha-Nesi’ah<br />

of London who wrote the grammatical work Sefer ha-Shoham;<br />

*Meir of Norwich, a liturgical poet; *Moses b. Yom-Tov<br />

of London, halakhist and grammarian; and his sons *Benedict<br />

of Lincoln (Berechiah of Nicole) and *Elijah Menahem<br />

of London, physician, scholar, and financier, the greatest luminary<br />

of medieval English Jewry.<br />

Their expulsion in 1290 cleared England of the Jews more<br />

completely than was the case in any other European country.<br />

The *Domus Conversorum founded by Henry III in London<br />

in 1232 continued indeed to function until the beginning of<br />

the 17th century, but ultimately its few inmates were in every<br />

case foreigners. The only professing Jews known to have come<br />

to the country were half a dozen individuals in 1310 (perhaps<br />

to negotiate conditions for readmission), one or two physicians<br />

who were invited professionally, and occasional wandering<br />

adventurers.<br />

The Resettlement Period<br />

This almost absolute isolation was broken by the repercussions<br />

of the expulsions from Spain and Portugal and of the activities<br />

of the <strong>In</strong>quisition in the Iberian Peninsula, which drove<br />

refugees throughout Western Europe. A small *Marrano settlement<br />

was established in London in the reigns of Henry VIII<br />

and Edward VI but broke up on the accession of Mary in<br />

1553 and the Catholic reaction which ensued. <strong>In</strong> the reign of<br />

Elizabeth, a semi-overt congregation existed for some years<br />

in London and Bristol, comprising among others Dr. Hector<br />

*Nunez whose commercial connections were found useful<br />

by the government in Spanish affairs, and Roderigo *Lopez,<br />

the queen’s physician, who was executed in 1594 on a charge<br />

of having plotted against her life. The latter was connected by<br />

marriage with Alvaro Mendes (Solomon *Abenaes), duke of<br />

Mytilene, who sent diplomatic missions to the English court<br />

on more than one occasion. Although this Marrano community<br />

at one time numbered approximately 100 persons, it had<br />

no legal guarantee of existence. With a change in political and<br />

economic conditions in 1609, it disappeared.<br />

Toward the middle of the 17th century, a new Marrano<br />

colony grew up in London, partly of refugees who had been<br />

settled for a time at Rouen and the Canary Islands. The revolution<br />

and the spread of extreme Puritan doctrine among<br />

the English people led to the development of a spirit more<br />

favorable to the Jews, which increased proportionately with<br />

the importance attached to the Old Testament. Sir Henry<br />

*Finch, Roger Williams, Edward *Nicholas, and John Sadler<br />

were among the notables who joined in the agitation for the<br />

formal readmission of the Jews into England, whether as a<br />

england<br />

measure of humanity or in the hopes of securing their conversion.<br />

The economic revival under *Cromwell, coupled with<br />

his anti-Spanish policy, combined to create an atmosphere<br />

more and more favorable to the Marrano merchants, some of<br />

whom, such as Antonio Fernandez *Carvajal, rendered the<br />

government valuable service in obtaining intelligence from<br />

the continent.<br />

Meanwhile, the reported discovery of Jews in America<br />

by Antonio (Aaron) de *Montezinos had led *Manasseh Ben<br />

Israel, the Amsterdam rabbi and mystic, to look forward to the<br />

millennium which would be ushered in by the completion of<br />

the dispersion through the official introduction of the Jews to<br />

the “end of the earth” (Keẓeh ha-Areẓ = Angle-Terre). Negotiations<br />

with him, which had been going on fitfully since 1650,<br />

came to a head with his arrival in England in the autumn of<br />

1655. A petition presented on behalf of the Jews was backed up<br />

by his eloquent plea in the “Humble Addresses” (Amsterdam,<br />

1655), presented to the Lord Protector. On December 4, 1655, a<br />

conference of notables met at Whitehall to consider the whole<br />

question. The judges present decided that there was no statute<br />

which excluded the Jews from the country. On the other hand,<br />

a large body of theological and mercantile opinion manifested<br />

itself, which would consent to readmission only on the severest<br />

terms. After four sessions, Cromwell dissolved the conference<br />

before it arrived at a positive conclusion. <strong>In</strong> the following<br />

March, the London Marranos presented a fresh petition,<br />

merely asking for permission to have their own burial ground<br />

and to be protected from disturbance in the performance of<br />

their religious ceremonies. Their position was meanwhile<br />

strengthened by a judicial ruling which restored the property<br />

of Antonio *Robles (seized on the outbreak of war with Spain<br />

because of his Spanish nationality), mainly on the grounds<br />

that he was a Jew. <strong>In</strong> July, as it seems, the petition of the previous<br />

March was at last taken into consideration and assented<br />

to by the Council of State. Although the relevant pages were<br />

subsequently torn out of the minute book, the settlement of<br />

the Jews in England was never thereafter seriously questioned.<br />

This was far from the formal recall for which Manasseh Ben<br />

Israel had hoped, but its very informality secured its continuance<br />

even after the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 and<br />

saved English Jewry from that special and inferior status which<br />

was the rule elsewhere in Europe.<br />

The easygoing King Charles II was indeed little disposed,<br />

on his return to England, to reverse the arrangement which<br />

had become established under the Protectorate, in spite of<br />

anti-Jewish agitation fostered by Thomas Violet and embodied<br />

in a petition by the City of London. <strong>In</strong> 1664, in consequence<br />

of an attempt at blackmail made by the Earl of Berkshire and<br />

Paul Ricaut, the community received from the Crown a formal<br />

promise of protection, and in 1673, after another petty<br />

persecution, a guarantee of freedom of worship, which was<br />

confirmed in similar circumstances in 1685. This pragmatic<br />

policy of protection for the Jews was continued throughout<br />

the reigns of the later Stuarts. Suggestions for special taxation<br />

(which must inevitably have led to special status) were not im-<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6 413

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