JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ferrer, vicente<br />

ber of works mainly, but not exclusively, of Jewish significance<br />

in Spanish and Portuguese, including the Ferrara Bible (1553)<br />

and the “Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel” by Samuel<br />

Usque (1553). Toward the end of the 17th century an attempt<br />

at reviving Hebrew printing at Ferrara was made by the non-<br />

Jewish printer Girolamo Filoni, who printed in 1693 a handsome<br />

small prayer book (Siddur mi-Berakhah), compiled by<br />

J. Nisim and Abraham Ḥayyim da Fano, printers from Mantua.<br />

Filoni also issued a broadsheet primer with the Hebrew<br />

alphabet and some basic prayers. Shortly after, Filoni melted<br />

down his Hebrew type and converted it into a Latin font. The<br />

takkanot of the Ferrara community of 1767 provided for less<br />

gifted pupils of the Jewish school (Talmud <strong>Torah</strong>) to attend<br />

the workshop of the printer Salvador Serri to learn the craft<br />

of Hebrew printing, both for their own good and for the preservation<br />

of this important craft (see Asaf, Mekorot 2 (1930),<br />

206–8). No other evidence of Hebrew printing in Ferrara at<br />

that period is available.<br />

Bibliography: A. Pesaro, Memorie storiche sulla comunità<br />

israelitica ferrarese (1878); idem, Appendice alle memorie… (1880);<br />

A. Balleti, Gli ebrei e gli estensi (19302); Milano, Bibliotheca, index;<br />

idem, in: RMI, 33 (1967), 364ff.; Kaufmann, in: REJ, 20 (1890), 34–72;<br />

Perreau, in: Vessillo israelitico, 27 (1879), 108–10, 139–42; Terracini,<br />

in: RMI, 18 (1952), 3–11, 63–72, 113–21; G.B. De’Rossi, De typographia<br />

hebraeo-ferrariensi commentarius historicus… (1780); Magrini, in:<br />

RMI, 10 (1935/36), 126–32; Roth, in: HUCA, 10 (1935), 466–8; idem, in:<br />

Modern Language Review, 38 (1943), 307–17; Ḥ.D. Friedberg, Toledot<br />

ha-Defus ha-Ivri be-Italyah (19562), 26ff.<br />

°FERRER, VICENTE (c. 1350–1419), Dominican friar, canonized<br />

by the Catholic Church. Some scholars consider that<br />

he was directly responsible for the anti-Jewish persecutions<br />

in Spain of 1391. However, it seems that he was on his way to<br />

Avignon at the time. <strong>In</strong> a Lenten sermon delivered in Valencia<br />

after the disorders, he condemned the behavior of the rioters.<br />

Ferrer advocated conversion to Christianity from conviction<br />

and emphasized more than once the Jewish origin of<br />

Jesus. Nevertheless his appearances provoked mass demonstrations<br />

accompanied by anti-Jewish outbursts. These took<br />

place in particular in the first and second decades of the 15th<br />

century. The conversion of *Solomon ha-Levi, rabbi of Burgos,<br />

and possibly that of Don Samuel *Abrabanel of Seville,<br />

are attributable to Ferrer’s direct influence.<br />

After the 1391 persecutions, when the problem of *Conversos<br />

arose, Ferrer initiated the policy toward the Jews<br />

adopted by the antipope Benedict XIII, by Ferdinand I of<br />

Aragon for whose choice as king in 1409 Ferrer was responsible,<br />

and by the queen mother Catalina, regent of Castile.<br />

This policy was embodied in social and communal, economic<br />

and legal restrictions in Aragon and Castile. <strong>In</strong> 1412, Ferrer<br />

collaborated with Pablo de Santa María in formulating the<br />

laws of Valladolid directed against the Jews. He used his<br />

influence to implement a program to evict the Jews from<br />

their quarters lest they should have a bad influence on the<br />

Christians, i.e., the Conversos, who still lived in their former<br />

homes.<br />

Throughout this period, Ferrer went from place to place<br />

preaching. As a result of his sermons, the populace more than<br />

once refused to sell the Jews food supplies and other necessities.<br />

The Jews of Tamarite de Litera complained to Ferdinand I<br />

that they were afraid that anti-Jewish riots would occur as a<br />

result of Ferrer’s sermons, and the king ordered the city officials<br />

to protect them (May 25, 1414). The Jews of Aynsa moved<br />

out of town when they heard that Ferrer was coming to preach<br />

there, and returned only after he had left (1414). Ferdinand<br />

compelled the Jews and Moors to listen to Ferrer’s sermons<br />

and imposed heavy fines upon those who were absent. At the<br />

height of the disputation of *Tortosa (November 1413) Ferdinand<br />

wrote to Ferrer in Majorca, asking him to go to Tortosa<br />

in order to bring about the conversion of the Jews assembled<br />

there. From there he was to proceed to Saragossa, where the<br />

conversion of numerous Jews was also anticipated. A vessel<br />

was placed at the friar’s disposal for this purpose. <strong>In</strong> May 1414<br />

Ferdinand wrote to Ferrer rejoicing over the conversion of 122<br />

Jews in Guadalajara. Ferrer evidently attempted to persuade<br />

the Jews to come to the baptismal font by all means except<br />

physical force. <strong>In</strong> 1408 he was in Italy where *Bernardino da<br />

Siena heard him preach in Alessandria and was thereby stimulated<br />

to imitate him.<br />

Ferrer wrote several theological tracts but his sermons,<br />

numbering over 6,000, form his principal work. These he delivered<br />

in Catalan and they were then summarized in Latin.<br />

Bibliography: Baer, Spain, index S.V. Vincent Ferrer; J.E.<br />

Martínez Ferrando, San Vicente Ferrer y la casa Real de Aragón<br />

(1955), incl. bibl.<br />

[Haim Beinart and Zvi Avneri]<br />

FERRIS, IRIS (1910–1970), <strong>In</strong>dian educator and social<br />

worker. Iris Ferris, who was born in Calcutta, became headmistress<br />

of one of the city’s secondary schools while still in her<br />

twenties. She was active in the local Jewish Women’s League.<br />

A member of the Girl Guide movement from childhood, she<br />

rose to become commissioner for training in West Bengal. <strong>In</strong><br />

1953 she settled in London and joined the staff of the world<br />

bureau of the Girl Guide movement of which she soon became<br />

general secretary.<br />

[Flower Elias]<br />

FERRIZUEL, JOSEPH HA-NASI (called Cidellus: “Little<br />

Cid” or “Chief”; d.c. 1145), physician of Alfonso VI of Castile.<br />

He was allotted property in and around Toledo after its capture<br />

in 1085 during the Christian reconquest. Ferrizuel was active<br />

on behalf of the Jews of Guadalajara when this town was occupied<br />

the same year. His position at court is indicated by the<br />

part he played in proposing a marriage for the king’s daughter<br />

Urraca on behalf of the Castilian nobles. When the proposal<br />

was rejected by Alfonso, Ferrizuel lost favor. Ferrizuel gave assistance<br />

to the Jews who fled from areas under Muslim rule in<br />

Spain to the Christian kingdoms in the north. However, Abraham<br />

ibn Daud relates that he treated the Karaites ruthlessly<br />

and expelled them from all the citadels in Castile. Judah Halevi<br />

764 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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