JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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eruv<br />

him seem disgraceful, Erter seeks to stress his accusations by<br />

way of irony. Assuming an air of innocence, he is apparently<br />

surprised and shocked at the various reports of deceit and ignorance<br />

which are conveyed to him by the characters which<br />

inhabit the shadow of his sketches. His style is most important<br />

in the shaping of his satire. Using biblical phraseology<br />

extensively, he highlights the disparity between the sublime<br />

and the ideal in the original biblical source from which that<br />

phraseology is drawn and the ugly and the ridiculous state of<br />

the contemporary world which it describes. He also parodies<br />

traditional legal sources and adapts for his purpose some traditional<br />

sayings and proverbs. His idiom reflects the elaborate<br />

Hebrew style of the period and does not lack a certain rhetorical<br />

symmetry. A new edition of Ha-Ẓofeh le-Veit Yisrael<br />

was published in 1996.<br />

Bibliography: J. Chotzmen, in: JQR, 3 (1891), 106–119; idem,<br />

Hebrew Humour and other Essays (1905), 127–39; M. Lovitch, in:<br />

HUCA (1904), 224–34; M. Weissberg, in: MGWJ, 62 (1928), 184–92;<br />

Waxman, Literature, 3 (19602), 187–94; S. Bernfeld, Sefer ha-Shanah,<br />

2 (1935), 134–42; Klausner, Sifrut (19522), 321–49. Add. Bibliography:<br />

M. Peli, Darkhei ha-Sippur shel Erter ba-Satirah Gilglul Nefesh<br />

(1973); N. Orland, “Aufklaerung, Emanzipation und Zionismus,” in:<br />

Veröffentlichungen aus dem <strong>In</strong>stitut Kirche und Judentum, 5 (1977),<br />

36–41; J. Vilian, “Ḥasidut ve-Ḥokhmah le-Yiẓḥak Erter,” in: Dappim<br />

le-Meḥkar be-Sifrut, 5–6 (1989), 277–86; S. Werses, “Gilgul Nefesh shel<br />

Erter be-Tirgumo le-Yiddish,” in: Ḥuliot, 2 (1994), 29–49; S. Werses,<br />

“Tofa’ot shel Magiyah ve-Demonologiyah ba-Aspaklariyah ha-Satirit<br />

shel Maskilei Galiẓiya,” in: Meḥkarei Yerushalayim ba-Folklor ha-Yehudi,<br />

17 (1995), 33–62; Y. Friedlander, <strong>In</strong>troduction to Ha-Ẓofeh le-<br />

Veit Yisrael (1996).<br />

[Samuel Werses]<br />

ERUV (pl. Eruvin; Heb. בּורע), ֵ term applied to various symbolical<br />

acts which facilitate the accomplishment of otherwise<br />

forbidden acts on the Sabbath and festivals. The literal meaning<br />

of eruv is “mixing” and it probably connotes the insertion<br />

of the forbidden into the sphere of the permissible (cf.<br />

Maim., Yad, Eruvin, 1:6). Thus, though it is forbidden (biblically,<br />

according to some authorities, rabbinically, according<br />

to others) to walk further than 2,000 cubits from one’s town<br />

on the Sabbath or festivals, one may “mix” the forbidden and<br />

permitted areas by establishing an eruv teḥumim (boundary<br />

eruv). This is accomplished by placing sufficient food for two<br />

meals (also called eruv teḥumim) less than 2,000 cubits from<br />

the town, thus establishing another “residence” from which<br />

one can again walk the permissible distance in any direction.<br />

This ordinance is evidently ancient since its existence is assumed<br />

in tannaitic sources (cf. Er. 3–5; Tosef. Er. 3–7; et al). It<br />

is discussed extensively in the Talmud (cf. Er. 26b–61b; TJ, Er.<br />

3–5) and by later authorities (e.g., Tur, Sh. Ar., Oḥ 408–16).<br />

A similarly old statute (attributed to Solomon in Er. 21b)<br />

is that of eruv ḥaẓerot (domain eruv). While carrying between<br />

private and public domains is forbidden on the Sabbath, the<br />

rabbis also forbade carrying between two private domains.<br />

For example, if several houses opened onto one courtyard, an<br />

object could not be removed from one house to another, nor<br />

from a house to the courtyard (the latter is considered private<br />

property, owned by all the residents, if it is surrounded by a<br />

wall at least ten handbreadths high). To facilitate such carrying,<br />

a loaf of bread (called eruv ḥaẓerot) owned by all the<br />

residents is placed in one of the houses, thereby symbolically<br />

creating mutual ownership of all the dwellings. The houses<br />

and courtyard are thereby “mixed” together into one private<br />

domain. The sources indicate that eruv ḥaẓerot was already<br />

practiced in the time of the Second Temple; the details are<br />

elaborated in rabbinic literature from tannaitic times (Er. 1:10;<br />

2:6, et al.; see also Er. 17b; 61b–82a, et al.) down to the later<br />

codes (cf. Tur, Sh. Ar., Oḥ 366–95).<br />

To “mix” private and public domains in order that an individual<br />

may carry from one to the other or within the latter,<br />

an eruv is erected around a given settled district. According<br />

to most early authorities, this eruv consists of a minimum of<br />

four poles at least ten handbreadths high, connected by other<br />

poles from top to top, forming the shape of a gate. The accepted<br />

practice among Jewish communities for generations<br />

has been to erect such an eruv by connecting poles (of the<br />

required height) with iron wires. A minority opinion among<br />

the authorities, based on a disagreement of interpretation of a<br />

talmudic section (Er. 11a–b; cf. Tur, Sh. Ar., Oḥ 362), holds that<br />

the poles must also be no more than ten cubits apart.<br />

No eruv, however, can permit carrying within what rabbinic<br />

law considers as falling under the biblical definition of<br />

public domain (cf. Shab. 6b; Er. 6). According to most authorities,<br />

such a domain is defined as an area crossed by at least<br />

600,000 people (the number of Jews who fled Egypt) every<br />

day, and this definition is accepted in law. Since such public<br />

domains exist only in the largest cities, an eruv is effective in<br />

most areas. Some consider the minority opinion, which finds<br />

a biblically defined public domain in most settlements. While<br />

individuals refrain from carrying in such areas, the authorities<br />

admit that this practice is not required of everyone by law (cf.<br />

Shab. 6b; Tos. to Shab., s.v. Kan; Tur, Sh. Ar., Oḥ 303, 345).]<br />

According to rabbinical decree, in order to cook for the<br />

Sabbath during a festival immediately preceding it, one must<br />

establish an eruv tavshilin (cooking eruv). Before the festival,<br />

bread and a cooked food (some feel the former is unnecessary)<br />

are put aside for the Sabbath. Since the preparation of food<br />

for the Sabbath begins before the festival, it may be continued<br />

during the holidays. The preparation of food for the festival<br />

and that for the Sabbath are thus “mixed.” The food prepared<br />

before the holiday is “mixed” with that prepared within the<br />

day, and the use of both is permitted. The term eruv tavshilin<br />

is applied both to the act of setting aside the food and to the<br />

food itself. This practice also evidently dates from an early period,<br />

since a controversy is recorded between the schools of<br />

Shammai and Hillel regarding one detail: Bet Shammai held<br />

that not one but two cooked dishes must be set aside. Eruv<br />

tavshilin is made by every householder, although, in principle,<br />

one man’s eruv (e.g., that of the rabbi) can dispense the whole<br />

congregation or city. The making of the eruv is preceded by<br />

the standard benediction “Blessed art Thou … Who hast sanc-<br />

484 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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