JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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Political Cooperation<br />

The first aim of the EEC was political although at first it was easier<br />

to build the economic side; in November 1970 the foreign<br />

ministers of the Six discussed for the first time in Munich a<br />

common stand on Middle Eastern problems. Immediately after<br />

the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, an oil boycott was declared<br />

by OAPEC, the Arab Oil Producers Organization, against<br />

the Netherlands and Denmark. This provoked the Declaration<br />

of the Nine of November 6, 1973, a kind of total surrender to<br />

the Arabs in which four principles were established as the basis<br />

for the common European policy: the inadmissibility of acquisition<br />

of territories by force; the necessity for Israel to end the<br />

territorial occupation in place since 1967; the respect for suzerainty,<br />

territorial integrity, and independence of every state<br />

of the region and their rights to live in peace within secure and<br />

recognized borders; the recognition that due account should<br />

be taken of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians.<br />

The beginning of the Euro-Arab dialogue at the end<br />

of December 1973 in Copenhagen and its subsequent evolution<br />

was a factor for a change to a growingly pro-Arab stand.<br />

The Declaration of the Nine in Venice was given on June<br />

13, 1980, after the historic meeting of President Anwar Sadat<br />

with Prime Minister Menachem Begin in Jerusalem and<br />

the subsequent signature of the Peace Treaty between Israel<br />

and Egypt in 1979. <strong>In</strong> December 1979 the Soviet Union invaded<br />

Afghanistan. Some believe that the strategic aim of Europe<br />

was to use the outraged feelings of Third World countries regarding<br />

the invasion in order to reinforce the European presence<br />

in the Islamic world. To this purpose the price of supporting<br />

the Arab thesis, the PLO, and the right to self-determination<br />

of the Palestinians did not seem too high. According to the<br />

Venice declaration of June 13, 1980, the countries of the European<br />

Community would be ready to participate in “a system<br />

of concrete and obligatory guaranties including in the field”<br />

(Art. 5), the Palestinian people should be able “to exercise fully<br />

its right to self-determination” (Art. 6), the PLO “must be associated<br />

with the negotiations” (Art. 7), the Jewish settlements<br />

in the administered territories are considered to be illegal and<br />

“a grave obstacle to the peace process” (Art. 9), Israel should<br />

put an end to its territorial occupation (Art. 9). Israel did not<br />

agree to the text and the spirit of the Venice declaration which<br />

ignored the Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt<br />

and was considered to be unbalanced and pro-Arab.<br />

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 brought the relations<br />

with the states of the EEC to their lowest ebb; the Ten at<br />

Luxembourg in their declaration of June 29, 1982, maintained<br />

“their vigorous condemnation of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon,”<br />

demanded “an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces,”<br />

and “a simultaneous withdrawal of the Palestinian forces in<br />

West Beirut” and admonished that:<br />

Israel will not obtain the security to which it has a right by<br />

using force and creating “faits accomplis” but it can find this<br />

security by satisfying the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian<br />

people, who should have the opportunity to exercise their<br />

right to self-determination with all that this implies.<br />

european community, the<br />

The Council of Ministers also decided to suspend the signature<br />

of the second Financial Protocol already initialed. Israel was<br />

even accused by Mr. Pisani, member of the EC Commission, to<br />

have blocked European humanitarian aid to Lebanon – which<br />

had never been sent in the first place.<br />

At the beginning of September 1982 the massacre at Sabra<br />

and Shatila provoked the “profound shock and revulsion”<br />

of the Ten; they also welcomed the American initiative contained<br />

in President Reagan’s speech of September 1, 1982, and<br />

underlined “the importance of the statement adopted by Arab<br />

heads of state and governments at Fez on September 9” calling<br />

“for a similar expression of a will of peace on the part of Israel”<br />

(Declaration of the Ten of September 20, 1982).<br />

At the European Council of Stuttgart (June 17–19, 1983)<br />

the Ten, under the presidency of Germany, took a positive<br />

view of the Israeli-Lebanese Peace Treaty and decided to resume<br />

normal relations with Israel allowing for the signature<br />

of the second financial protocol and the meeting of the Council<br />

of Cooperation. <strong>In</strong> the Dublin summit of December 3–4,<br />

1984, the Ten reiterated that the PLO must be associated with<br />

negotiations but refrained from any new Middle Eastern initiative.<br />

Bettino Craxi was the first European prime minister<br />

to go and meet Yasser Arafat, in Tunisia on December 7, 1984.<br />

The Ten had mixed feelings about American initiatives; they<br />

considered Arafat as a moderate who could be convinced to<br />

state publicly the abandonment of terror; they felt that if Arafat<br />

disappeared any successor might be much more radical.<br />

The huge economic interest of many European companies in<br />

the Arab countries seemed best assured by intimate contact<br />

with Arafat.<br />

<strong>In</strong> the year 1985 two events showed how wide the gap between<br />

the Europeans and Israel had remained: the Israeli raid<br />

on the PLO headquarters near Tunis on October 1, and the hijacking<br />

of the Italian boat Achille Lauro some days later. The<br />

first was compared by an Italian minister to the Nazi killing<br />

of innocent hostages, among them Jews, by the Nazis in Fosse<br />

Ardeatine near Rome in March 1944; the second gave rise in<br />

the Italian media to the idea that Israel could avoid Palestinian<br />

terrorism if it only agreed to make concessions to the PLO.<br />

The Israeli prime minister, Shimon Peres, launched a<br />

peace plan at the General Assembly of the United Nations in<br />

New York in October 1985, with the idea of an international<br />

conference that would accompany direct negotiations among<br />

the parties. Peres presented an Israeli scheme for peace at the<br />

Council of Cooperation in Brussels in January 1987. The declaration<br />

of the Twelve of February 23, 1987, reasserted that a<br />

negotiated solution in the Middle East should be based on<br />

the Venice Declaration; the Twelve were in favor of an international<br />

conference under the auspices of the United Nations<br />

and they expressed the wish “to see an improvement in the<br />

living conditions of the inhabitants of the occupied territories.”<br />

The entrance of Spain and Portugal into the European<br />

Community on January 1, 1986, worried Israeli farmers because<br />

70% of their total production is exported and about<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6 565

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