JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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duschak, mordecai<br />

Durkheim’s early work, De la division du travail social<br />

(1893), still shows traces of evolutionary thought; but his opposition<br />

to the utilitarianism of the economists is clearly<br />

marked there. <strong>In</strong> his subsequent works, especially in Les règles<br />

de la méthode sociologique (1895; The Rules of Sociological<br />

Method, 1950) and in Le suicide: étude de sociologie (1897; Suicide,<br />

1951), as well as in numerous scholarly papers published<br />

chiefly in L’Année Sociologique, he increasingly emphasized<br />

scientific method and the combination of empirical research<br />

with sociological theory. His major work, cast largely in the<br />

language of functionalism, is Les formes elémentaires de la vie<br />

religieuse: le système totémique en Australie (1912; The Elementary<br />

Forms of the Religious Life, 1965). Other treatises with a<br />

strongly historical and philosophical bent are Education et<br />

sociologie (1922; Education and Sociology, 1956), Sociologie et<br />

philosophie (1929), L’éducation morale (1925), Le socialisme:<br />

sa définition, ses débuts, la doctrine Saint Simonienne (1928;<br />

Socialism and Saint-Simon, 1958), L’évolution pédagogique en<br />

France (1938), and Montesquieu et Rousseau; précurseurs de la<br />

sociologie (1953).<br />

Bibliography: Analyses of Durkheim’s approach to sociology<br />

abound. The most influential of these are contained in G. Gurvich,<br />

Essais de sociologie (1936), and in T. Parsons, Structure of Social<br />

Action (1937). Among book-length evaluations the best known<br />

are C.E. Gehlke, Emile Durkheim’s Contributions to Sociological Theory<br />

(1915); P. Faconnet, The Durkheim School in France (1927); R.<br />

Lacombe, La Méthode sociologique de Durkheim (1926); E. Conze,<br />

Zur Bibliographie der Durkheim Schule (1927); and H. Alpert, Emile<br />

Durkheim and His Sociology (1939). A complete bibliography is found<br />

in K. Wolff (ed.), Emile Durkheim, 1858–1917 (1960).<br />

[Werner J. Cahnman and Joseph Maier]<br />

DUSCHAK, MORDECAI (Moritz; 1815–1890), rabbi,<br />

teacher, and writer. Duschak was born in Triesch, Moravia.<br />

He studied under Moses *Sofer in Pressburg, and later was appointed<br />

rabbi in Aussee and in Gaya, both in Moravia. From<br />

1877 he occupied the post of preacher and teacher in Cracow.<br />

Toward the end of his life he moved to Vienna, where he remained<br />

until his death. Duschak published many studies on<br />

talmudic topics and Jewish scholarship in both Hebrew and<br />

German.<br />

His noteworthy books in German are Umriss des biblisch-talmudischen<br />

Synagogen-Rechtes (1853), Das mosaischtalmudische<br />

Eherecht (1864), Geschichte und Darstellung des<br />

juedischen Cultus (1866), Das mosaisch-talmudische Strafrecht<br />

(1869), Zur Botanik des Talmud (1870), Die biblisch-talmudische<br />

Glaubenslehre (1873), and Tor Esier (against the<br />

Blood *Libel, 1883). <strong>In</strong> Hebrew he published Yerushalayim<br />

ha-Benuyah (1880, combining the Babylonian and Jerusalem<br />

Talmuds in order to explain the mishnayot of tractates Eruvin,<br />

Pesaḥim, Megillah, and Yoma).<br />

Bibliography: Zeitlin, Bibliotheca, 39, 71; M. Schwab, Répertoire<br />

des Articles… (1914–23), 106f., s.v.; A. Bauminger et al. (eds.),<br />

Sefer Cracow (1959), 103f.; Kressel, Leksikon, 1 (1965), 546, s.v.<br />

[Yehoshua Horowitz]<br />

DUSCHINSKY, CHARLES (Jacob Koppel; 1878–1944), historian.<br />

Duschinsky was born in Námestovo, Czechoslovakia;<br />

he served as rabbi in Kostel, Moravia, from 1904 to 1907, and<br />

thereafter settled in London, where he engaged in business.<br />

He continued publishing monographs in scholarly journals<br />

on Anglo-Jewish history and other topics. His most important<br />

work was The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London,<br />

from 1756–1842 (1921).<br />

[Cecil Roth]<br />


Hungarian rabbi, and later rabbi of the separatist Orthodox<br />

community of Jerusalem. Duschinsky was born in Paks, Hungary,<br />

where his father was the sofer (“scribe”). He studied first<br />

under Moses Pollak, rabbi of Paks, and later under Rabbi<br />

Simḥah Bunim Sofer (Schreiber, the Shevet Sofer) in Pressburg.<br />

<strong>In</strong> 1892 he married the only daughter of R. Mordecai<br />

Leib Winkler of Brezovanad Bradlom (Slovakia) and spent<br />

the next three years in his house. The years spent at Pressburg<br />

and his father-in-law’s fine personality were the main formative<br />

influences in his life. <strong>In</strong> 1895 he was elected rabbi to a congregation<br />

in Galanta established in opposition to the existing<br />

one, and in 1921 went to Khust (Carpatho-Ruthenia). <strong>In</strong> 1932<br />

he visited Palestine and on the death of R. Joseph Ḥayyim<br />

*Sonnenfeld was elected in 1933 to succeed him as rabbi of<br />

the Edah Ḥaredit (“Orthodox Community”) of Jerusalem. He<br />

founded a yeshivah, Bet Yosef, which had hundreds of pupils.<br />

Duschinsky, an active supporter of *Agudat Israel, appeared<br />

before various commissions of inquiry of the British mandatory<br />

government, and although he did not normally cooperate<br />

with the official rabbinate, during the siege of Jerusalem in<br />

1948 he endorsed their permission to undertake defense and<br />

fortification work on the Sabbath.<br />

Duschinsky was a discerning bibliophile of refined taste<br />

and amassed a fine library of rare books. None of his own<br />

works was published in his lifetime. From his literary legacy<br />

two volumes of responsa, She’elot u-Teshuvot Mahariẓ (pt. 1,<br />

1956; pt. 2, 1966), and three volumes of his homiletic commentary<br />

to the Bible (pt. 1, 1956; pt. 2, 1961; and pt. 3, 1965) have<br />

been published. His responsa in particular reflect his immense<br />

learning and wide range of reading (e.g., vol. 2, no. 51 adduces<br />

proof for a halakhic point of view from Emden’s anti-Shabbatean<br />

tract Mitpaḥat Soferim, Altona, 1768). He died during<br />

the siege of Jerusalem. His yeshivah continued to function<br />

under the direction of his only son, Moses Israel.<br />

Bibliography: A. Katzburg, Temunat ha-Gedolim (1925– );<br />

S.Z. Tennenbaum, Nata Sorek (1899), 167b–174b (HM 1–5).<br />

[Abraham Schischa]<br />


educator. Born in Suwalki, Poland, Dushkin was taken to the<br />

United States in 1901. He was associated with J.L. *Magnes’<br />

Kehillah experiment in New York City (1910–18) and with its<br />

Bureau of Jewish Education under Samson *Benderly, and in<br />

64 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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