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JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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el-arish<br />

El-Amarna (1915); idem, in: OLZ, 20 (1917), 105–6; F. Thureau-Dangen,<br />

in: Revue d’assyriologie, 19 (1922), 91–108; P. Dhorme, in: RB, 33<br />

(1924), 5–32; G. Dossen, in: Revue d’assyriologie, 31 (1934), 125–36;<br />

S.A.B. Mercer, The Tell el-Amarna Tablets, 1–2 (1939); C.H. Gordon,<br />

in: Orientalia, 16 (1947), 1–21; A.P. Millard, in: PEQ (1965), 140–3; A.F.<br />

Rainey, El Amarna Tablets (1970), 359–79; R. Borger, Handbuch der<br />

Keilschriftliteratur (1967), 237–40; W. Reidel, Untersuchungen zu den<br />

Tell el-Amarna Briefen, 1–2 (1920); F. Bilabel, Geschichte Vorderasiens<br />

und Aegyptien vom 16–11 Jahrhunderten… (1927); Maisler, Untersuchungen,<br />

43–46; idem, in: JPOS, 9 (1929), 80–87; W.F. Albright, in: JEA,<br />

23 (1937), 190–203; idem, in: BASOR, 87 (1942), 32–38; 89 (1943), 7–17;<br />

104 (1946), 25–26; idem, in: JNES, 5 (1946), 5–25; idem, in: Pritchard,<br />

Texts, 483–90; idem, in: CAH2, 2 (1966), ch. 20 (incl. bibl.); W. von<br />

Soden, in: Orientalia, 21 (1952), 426–34; Y. Aharoni, in: IEJ, 3 (1953),<br />

153–61; Aharoni, Land, 87, 157–64; idem, in: VT, 19 (1969), 137–45; Alt,<br />

Kl Schr, 3, 158–75; E.F. Campbell, in: BA, 23 (1960), 2–22; idem, in:<br />

G.E. Wright (ed.), Shechem (1965), 191–207; D.O. Edzard, in: Journal<br />

of Economic and Social History of the Orient, 3 (1960), 38–55; M.L. Verani,<br />

Storia di Ugarit (1962), 18–30; idem, in: Revista degli studio Orientalo,<br />

40 (1965), 267–77; idem, in: Revue d’assyriologie, 61 (1967), 1–18;<br />

Ph. H.J. Houwink Ten Cate, in: BOR, 20 (1963), 270–76; M.C. Astour,<br />

in: For Max Weinreich (1964), 7–17; H. Klengel, in: MIO, 10 (1964),<br />

57–83; P. Artzi, in: Revue d’assyriologie, 58 (1964), 159–66; idem, in:<br />

JNES, 27 (1968), 63–71; idem, in: Bar-Ilan Decennary Volume, 2 (1969);<br />

idem, in: Proceedings of the 27th <strong>In</strong>ternational Congress of Orientalists<br />

(1969); A. Goetze, in: CAH2, 2 (1965), ch. 17; H. Klengel, Geschichte<br />

Syriens, 1–2 (1965–68); A.F. Rainey, Christian News from Israel, 2<br />

(1966), 30–38; 3 (1966), 23–24; idem, in: IEJ, 18 (1968), 1–14. LINGUIS-<br />

TIC STUDIES: F.-M. Th. Boehl, Die Sprache der Amarnabriefe (1909);<br />

E. Ebeling, Das Verbum der El-Amarna Briefe (1910); E. Dhorme, in:<br />

RB, 10 (1913), 369–93; 11 (1914), 37–59, 344ff.; O. Schroeder, in: OLZ,<br />

18 (1915), 105–6; S. Smith and C.J. Godel, in: JEA, 11 (1925), 230–40;<br />

J. Friedrich, Kleina siatische Sprachdenkmaeler (1932), 8–32; W.F. Albright,<br />

in: BASOR, 86 (1942), 28–31; idem and W.L. Moran, in: JCS, 4<br />

(1950), 163ff.; B. Landsberger, ibid., 8 (1954), 55–61; W.L. Moran, in:<br />

Orientalia, 29 (1960), 1–19; idem, in: G.E. Wright (ed.), The Bible and<br />

the Ancient Near East (1961), 54–72; idem, in: Eretz Israel, 9 (1969),<br />

94–99; R. Youngblood, in: BASOR, 168 (1962), 24–27; E. Salonen, Die<br />

Gruss-und Hoeflichkeitsformeln in babylonisch-assyrischen Briefen<br />

(1967), 61–70; P. Artzi, in: Bar-Ilan, 1 (1963), 27–57; idem, in: JNES,<br />

28 (1969), 261ff. CHRONOLOGY: A. Kitchen, Suppiluliuma and the<br />

Amarna Pharaohs (1962); E.F. Campbell, Jr., The Chronology of the<br />

Amarna Letters (1963); D.B. Redford, History and Chronology of the<br />

Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1967). STUDIES ON THE HISTORICAL,<br />


Yisrael (1938), 125–52; H. Reviv, in: BIES, 27 (1963), 270–5; P. Artzi, in:<br />

Eretz Israel, 9 (1969), 22–28; Z. Kalai and H. Tadmor, ibid., 138–47.<br />

Add. Bibliography: W. Moran, Les Lettres d’El Amarna (1987);<br />

idem, The Amarna Letters (1992) (reviewed by A. Rainey, in: Biblica,<br />

70 (1989), 568–72); idem, Amarna Studies (2003); R. Hess, Amarna<br />

Personal Names (1993); A. Rainey, Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets<br />

(1995). See also the bibliography under *Akhenaton.<br />

[William L. Moran]<br />

EL-ARISH (Ar. ﺶﻳﺮﻌﻟا, al-ʿArīsh), town on the Mediterranean<br />

coast of the Sinai Peninsula, near where Wadi al-ʿArīsh (the<br />

biblical Naḥal Miẓrayim: see Brook of *Egypt) reaches the sea.<br />

It was Sinai’s principal center through most historic periods<br />

due to a number of geographical assets: loess soil present in<br />

patches along Wadi al-ʿArīsh and, on other stretches, loess<br />

hidden beneath a thin cover of coarse, porous sand allowing<br />

seepage of rainwater to the subsoil; an average yearly rainfall<br />

of more than 100 mm. (4 in.) which exceeds that of the rest<br />

of Sinai; an enrichment of its water supply by underground<br />

seepage and by seasonal surface flow in Wadi al-ʿArīsh; land<br />

communications leading to the east and west along the ancient<br />

Via Maris (sea road) and to the south, southwest, and southeast<br />

along the course of the wadi; and anchoring facilities on<br />

the beach near the wadi mouth. From the first century, it was<br />

known as a trade center by the name Rhinokoroura. Josephus<br />

mentions the town as part of Judea (Ant. 13:395) and Titus prepared<br />

his march on Palestine there (Wars 4:662). Until 1895 El-<br />

Arish served as the border town between Egypt and Palestine.<br />

Rabbi Judah *al-Ḥarizi passed through El-Arish in 1218 but<br />

does not mention any Jews who might have been there.<br />

El-Arish Project<br />

<strong>In</strong> the early 20th century, El-Arish and its region were sparsely<br />

settled. At that time, Davis *Trietsch proposed the El-Arish<br />

project for northern Sinai as one of several alternatives for<br />

Jewish settlement in the Middle East. On the basis of *Herzl’s<br />

meeting in 1902 with Joseph *Chamberlain, the area, including<br />

the Pelusian Plain, was designated to become an autonomous<br />

Jewish settlement sponsored by the British government. Lord<br />

Cromer, then the British consul-general in Egypt, requested<br />

that a commission of experts explore the region on the prospects<br />

of settlement and its findings were positive. Nevertheless,<br />

the Egyptian government, on Cromer’s insistence, rejected the<br />

report, declaring itself unable to allocate water from the Nile<br />

for the settlement’s irrigation needs. Cromer’s refusal came in<br />

spite of Herzl’s efforts to rescue the scheme by reducing the<br />

project’s scope to the El-Arish vicinity and renouncing appropriation<br />

of Nile waters for development.<br />

From 1948<br />

During the Israel War of <strong>In</strong>dependence (1948), an Israeli army<br />

unit under Operation Ayin temporarily took up positions just<br />

south of El-Arish (December 1948). <strong>In</strong> the *Sinai Campaign,<br />

El-Arish fell to Israeli forces on Oct. 31, 1956, and was evacuated<br />

by them, according to the UN’s request, in February 1957.<br />

<strong>In</strong> the *Six-Day War it was taken by an Israeli column on June<br />

6, 1967, and remained under Israeli administration. Under the<br />

terms of Israel’s peace agreement with Egypt, El-Arish was returned<br />

to Egypt.<br />

After World War I, the town expanded gradually, numbering<br />

7,000 inhabitants in 1932 and, according to Egyptian<br />

sources, 22,000 in 1956 and 45,000 in 1967. <strong>In</strong> the census conducted<br />

by Israel in August 1967, El-Arish had a population of<br />

29,973. The date-palm groves near the seashore continue to<br />

constitute an important economic branch. Sea fishing and<br />

trapping of quails are additional sources of income. Since<br />

the 1950s, plantations of rhicinus bushes have gained ground<br />

in the area between El-Arish and Rafiaḥ (Rafaḥ) and rhicinus<br />

oil is produced in a factory in the town. Under Egyptian<br />

rule, administrative services to the Sinai Peninsula and especially<br />

services to the Egyptian army became important in El-<br />

286 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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