JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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embalming<br />

by any special individual, whether priest or king. <strong>In</strong> the Bible,<br />

Moses and Aaron have leading ritual roles, depending on the<br />

context, but the spring and fall festivals never specify the role<br />

of a priest, even in the Holiness and Priestly versions of Leviticus<br />

23 and Numbers 28–29. All the accounts of Israel’s primary<br />

festivals emphasize the gathering of the populace. At Emar, the<br />

most striking comparison again is found in the zukru, “given”<br />

by “the sons of the land of Emar” together and with feasting<br />

by “the people” as a whole. The feasting takes place outside the<br />

city walls, where all the gods of the town have gathered to witness<br />

Dagan’s procession between sacred stones. Although the<br />

king’s financial commitment to the festival is impressive, no<br />

ritual role is attributed to him. Likewise, the diviner is absent.<br />

Only the gods have individual roles, and we are never told who<br />

moves them or manipulates their statues. What is important<br />

is the participation of all the people and all their gods, the human<br />

and divine population of Emar. The same full participation<br />

characterizes the ideal of the <strong>Torah</strong> festivals.<br />

The continuities between the worlds of Emar and of<br />

the Bible have more to do with the structures of their societies.<br />

At the same time, the ritual calendar and emphasis on the<br />

collective at the ritual expense of the king, for example, are<br />

not universal Near Eastern traits. Somehow, both Ugarit and<br />

Emar show different expressions of a cultural kinship that<br />

reached north and south along the Mediterranean and inland.<br />

The overlapping preoccupations of <strong>Torah</strong> instruction and<br />

the Emar ritual texts allow glimpses of this common cultural<br />

foundation beneath the superstructures of their separate developments.<br />

These glimpses warn us neither to treat the Bible<br />

and its religion as a world unto itself nor to explain points of<br />

similarity by the notion of borrowing, especially by contacts<br />

with conquering Mesopotamian powers. Rather, these similarities<br />

are hints of a massive commonality, from which the<br />

distinct features of particular peoples developed. The commonality<br />

itself is not uniform across the ancient world, and<br />

the north-south axis is striking, even as lines of distinction<br />

will not often be sharp. Emar, like Ugarit and other Syrian<br />

sites with cuneiform archives from the Bronze Age, suggests<br />

a depth to the cultural traditions embedded in the Bible that<br />

is too easily neglected. Evaluation of the stories and the events<br />

they describe is a problem that requires other comparative<br />

evidence.<br />

Bibliography: M. Adamthwaite, Late Hittite Emar (2001); D.<br />

Arnaud, Recherches au pays d’Astata, Emar VI. 1–4 ( 1985–87); idem,<br />

Textes syriens de l’âge du Bronze Recent (1991); G. Beckman, Texts from<br />

the Vicinity of Emar in the Collection of Jonathan Rose. 1996; Z. Ben-<br />

Barak, in, M. Heltzer and E. Lipinski (ed.), Society and Economy in<br />

the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1500–1000 B.C.) (1988), 87–97; D. Beyer,<br />

Emar IV. Les sceau. ( 2001); M. Chavalas, (ed.). Emar: The History, Religion,<br />

and Culture of a Syrian Town in the Late Bronze Age (1996); U.<br />

Finkbeiner, et al. in: Baghdader Mitteilungen, 32 (2001) 41–110; ibid,<br />

33 (2002), 109–46; ibid, 34 (2003) 9–100; D. Fleming, The <strong>In</strong>stallation<br />

of Baal’s High Priestess at Emar (1992); idem, in, Ugarit-Forschungen<br />

24 (1992) 59–71; idem, in, RB 106 (1999) 8–35; 161–74; idem; Time at<br />

Emar (2000); J.-C. Margueron, (ed.), Le Moyen-Euphrate (1980); Articles<br />

by Arnaud, Laroche, and Margueron; idem, in, BA, 58 (1995)<br />

126–38; E. Pentiuc, West Semitic Vocabulary in the Akkadian Texts<br />

from Emar (2001); R. Pruzsinszky, Die Personennamen der Texte aus<br />

Emar (2003); S. Stephano, L’accadico di Emar. (1998); A. Tsukimoto,<br />

in, Acta Sumerologica, 12 (1990) 177–259; (II), 13 (1991) 275–333; (III)<br />

14 (1992) 311–15; (IV) 16 (1994) 231–36; J. Westenholz, Cuneiform <strong>In</strong>scriptions<br />

in the Collection of the Bible Lands Museum: The Emar<br />

Tablets (2000).<br />

[Daniel Fleming (2 nd ed.)]<br />

EMBALMING. The natural drying out of the body by solar<br />

heat (mummification) is the oldest method of preserving<br />

a corpse. The ancient Egyptians may have simply tried to<br />

dry corpses in the hot desert sands, or as in one of the chambers<br />

found at Thebes, in rooms which were artificially heated.<br />

Embalming is the artificial treatment of a corpse to prevent<br />

or delay its putrefaction. <strong>In</strong> ancient Egypt the technique<br />

consisted, according to Herodotus, of using an iron hook<br />

to draw out the brain through the nostrils, and then making<br />

a cut along the flank to remove the abdominal contents,<br />

which were washed and soaked in palm wine and infusions<br />

of spices, and then stored in “canopic” jars. The heart, as seat<br />

of intelligence, was removed, wrapped in linen, and replaced<br />

into the chest cavity. The cavity was filled with myrrh, cassia,<br />

and other spices before being sewn up; the body was then<br />

washed and wrapped from head to foot in fine linen. The Bible<br />

describes embalmers as “physicians” (Gen. 50:2), and mentions<br />

it (perhaps to provide local color) only with reference to<br />

Jacob and Joseph (Gen. 50:2–3, 26), who both died in Egypt.<br />

The statement that the process required 40 days (Gen. 50:3)<br />

is at variance with Herodotus’ statement that it required 70,<br />

the period which the Bible assigns to the Egyptians’ mourning<br />

for Jacob. <strong>In</strong> actuality, the mummification process might range<br />

between 30 and 200 days. The strong belief in an afterlife was<br />

what made preservation of the body so important in Egypt, in<br />

marked contrast to the situation in ancient Israel.<br />

Today embalming before burial is widely practiced in the<br />

United States by undertakers, who inject a formalin solution<br />

into the blood vessels; but in Israel it is rare, being confined<br />

entirely to bodies being sent abroad for burial (in conformity<br />

with international regulations).<br />

Bibliography: H.E. Sigerist, A History of Medicine (1951),<br />

353–54; I. Thorwald, Science and Secrets of Early Medicine (1962), index.<br />

Add. Bibliography: L. Lesko, in: CANE III, 1764–66.<br />

[Heinrich Karplus]<br />

EMBDEN, GUSTAV (1874–1933), German biochemist. Born<br />

in Hamburg, Embden was appointed professor of physiology<br />

at Frankfurt University in 1914, where he carried on his productive<br />

investigations into the chemistry of muscular contraction.<br />

Recognizing that muscle glycogen is not directly<br />

oxidized for energy, he helped to elaborate the metabolic<br />

pathways by which carbohydrate is degraded within the cell.<br />

This biochemical pattern, which bears his name, is characteristic<br />

of most living cells. Embden also stressed the significance<br />

of phosphoric acid in the intracellular metabolism of<br />

sugars. Other research contributions were in the area of fat<br />

390 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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