JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ER (Heb. רע; ַ “watcher, watchful”), the name of two biblical<br />

figures. (1) The eldest son of Judah and the daughter of Shua,<br />

a Canaanite (Gen. 38:2–3). He married *Tamar but died childless<br />

because of his wickedness (Gen. 38:6–7; 46:12; Num. 26:19;<br />

I Chron. 2:3). The nature of his offense is not specified. (2) The<br />

son of Shelah, the grandson of Judah, and the father of Lecah<br />

(I Chron. 4:21).<br />

Bibliography: W.F. Albright, Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan<br />

(1968), 69–70, 233p.<br />

°ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM (Desiderius Erasmus<br />

Roterodamus; 1469–1536), European humanist, theologian,<br />

and writer. Netherlands-born Erasmus lived and worked in all<br />

major countries of Europe and wrote only in Latin.<br />

Erasmus’ view of Judaism as a religion was fully determined<br />

by traditions of the New Testament (especially by the<br />

epistles ascribed to Paul) and of the Early Church (in the first<br />

place, Jerome, to a lesser extent, Augustine). An original aspect<br />

of this position is that he regularly used the words Judaismus,<br />

Judaeus, etc., to stigmatize bad Christians, “for whom religion<br />

consists of rituals and observations of corporeal things” (a<br />

letter of December 1504). <strong>In</strong> another writing, he says, “Judaism<br />

I call not Jewish impiety, but prescriptions about external<br />

things, such as food, fasting, clothes, which to a certain degree<br />

resemble the rituals of the Jews” (Declarationes ad censuras<br />

Lutetiae, 1532). <strong>In</strong> fact, the majority of Erasmus’ anti-Mosaic<br />

attacks are directed against this “new Judaism.”<br />

As far as the Jewish Bible (the Old Testament) is concerned,<br />

it is only natural that a Christian humanist professing<br />

“the philosophy of Christ” placed the New Testament higher<br />

than the Old. But on many occasions he insisted on the importance<br />

for Christians of the Old Testament in its entirety<br />

and, even more significantly, on the complete inadmissibility<br />

of contrasting the two Testaments.<br />

As a humanist (in the strict and specific sense of the<br />

word) Erasmus highly appreciated Hebrew and demanded<br />

thorough knowledge of the original language of the Bible.<br />

“Who does not master all three holy tongues [i.e., Hebrew,<br />

Greek, and Latin], is not a theologian, but a violator of the<br />

holy Theology” (Adagiae, 1515). But Erasmus’ own knowledge<br />

of Hebrew was rudimentary and he was completely dependent<br />

on other scholars’ commentaries and upon their direct,<br />

personal help (in his New Testament commentaries and paraphrases<br />

of Psalms). Hence numerous mistakes, “anti-philological”<br />

interpretations (discrediting Erasmus’ general method),<br />

and even a kind of irritation against “ambiguities” of Hebrew<br />

can be found in his writings.<br />

Erasmus’ attitude toward Jewry of his day should be evaluated<br />

against a background of the universal hatred of Jews,<br />

intolerance, and missionary zeal in the 15th and 16th centuries,<br />

especially in Germany. This sinister background is often apparent,<br />

much more in private correspondence than in writings<br />

intended for print. <strong>In</strong> some of the latter we find remarks<br />

that are comparatively moderate and reasonable. Thus, Erasmus<br />

thinks that the number of Jews, their force, and influence<br />

erech<br />

are insignificant, and, consequently, they are of no danger to<br />

Christianity; that forced conversion of Jews is absolutely inadmissible,<br />

and even that Christian missionary activity among<br />

Jews is perhaps useless; that the expulsion of Jews from Spain<br />

should be condemned, and that the Marranos should be<br />

treated mercifully, etc. Such remarks spring organically from<br />

the deepest principles of Erasmus’ understanding of the world<br />

and must be considered as really “erasmian.” But the “erasmian<br />

spirit,” expressing itself in a well-known line from a letter<br />

(January 30, 1523 (4)), “I have a temperament such that I could<br />

love even a Jew, if only he were well-mannered and friendly,<br />

and did not mouth blasphemy on Christ in my presence,” was<br />

far from always being uppermost. <strong>In</strong> fact, he never met a real<br />

Jew all his life, never sought out such a meeting, and never<br />

wrote anything especially devoted to Jews or Judaism. He was,<br />

in fact, indifferent to the living “remnant of Israel”; the fleshand-blood<br />

Jew was simply not within his field of vision. This<br />

indifference, in a time of catastrophic sharpening of religious<br />

and national fanaticism, could have been an initial step toward<br />

true tolerance. Erasmus’ position could be qualified as asemitism;<br />

suggesting that he was an antisemite seems to be as unhistorical<br />

as claiming he was sympathetic toward Jews.<br />

Bibliography: G. Kisch, Erasmus’ Stellung zu Juden and<br />

Judentum (1969)[Kisch considers Erasmus a rabid antisemite, equal<br />

to Luther]; S. Markish, Erasmus and the Jews, with an Afterword by<br />

Arthur A. Cohen (1986); G.B. Winkler, “Erasmus und die Juden,” in:<br />

Festschrift Franz Loidl zum 65 Geburstag (1970), 381–392; C. Augustijn,<br />

“Erasmus und die Juden,” in: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkengeschiedenis,<br />

60:1 (1980), 22–38.<br />

[Shimon Markish]<br />

°ERATOSTHENES OF CYRENE (c. 275–194 B.C.E.), polymath,<br />

author of Geographica, a first-rate geography much used<br />

by *Strabo, who cites his description of Arabia (16:4, 2), commenting<br />

upon the occupations of the inhabitants (including<br />

the Judeans), soil, flora, water supply, and distances. Strabo<br />

elsewhere (16:2, 44) cites Eratosthenes’ theory that the region<br />

around Edom was once a lake and that the land came into existence<br />

as a result of volcanic eruptions.<br />

ERECH (Sum. Unug; Akk. Uruk; modern Warka in Iraq),<br />

city mentioned as one of the mainstays of the kingdom of<br />

*Nimrod (Gen. 10:10), and perhaps referred to in Ezra 4:9.<br />

<strong>In</strong> ancient times Uruk lay on the bank of the Euphrates, approximately<br />

40 mi. (65 km.) N.W. of Ur; the river has now<br />

shifted far to the west, leaving the city in the desert. The site<br />

was occupied in the fifth millennium B.C.E., and experienced<br />

its first peak of prosperity in about 3300–3100 B.C.E., when it<br />

was probably the largest religious center of Sumer, with large<br />

temples and the earliest written documents so far known. The<br />

legendary hero Gilgamesh was probably an historical king of<br />

Uruk in about 2700 B.C.E. Uruk played a part in the rise of<br />

the Neo-Sumerian kings of Ur, and was the seat of a dynasty<br />

of West Semitic rulers shortly before the time of Hammurapi.<br />

Thereafter, it was politically unimportant, but remained a seat<br />

of learning until Seleucid times. It was the cult center of Anu,<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6 477

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