JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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ish Congress there in 1868 and the resultant split in Hungarian<br />

Jewry.<br />

*Sukkah, booth or tabernacle erected for *Sukkot when, for seven<br />

days, religious Jews “dwell” or at least eat in the sukkah (Lev.<br />

23:42).<br />

*Sukkot, festival of Tabernacles; last of the three pilgrim festivals,<br />

beginning on the 15th of Tishri.<br />

Sūra (Ar.), chapter of the Koran.<br />

Ta’anit Esther (Fast of *Esther), fast on the 13th of Adar, the day<br />

preceding Purim.<br />

Takkanah (pl. *takkanot), regulation supplementing the law of<br />

the <strong>Torah</strong>; regulations governing the internal life of communities<br />

and congregations.<br />

*Tallit (gadol), four-cornered prayer shawl with fringes (ẓiẓit) at<br />

each corner.<br />

*Tallit katan, garment with fringes (ẓiẓit) appended, worn by observant<br />

male Jews under their outer garments.<br />

*Talmud, “teaching”; compendium of discussion on the Mishnah<br />

by generations of scholars and jurists in many academies over a<br />

period of several centuries. The Jerusalem (or Palestinian) Talmud<br />

mainly contains the discussions of the Palestinian sages.<br />

The Babylonian Talmud incorporates the parallel discussion in<br />

the Babylonian academies.<br />

Talmud torah, term generally applied to Jewish religious (and ultimately<br />

to talmudic) study; also to traditional Jewish religious<br />

public schools.<br />

*Tammuz, fourth month of the Jewish religious year, tenth of the<br />

civil, approximating to June-July.<br />

Tanna (pl. *tannaim), rabbinic teacher of mishnaic period.<br />

*Targum, Aramaic translation of the Bible.<br />

*Tefillin, phylacteries, small leather cases containing passages from<br />

Scripture and affixed on the forehead and arm by male Jews during<br />

the recital of morning prayers.<br />

Tell (Ar. “mound,” “hillock”), ancient mound in the Middle East<br />

composed of remains of successive settlements.<br />

*Terefah, food that is not *kasher, owing to a defect on the animal.<br />

*Territorialism, 20th century movement supporting the creation<br />

of an autonomous territory for Jewish mass-settlement outside<br />

Ereẓ Israel.<br />

*Tevet, tenth month of the Jewish religious year, fourth of the civil,<br />

approximating to December–January.<br />

Tikkun (“restitution,” “reintegration”), (1) order of service for certain<br />

occasions, mostly recited at night; (2) mystical term denoting<br />

restoration of the right order and true unity after the spiritual<br />

“catastrophe” which occurred in the cosmos.<br />

Tishah be-Av, Ninth of *Av, fast day commemorating the destruction<br />

of the First and Second Temples.<br />

*Tishri, seventh month of the Jewish religious year, first of the civil,<br />

approximating to September–October.<br />

Tokheḥah, reproof sections of the Pentateuch (Lev. 26 and Deut.<br />

28); poem of reproof.<br />

*<strong>Torah</strong>, Pentateuch or the Pentateuchal scroll for reading in synagogue;<br />

entire body of traditional Jewish teaching and literature.<br />

Tosafist, talmudic glossator, mainly French (12–14th centuries),<br />

bringing additions to the commentary by *Rashi.<br />

*Tosafot, glosses supplied by tosafist.<br />

*Tosefta, a collection of teachings and traditions of the tannaim,<br />

closely related to the Mishnah.<br />

ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 1<br />

glossary<br />

Tradent, person who hands down a talmudic statement on the<br />

name of his teacher or other earlier authority.<br />

*Tu bi-Shevat, the 15th day of Shevat, the New Year for Trees; date<br />

marking a dividing line for fruit tithing; in modern Israel celebrated<br />

as arbor day.<br />

*Uganda Scheme, plan suggested by the British government in<br />

1903 to establish an autonomous Jewish settlement area in East<br />

Africa.<br />

*Va’ad Le’ummi, national council of the Jewish community in Ereẓ<br />

Israel during the period of the British *Mandate.<br />

*Wannsee Conference, Nazi conference held on Jan. 20, 1942,<br />

at which the planned annihilation of European Jewry was endorsed.<br />

Waqf (Ar.), (1) a Muslim charitable pious foundation; (2) state<br />

lands and other property passed to the Muslim community for<br />

public welfare.<br />

*War of <strong>In</strong>dependence, war of 1947–49 when the Jews of Israel<br />

fought off Arab invading armies and ensured the establishment<br />

of the new State.<br />

*White Paper(s), report(s) issued by British government, frequently<br />

statements of policy, as issued in connection with Palestine during<br />

the *Mandate period.<br />

*Wissenschaft des Judentums (Ger. “Science of Judaism”), movement<br />

in Europe beginning in the 19th century for scientific study<br />

of Jewish history, religion, and literature.<br />

*Yad Vashem, Israel official authority for commemorating the<br />

*Holocaust in the Nazi era and Jewish resistance and heroism<br />

at that time.<br />

Yeshivah (pl. *yeshivot), Jewish traditional academy devoted primarily<br />

to study of rabbinic literature; rosh yeshivah, head of the<br />

yeshivah.<br />

YHWH, the letters of the holy name of God, the Tetragrammaton.<br />

Yibbum, see levirate marriage.<br />

Yiḥud, “union”; mystical term for intention which causes the union<br />

of God with the *Shekhinah.<br />

Yishuv, settlement; more specifically, the Jewish community of Ereẓ<br />

Israel in the pre-State period. The pre-Zionist community is generally<br />

designated the “old yishuv” and the community evolving<br />

from 1880, the “new yishuv.”<br />

Yom Kippur, Yom ha-Kippurim, *Day of Atonement, solemn fast<br />

day observed on the 10th of Tishri.<br />

Yoreh De’ah, see Shulḥan Arukh.<br />

Yoẓer, hymns inserted in the first benediction (Yoẓer Or) of the<br />

morning *Shema.<br />

*Ẓaddik, person outstanding for his faith and piety; especially a<br />

ḥasidic rabbi or leader.<br />

Ẓimẓum, “contraction”; mystical term denoting the process<br />

whereby God withdraws or contracts within Himself so leaving<br />

a primordial vacuum in which creation can take place; primordial<br />

exile or self-limitation of God.<br />

*Zionist Commission (1918), commission appointed in 1918 by the<br />

British government to advise the British military authorities in<br />

Palestine on the implementation of the *Balfour Declaration.<br />

Ẓyyonei Zion, the organized opposition to Herzl in connection<br />

with the *Uganda Scheme.<br />

*Ẓiẓit, fringes attached to the *tallit and *tallit katan.<br />

*Zohar, mystical commentary on the Pentateuch; main textbook<br />

of *Kabbalah.<br />

Zulat, hymn inserted after the *Shema in the morning service.

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