JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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feminism<br />

normativity. An ideology of compulsory heterosexuality, not<br />

innate inclination, feminists argue, has pressured women into<br />

marriage with men and defined homosexuality as sinful. Feminist<br />

analysis has noted that in contrast to male homosexuality,<br />

lesbianism was never clearly defined in biblical literature,<br />

and never condemned with the severity of male homosexuality<br />

in rabbinic literature. Similarly, the condemnation of male<br />

masturbation in rabbinic texts finds no female counterpart,<br />

and the genital self-examination by women that is mandated<br />

in rabbinic laws regulating the laws of niddah replicates masturbatory<br />

acts. Freedom of sexual expression for women and<br />

men is considered central to women’s rights but also essential<br />

to reclaiming women’s control over their bodies after centuries<br />

in which fathers, husbands, and male rabbis regulated women’s<br />

lives (Schneer and Aviv; Magonet).<br />

*Lesbian Jewish identity as both homosocial and homosexual<br />

has been marginalized in the recent efflorescence of<br />

queer Jewish studies and its attention to the (male) body as a<br />

site of Jewish cultural, sexual, and religious identity. Lesbian<br />

thinkers have emphasized the body as a source of the spiritual,<br />

celebrating manifestations of women’s sexuality and arguing<br />

the centrality of eroticism to religiosity (Plaskow, Standing<br />

Again at Sinai). Although numerous gay and lesbian synagogues,<br />

as well as a World Congregation of Gay and Lesbian<br />

Jewish Organizations have been founded in recent decades,<br />

only the Reform and Reconstructionist rabbinical seminaries<br />

ordain openly gay and lesbian rabbis (R. Alpart, S.L. Elwell, and<br />

S. Idelson, eds. Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation (2001)).<br />

Adler has argued that the traditional male-only environments<br />

of rabbinic study not only fostered homoeroticism,<br />

but was dominated by a “methodolatry” that revolved around<br />

male concerns, omitting those of women. Responding to a<br />

husband’s post-World War II query, asking a rabbi if he is halakhically<br />

obligated to divorce his wife because her incarceration<br />

in a concentration camp may have included forced intercourse,<br />

Adler notes that only the man’s requirements form<br />

the question and not those of his wife. <strong>In</strong> responding to the<br />

absence of women from the formative practices and exegeses<br />

of rabbinic Judaism, Plaskow insists that women as well<br />

as men stood at Sinai and received God’s revelation, and that<br />

their experiences and interpretations should be included as<br />

equally normative as the rabbinic law developed by men in<br />

response to the revelation.<br />

Other feminist analyses of halakhah proceed differently.<br />

Both R. Biale and Hauptman have pointed to halakhic interpretations<br />

that have been favorable to women, and to sociological<br />

processes of analyzing halakhah that result in lenient<br />

conclusions. These scholars explain certain traditional practices,<br />

such as excluding women from being called to the <strong>Torah</strong><br />

for an aliyah, as reflections of particular social settings, not<br />

as eternal legal dicta.<br />

Changes in Feminist Theory<br />

Postmodernism, which has had a strong influence on feminist<br />

theory, has changed the modes of understanding power and<br />

analyzing language. <strong>In</strong>stead of viewing power solely as hierarchical<br />

domination, feminist theory, influenced by M. Foucault,<br />

has come to understand power as capillary, a disciplinary<br />

regime maintaining its force not only through conventional<br />

sources of domination, but also through the unconventional,<br />

including language itself. Complementing Foucault’s understanding<br />

of the exercise of power are studies by Gramsci<br />

and Althusser of the consent of the disempowered to regimens<br />

that maintain their subjugation. Changing the understanding<br />

of power opens new ways to interpret women’s position<br />

within Judaism. T. El-Or’s study of ḥaredi (ultra-Orthodox)<br />

women demonstrates that their education is designed to keep<br />

them in a state of ignorance and subordination to men. By<br />

contrast, Sered’s studies argue that women’s piety and rituals<br />

create a sense of personal self-worth and permit female<br />

religious leadership within women-only domains, such as the<br />

mikveh and ezrat nashim. L. Levitt has challenged classical<br />

liberalism as a tool of feminist empowerment, and M. Peskowitz<br />

has called for greater attention to the ideological function<br />

of rabbinic texts in creating power structures and the adherence<br />

to them. Surprisingly little attention has been given<br />

by Jewish feminism to theorizing race and class, in contrast<br />

to other feminisms. E. Shohat has written on Arab-Jewish<br />

identity and the biases toward Europe in Jewish selfunderstanding,<br />

and K. Brodkin has described How Jews Became<br />

White Folks (1999) in the United States. Feminist efforts<br />

to address antisemitism as part of a larger critique of<br />

racism are notable within a multicultural atmosphere that<br />

has tended to ignore Jewish experience (Biale, Galchinsky,<br />

and Heschel, eds.; M. Brettschneider, ed.; Bulkin, Pratt, and<br />

Smith, eds.).<br />

Contemporary attention to the ways Jewish women’s<br />

experiences have differed from those of men has led to both<br />

internal and external critiques of Judaism. While countless<br />

Jewish theologians in previous generations proclaimed the<br />

moral superiority of Jewish law, most disregarded the ethical<br />

significance of the inferior status of women in Jewish law.<br />

Written in apologetic terms for a wider Christian readership,<br />

traditional Jewish theology tended to defend the traditional,<br />

subordinate role of women as an expression of respect for a<br />

femininity that is considered intrinsic and not culturally produced.<br />

Jewish feminism has struggled with the fine line between<br />

its critique of Judaism’s sexism and antisemitic attacks<br />

on Judaism.<br />

Bibliography: A. Grossman, Pious and Rebellious: Jewish<br />

Women in Medieval Europe (2004); J. Plaskow, “Feminist Anti-Judaism<br />

and the Christian God,” in: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion,<br />

7:2 (1991), 99–108; K. von Kellenbach. Anti-Judaism in Feminist<br />

Religious Writings (1994); S. Heschel, “Configurations of Patriarchy,<br />

Judaism and Nazism in German Feminist Thought,” in: T. Rudavsky<br />

(ed.), Gender and Judaism (1995); idem, “Jüdische-feministische Theologie<br />

und Antijudaismus in christlich-feministischer Theologie,” in<br />

L. Siegele-Wenschkewitz (ed.), Feministische Theologie und die Verantwortung<br />

für die Geschitchte (1988); M. Friedman, Martin Buber’s<br />

Life and Work: The Early Years 1878–1923 (1981); K. Goldman, Beyond<br />

the Synagogue Gallery: Finding a Place for Women in American Ju-<br />

756 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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