JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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euphemism and dysphemism<br />

Isa. 36:12; cf. also II Kings 10:27 where Le-maḥara’ot is read lemoẓa’ot);<br />

and sheineihem (“their urine”) to memei ragleihem<br />

(II Kings 18:27; Isa. 36:12).<br />

Lists of euphemistic expressions in the Bible are found<br />

in early tannaitic collections of halakhic Midrash. Eleven examples<br />

are given in the Mekhilta (Shirah 6) and seven in the<br />

Sifrei (Num. 84). The technical term employed is kinnah hakatuv,<br />

“Scripture used a euphemistic expression.” Later collections<br />

of Midrash (Tanḥ. Be-Shalah 16; Gen. R. 49:7; Ex.<br />

R. 13:1) employed the phrase *tikkun soferim (“emendation<br />

of the scribes”) and record additional examples of this phenomenon.<br />

Though the difference in terminology reflects two<br />

different schools of thought, namely those holding that the<br />

Bible itself originally employed euphemistic expressions and<br />

those holding that the change was first made by the soferim,<br />

both agree that the changes were made in deference to the<br />

honor of the Lord (Lieberman). Examples of one such list<br />

follow: (1) “Abraham remained standing before the Lord” for<br />

“The Lord remained standing before Abraham” (Gen. 18:22);<br />

(2) “For his sons were blaspheming themselves” for “blaspheming<br />

God” (I Sam. 3:13); (3) “But my people have changed<br />

their glory for that which does not profit” for “My glory” (Jer.<br />

2:11); (4) “Are you not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my<br />

Holy One? We shall not die” for “You shall not die” (Hab.<br />

1:12); and (5) “For he who touches you touches the apple of<br />

his eye” for “my eye” (Zech. 2:12). Another kind of substitution<br />

resulting from religious scruples is found in the change<br />

of the vocalization of the verb ra’ah (האר; “to see”) from the<br />

active to the passive, “to be seen” (Luzzatto). It is used when<br />

referring to the three appointed times during the year that the<br />

Israelite was obliged to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in order<br />

“to see,” i.e., to be in the presence of God (e.g., Ex. 23:15;<br />

34:20, 23; Deut. 16:16).<br />

Dysphemism<br />

Dysphemism is the substitution of an offensive or disparaging<br />

term for an inoffensive one. The biblical examples pertain<br />

to idolatry: (1) ʾElil (“idol”), whose etymology is uncertain (it<br />

may be the diminutive of ʾel (“god”) or derived from ʾal (“nonentity”)),<br />

means worthlessness, nothingness (e.g., Jer. 14:14;<br />

Job 13:4); (2) shikkuẓ (“abomination”) is found in the expression,<br />

“Chemosh, the abomination of Moab and Molech, the<br />

abomination of the Ammonites” (I Kings 11:7; cf. also II Kings<br />

23:13; cf. also the dysphemistic use of shikkuẓ meshomem<br />

(“abomination of desolation”; e.g., Dan. 11:31)). The plurals<br />

shikkuzim (e.g., Deut. 29:16; II Kings 23:24) and gillulim (literally,<br />

“dung-pellets”; “fetishes”; e.g., Lev. 26:30), and toʿevah<br />

(“abomination”; e.g., II Kings 23:13, “Milcom, the abomination<br />

of the Ammonites”), are comparable terms; (3) the word<br />

boshet (“shame”) is substituted for baʿal (“lord”; originally a<br />

title for the God of Israel, but later interpreted as the name of<br />

the Canaanite god, Baal, in several personal names: the names<br />

of Saul’s son, Eshbaal (I Chron. 8:33; 9:39), and grandson (Jonathan’s<br />

son), Merib-Baal (I Chron. 8:34; 9:40), are changed to<br />

Ish-Bosheth (II Sam. 2:8) and Mephibosheth (II Sam. 4:4);<br />

the name of the “judge” Jerubbaal (Gideon; Judg. 6:32) later<br />

appears as Jerubbesheth (II Sam. 11:21)); (4) the vocalization<br />

of “Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonites” may be a dysphemism<br />

alluding to boshet, “shame” (e.g., I Kings 11:5, 33), Ashtoreth<br />

for Ashtereth (cf. Gr. Astarte).<br />

A. Geiger thought the same was true of the pointing of<br />

*Molech, the god of the Ammonites (e.g., I Kings 11:7), but<br />

since O. Eissfeldt’s study of this term, the word molekh, which<br />

may have originally meant “vow” or “sacrifice,” and its pointing,<br />

which may be original to a West Semitic dialect, have been<br />

subject to debate. Some scholars have also assumed a similar<br />

pointing for the Hebrew word, tofet, tefet (cf. Gr. Thappeth,<br />

Thapheth, Tapheth). The substitution of the place name Beth-<br />

Aven (“house of iniquity”) for Beth-El (“house of God”; Hos.<br />

4:15; 5:8) is also a kind of dysphemism which was employed<br />

because of the idolatrous worship in that place.<br />

[Shalom M. Paul]<br />

<strong>In</strong> the Talmud<br />

Euphemisms are extensively used in the Talmud and Midrash.<br />

The recourse to them is based upon various considerations.<br />

The first is the insistence on the need for pure and refined<br />

speech and the avoidance of all gross and vulgar expressions.<br />

This is explicitly stated in the Talmud: “One should not utter<br />

a gross expression” and examples are given of the manner in<br />

which the Bible itself employs circumlocutions to avoid the<br />

use of the word “unclean.” Actual examples are given: two disciples<br />

of Rav were discussing how the discourse in the academy<br />

had exhausted them. One of them said that he was as exhausted<br />

as a pig (“davar aḥer,” see later), while the other said<br />

“as a kid.” Rav refused to speak to the former. Similarly it is<br />

stated that Hillel foretold of Johanan b. Zakkai (or Judah ha-<br />

Nasi of R. Johanan) that he would be an outstanding teacher<br />

in Israel because, instead of saying, as his colleague did, “we<br />

may gather olives in uncleanness,” he said “we may not gather<br />

olives in cleanness,” and the forecast was fulfilled (Pes. 3b).<br />

The rabbis even regard the use of the phrase “eating bread” in<br />

Genesis 39:6 (Gen. R. 86:6) and in Exodus 2:20 (Tanḥ. 1:11) as<br />

a euphemism for sexual intercourse (that they are probably<br />

right with regard to the former seems clear from a comparison<br />

between Gen. 39:6 and 9).<br />

This delicacy is particularly evident in the euphemisms<br />

used for the privy parts of the body and their functions. The<br />

male genital organ is referred to as “the organ” (ever: BM 84a)<br />

and the female as “that place” (Nid. 20a). The toilet is called<br />

“the house of water” (Meg. 3:2) or “the house of the chair”<br />

(Tam. 1:1; Ber. 25a). Urine is called “the water of the feet” (Ker.<br />

6a) or “the jet” (silon: Ber. 25a) and defecation “having need<br />

of his apertures” (Git. 70a) or “turning aside” (ponim: Toh.<br />

10:2; nifneh: Ber. 62a). Sexual intercourse is “the usage of the<br />

bed” (tashmish ha-mittah: Yoma 8:1) or simply tashmish (Ket.<br />

65b) and so on.<br />

A special euphemism is the use of the phrase davar aḥer<br />

(“another thing”) for anything repulsive. It is generally used<br />

for the *pig, but is variously employed also for leprosy (Pes.<br />

550 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 6

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