PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer

PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer

PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer


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ABSTRACTIn this study, it was aimed to determine the relationships between type ofthe high school graduted and undergraduate course groups, regarding thelearning styles and academic successes of Turkish Naval Academy first yearmidshipmen.In this study the descriptive method was utilized. The subjects were 231freshmen of Turkish Naval Academy attending 2003 – 2004 academic year.In order to determine the learning styles of midshipmen, “BIG 16 LearningStyles Inventory”, which is developed by Nurettin SIMSEK in 2002 for thepurpose of determining the learning styles of middle and higher educationstudents was applied. This inventory defines three basic learning styles,which are; kinesthetic, auditory and visual, regarding the learningenvironment and methods that are prefered by the subjects. 2003 – 2004academic year first semester final grades was used for the academicsuccesses of the midshipmen.While analyzing the data, Pearson Momentum Product Correlation Indexwas used in order to determine any relation and (One Way Analysis ofVariance (ANOVA) in order to determine any difference between theaverages. When multiple comparisons between averages were needed“Tukey HSD” test was used. All these analyses are carried out with“SPSS 9.01” commercially off the shelf program with the significance level of0.05.In conclusion;- There was a significant difference between the averages of kinesthetic,auditory and visual scores of the subjects at the confidence level of 0.95.Moreover, among the learning style score averages the highest one was“visual learning style” scores at the significance level of 0.05.- There was not a significant relationship between the learning styles ofthe subjects and the type of the high school they graduated from at thesignificance level of 0.05.-XV-

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