PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer

PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer

PROBLEM DURUMU - Prof.Dr. Seval Fer


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135LeFever,M.(1998). Learning styles-Reaching everyone-God Gave you toteach. Eastbourne, Great Britain: Kingsway Publications.Mccaulley,M.H.(1990). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: a measure forindividuals and groups. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling &Development, 22 (4), 181-196.Mehdikhani,N.(1983). The relative effects of teacher teaching style, teacherlearning style, and student learning style upon student academicachievement. USA: The Catholic University of America. YayımlanmamışDoktora Tezi (UMI ProQuest Digital Dissertations, No:AAT 8314893).Monsour,S.E.M.(1991). The relationship between a prescrıbed homeworkprogram considering learning style preferences and the mathachievement of eighth-grade students. USA: The University Of SouthernMississippi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi (UMI ProQuest DigitalDissertations, No:AAT 9127485).Morgan,H.(1997). Cognitive styles and classroom learning. Wesport,Connecticut,USA: Praeger Publishers.Mumford,A.(1997). Etkili öğrenme. Ankara: İlkkaynak Kültür ve SanatÜrünleri.Ogato,B.G.(1991). An experimental investigation of the relationships betweenperceptual modality preferences of middle school students and theiracademic achievement. USA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi (UMI ProQuest DigitalDissertations, No:AAT 9209612).Opt,S.K.(2000). Rethinking communication apprehension: a Myers-Briggsperspective. Journal of Psychology, 134 (5), 556-570.Öztuzcu,D.(1997). The role of learning style in learning English as a secondlanguage by Turkish university students. USA: Pasific WesternUniversity. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.-135-

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