Ivan Dobnik - Vilenica

Ivan Dobnik - Vilenica

Ivan Dobnik - Vilenica


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Nikola Madžirov se je rodil leta 1973 v Nikola Madzirov was born in 1973 in<br />

Strumici v Makedo�iji. Je �es�ik, �es�ik, �es�ik, ese� ese� ese� Strumica, Mace donia. He is a poet,es- jist, ured�ik i� �revajalec. Med �jego� �jego� �jego� sayist, editor and translator. His books<br />

ve �es�iške zbirke s�adajo Заклучени of poetry include the works Заклучени<br />

во градот (Zakle�je�i v mestu, 1999), во градот (Locked in the City, 1999)<br />

za katero je �rejel �agrado »Stude�tski for which he received the Studentski<br />

Zbor« za �ajboljši �rve�ec, Некаде Zbor award for the best debut book,<br />

никаде (Nekod �ikjer, 1999), za kate� Некаде никаде (Somewhere Nowhere,<br />

ro je �rejel �agrado Aca Karama�ova, 1999) for which he received the Aco<br />

i� Преместен камен (Premak�je� Karamanov award, and Преместен<br />

kame�, 2007), za katero je bil odliko� камен (Relocated Stone, 2007) for which<br />

va� z med�arod�o �agrado Huberta he received the international Hubert<br />

Burde, �ame�je�o avtorjem, roje�im Burda poetry award for authors born in<br />

�a območju Vzhod�e Evro�e, i� �re� Eastern Europe, and the most prestigious<br />

stiž�o makedo�sko �agrado bratov Macedonian Miladinov Brothers poetry<br />

Miladi�ov �a festivalu Struški večeri prize at the �Struga �Struga Poetry Evenings� Evenings� fes-<br />

�oezije. Njegovo �es�iško ustvarja�je<br />

je �avdih�ilo dva kratka filma; ede�<br />

tival. His poetic endeavours have inspired<br />

two short films; one was produced in<br />

je bil �os�et v Bolgariji, drugi �a �a Bulgaria and the other in Croatia. He<br />

Hrvaškem. Prejel je števil�e šti�e�� has also been awarded several fellow-<br />

dije, med �jimi tudi šti�e�dijo �ro� ships, among them the University of<br />

jekta I�ter�atio�al Writi�g Program Iowa’s International Writing Program<br />

U�iverze v Iowi, šti�e�dijo sklada fellowship, the �Brandenburger Tor�<br />

»Bra�de�burger Tor« i� šti�e�dijo Foundation grant and the Vienna<br />

du�aj skega sklada »KulturKo�takt«. �KulturKontakt� Foundation grant. His<br />

Njegove �esmi so bile �revede�e v tri� poetry has been translated into thirty<br />

deset jezikov.<br />


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