A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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this, or the same, and also others. Then there is a separate storybetween the ground and the first floors which also has many roomsthat may be used for groups. Also there is a big basement. We may notneed it now. We could shut up part <strong>of</strong> the house in the beginning.Q Would Lyne be kept on as well?MR. O. Certainly. Lyne is necessary for people who can <strong>com</strong>e there,and also in one or two years Lyne will be self-supporting and will notneed any particular help.MRS. P. Is there any idea <strong>of</strong> the sum required?MR. O. I don't know yet. Those who wish to <strong>com</strong>e to the specialmeeting, not from curiosity, because they think they can help in one oranother way, should give their names to Mme. K.MRS. S. Isn't there a usual yearly rent, as well as lease?MR. O. Yes, but the rent is <strong>com</strong>paratively small.MRS. N. Is it fairly central?MR. O. It is central for us, it is in this part <strong>of</strong> London.MR. P . Isn't it very important not to lose this opportunity <strong>of</strong> gettingthis house? If we do not get it, it seems very difficult to find anotherIt might delay the expansion for a very long time if we do not get it.MR O It is almost impossible to find a suitable house It is quite rightwhat you say. If we cannot take this house we will be obliged to takeanother, quite near here, on a short lease. But that will not give thesame possibilities.MRS. S Apart from the financial side, what rests with us in the question?MR O At the present moment the first thing is to decide the financialsideMR P Does the house be<strong>com</strong>e the <strong>of</strong>ficial headquarters <strong>of</strong> the Societyat once? If we got the house, would it be a question <strong>of</strong> starting theSociety at once?MR O Quite right Then it will be useful in many waysMRS J It seems a great deal hangs on the question <strong>of</strong> importance Theorganization and house must go together This is the most suitable houseMR O said we must try to understand what this means, and what it isnecessary for us to do How can we better prepare for this organization?MR O You cannot bring the question <strong>of</strong> importance and not importance <strong>of</strong> things here It does not enter into the question <strong>of</strong> the house—it is too obvious.

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