A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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MISS B If you sit down and try to think about it you can't get it, butsometimes it happens Has it something to do with memory?MR O NoMISS B Can there be degrees <strong>of</strong> the activity <strong>of</strong> painting a picture?MR O Yes, certainly, there are many degrees, from bad pictures togood picturesMISS M Is scientific research the same activity as building a house,because it is bringing order out <strong>of</strong> chaos?MR O No, it is not the sameMR S Can one see the forces in a triad like scientific research inconnection with the ideas <strong>of</strong> the system first force, the person doingthe research, second force, the subject <strong>of</strong> the research and third force,the system, because the idea is connected with the system?MR O No, no, that is too <strong>com</strong>plicated, unnecessarily <strong>com</strong>plicatedMR H Are activities octaves, because they take time? Or points inoctaves?MR M All my activities seem to be mixtures, one part like building ahouse and the other burning a house and so on Is this possible?MR O You must try to find pure standards Then we will talkMR H Are all activities which end in second force bad?MR O What does bad mean? You see? You cannot answer, soyour question means nothingMISS B Is the reason why we can't think about activities that weshould feel them <strong>by</strong> an emotional process?MR O I do not know There is no evidenceMR B Could a thing like reading the newspaper be two quite differentactivities? It nearly always leaves me in a lower state than when Istarted, but we have been told that there is a right way <strong>of</strong> reading thenewspaper Is it two different triads working?MR O You can read differently So you cannot take reading, when itis only the standard <strong>of</strong> somethingMR S Do we ever use the emotional parts <strong>of</strong> centres? Attention thatgoes <strong>by</strong> interest is said to belong to these, but if I read a detectivenovel, it keeps my attention, but it is a very flat interest which I can'tfeel is really emotionalMR O This is only observationMRS S Can you connect work <strong>of</strong> various centres with activities? Forinstance, work <strong>of</strong> art must be work <strong>of</strong> higher centres?

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