A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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Q . Are we to only ask people who appear to be suitable to us or are weto ask people who appear to be unsuitable as well?MR. O. Rather dangerous experiment! You will find it is dangerouseven with people who look suitable.Q . Is it a good thing to introduce people to 'The New Model <strong>of</strong> theUniverse' before we tell them that there is a system?MR. O. Yes, generally speaking it is useful, only again there are differentpeople. Some people could like 'New Model' and find somethingthere and find nothing in this—I already heard several reports likethat.Q . I can think <strong>of</strong> one or two people who, if I said there was somethingbehind it, would read it.MR. O. You must not speak about 'something behind'—perhaps thereis nothing behind.Q . If we hear that the lectures are starting again may we attend even ifwe haven't been able to bring anybody?MR. O. Very difficult, because we are limited <strong>by</strong> space and time in allthat we do in this world—sometimes, but I cannot promise anything.Q . I don't understand, if we cannot do anything <strong>by</strong> ourselves, how canwe start organizing things <strong>by</strong> ourselves?MR. O. Yes, that is rather difficult.First <strong>of</strong> all it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to talkand think—we always think we can start with' doing'. This is one <strong>of</strong>our chief mistakes, and 'doing', even when it is possible in a small way,it is always lost, as it is necessary to have a plan and only then try to dosomething even when it is possible.Q . If people hear that there are lectures and do want to <strong>com</strong>e, shouldwe give any idea that it is possible that there will be lectures within thenext three months?MR. O. I cannot say just now, it may be sooner or later, I cannot sayjust now. Partly it depends on the quantity <strong>of</strong> people; if certainnumbers are ready, or more or less ready or wishing to <strong>com</strong>e, then wecan start earlier, but if there are only a few people we have to waituntil there will be more. Experience shows that it is difficult, almostimpossible to begin with large group, also it is useless to begin withtoo small group. For instance, we have here now about seventypeople—it is absolutely useless to begin with seventy, or it will beordinary lecture to them, they will <strong>com</strong>e and listen and remember

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